

accidental architectures, examples of, 25


auditing, 149

defining, 149

domain agents, 151

infrastructure agents, 151

message backbones, 151

simple agents, 150

typing, 150

aggregation agents, 151

agility, SOA-EDA development, 135

airline flight control EDA case study, 159-160

ATCSCC software, 161


adding new users to, 168

auditing, 169

autonomic response, 168

bottleneck analytics, 170

bottleneck awareness, 169

bottleneck resolution capacity, 169

carrying state in, 181-182

cost-effective integration, 171

customizable front-end interfaces, 168

data transformation in, 171, 178-180

enabling technology factors in, 174-175

ESB federation in, 177

event web service life cycles, 191-195

extensibility, 171

extensible front-end interfaces, 168

functional requirements, 168-170

high-level architecture, 172-174

local event processing, 171

minimal impact on existing systems, 171

mitigation of risks in, 198-199, 203-204

organization in, 199-200

project life cycle, 201-203

project risks in, 197

real-time awareness, 168

reliability, 169

reporting, 169

security, 169

SOA governance in, 182-187, 190-196

success metrics, 204-205

system level communications, 169

system requirements, 171

“what-if” modeling, 169

ripple effect, 163-166

analysis (real-time), EDA and, 101

anti–money laundering SOA-EDA

case study, 209, 223-224


compatible development practices, 253

defining reference architectures, 242-244

integrating with bank’s SOA, 251

joint planning with enterprise architecture teams, 252-253

matching requirements with internal controls, risk mitigation and compliance, 246-248, 251

optimizing ownership, 234-242

SOA governance, 254-258

event clouds, 222

event listeners, 232

event producers, 222, 227, 231-232

IT aspects of, 216, 219-221

rules engines, 222

SOBA, 228, 231

application design

reducing central control in, 142

carrying state inside events, 147-148

controllers versus trusted executors, 142-146

designing for unanticipated use, 148

enabling autonomous behavior, 148

unanticipated use, designing for, 148

application integration

EAI, 29-30

middleware, 29-30

asynchronous messaging

coupling, 75

JMS, 77

message mediators, 77

MOM, 77

point-to-point messaging, 76-77

publish/subscribe messaging, 76-77

ATCSCC (Air Traffic Control System

Command Center) software, 161


anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 216, 219-221

FEDA, 169

augmenting agents, 150

autonomic response (FEDA), 168

autonomous behavior, enabling, 148


BAM (Business Activity Monitoring), 86

banks, money laundering

auditing, 216, 219-221

prevention, 214-216, 219-221

risks of, 212-213

benefits of EDA, calculating, 153

BI (business intelligence), ProdCo EDA-PI integration case study, 287

bottleneck analytics (FEDA), 170

bottleneck awareness (FEDA), 169

bottleneck resolution capacity (FEDA), 169

BPM (business process modeling)

EDA and, 102

interoperability and, 31-34

buses, message backbones, 151

business extension as interoperability driver, 28

business functional requirements as interoperability driver, 28


case studies

airline flight control, 159-160

ATCSCC software, 161

FEDA, 167-187, 190-205

ripple effect, 163-166

anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 209, 223-224

compatible development practices, 253

defining reference architectures, 242-244

event clouds, 222

event listeners, 232

event producers, 222, 227, 231-232

integrating with bank’s SOA, 251

IT aspects of, 216, 219-221

joint planning with enterprise architecture teams, 252-253

matching requirements with internal controls, risk mitigation and compliance, 246-248, 251

optimizing ownership, 234-242

rules engines, 222

SOA governance, 254-258

SOBA, 228, 231

ProdCo EDA-PI integration case study, 281

BI (business intelligence) in, 287

event processing in, 288

implementing, 292-293

integration requirements, 284-287

order fulfillment, 273-274

productivity tools in, 275-276

proposed EDA, 276-280

sales proposals, 273-274

target architecture for, 288, 291-292

central control, reducing in application design

carrying state inside events, 147-148

controllers versus trusted executors, 142-146

designing for unanticipated use, 148

enabling autonomous behavior, 148

CEP (complex event processing), 22

closed loop SOA, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 258

code reusability, EDA and, 97-98

commercial EDA, gaps in, 156-157

complex event agents, 151

complex event processing, 22


EDA and, 107-108

matching EDICTS requirements with, 246-248, 251

consciousness (enterprise nervous systems), EDA as, 83-86

content filtering, sample EDA suite, 154-156

content-based routing, sample EDA suite, 154-156

context in EDA, 85

context sensitivity, loose coupling, 71

continuous auditing, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 217-221

contracts (services), SOA-EDA development, 124


New Order business process, role in, 143-144

trusted executors versus, 142-146

cost savings, SOA-EDA development, 134

costs of EDA, calculating, 153


asynchronous messaging, 75

defining, 60

loose coupling

asynchronous messaging, 75

component integration, 72-73

context sensitivity, 71

defining, 68

maintainability, 69

POS (point-of-sale) program example, 68, 71

SOA development, 123

software preconception, 68

syncrhonous messaging, 74-76

SOA, loose coupling, 60-61

synchronous messaging, 74-76

tight coupling

asynchronous messaging, 75

synchronous messaging, 74-76

customizable front-end interfaces (FEDA), 168


data access, uniform methods in SOA-EDA development, 135

data enrichment, sample EDA suite, 154

data integrity (lineage) in SOA-EDA development, 135

data transformation, FEDA, 171, 178-180

datasheets, sample EDA suite, 154

dictionary of events, 150

domain agents, 151

dynamic determinism, EDA, 82

dynamic system processing, 84


EAI (enterprise application integration), 29-30

eBay, ethics and, 86

EDA (event-driven architectures)

airline flight control case study, 159-160

ATCSCC software, 161

FEDA, 167-187, 190-205

ripple effect, 163-166

anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 209, 223-224

compatible development practices, 253

defining reference architectures, 242-244

event clouds, 222

event listeners, 232

event producers, 222, 227, 231-232

integrating with bank’s SOA, 251

IT aspects of, 216, 219-221

joint planning with enterprise architecture teams, 252-253

matching requirements with internal controls, risk mitigation and compliance, 246-248, 251

optimizing ownership, 234-242

rules engines, 222

SOA governance, 254-258

SOBA, 228, 231

application design, reducing central control in, 142-148

benefits of, 82

BPM (business process modeling), 102

compliance, 107-108

context in, 85

cost and benefit calculation in, 153

defining, 1-3, 14-19, 35-36, 78

development of, 9, 23

application integration, 29-30

enterprise nervous systems, 3-5, 63-64

interoperability, 6-7, 24-34, 37

SOA, 8

dynamic determinism, 82

EDA-PI integration

potential benefits of, 267-272

ProdCo case study, 273-281, 284-288, 291-293

EDP and, 65-67

enterprise agility, 101

enterprise nervous systems, as consciousness of, 83-86

event consumers, 17

event listeners, 17, 81

event processors, 17, 22

event producers, 16

event publishers, 16

event reactions, 18-19


defining, 14

detecting, 81

exposing, 81-82

system state in, 83

examples of, 1-2

explicit EDA, 21

functional agility, 101

functions of, 78

gaps in commercial EDA solutions, 156-157

governments and, 103-105

health-care services and, 106

implementing, 149

implicit EDA, 21

inadequate human link in, 262

IT and

code reusability, 97-98

security monitoring, 92, 95

service virtualization, 99

software integration, 95-97

system monitoring, 92

loose coupling

component integration, 72-73

context sensitivity, 71

maintainability, 69

software preconception, 68


agent typing, 150

event management, 149

messaging backbone, 19

network traffic and, 152

operational agility, 101

overview of, 15-16

paradigmatic EDA, assembling, 20-21

parallel paradigm of, 149

performance and, 152

real-time analytics, 101

reasons for not implementing, 152

sample EDA suite

content filtering, 154-156

content-based routing, 154-156

data enrichment, 154

datasheet for, 154

ESB, 156

service requests, 128


defining, 38-39

governing, 39-42

managing, 39, 42

SOA-EDA development

agility in, 135

business case scenarios, 136-137

business value of services, 124

cost savings, 134

data integrity (lineage) in, 135

enterprise services, 116

enterprise-level architecture teams, 119

ESB, 113-114, 125-128

event service creation, 112

granularity of services, 123

long-term design strategies for, 119

long-term development strategies, 122

loose coupling, 123

maintenance costs, 135

management options, 130-132

ROI (return on investment), 134, 137

service brokers, 128-129

service contracts, 124

service design, 122

service networks, 115-118

steps of development, 120-121

TCO (total cost of ownership), 134

uniform data access methods in, 135

strategic agility, 101

system extensibility, 82

system state in, 83

web services, 58, 79

EDICTS (Event-Driven Internal Controls Tracking System)

compatible development practices, 253

designing for long-term success

defining reference architectures, 242-244

integrating with bank’s SOA, 251

matching requirements with internal controls, risk mitigation and compliance, 246-248, 251

optimizing ownership, 234-242

joint planning with enterprise architecture teams, 252-253

SOA governance, 254-258

EDP (event-driven programming), 65

defining, 66

event listeners in, 66-67

event publishers, 67

event subscribers, 67

endpoints (service), SOA-EDA development, 115

enterprise agility, EDA and, 101

enterprise architecture teams, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 252-253

enterprise nervous systems, EDA

as consciousness of, 83-86

development of, 3-5, 63-64

enterprise services, 116

enterprise-level architecture teams, SOA development, 119

ESB (enterprise service buses)

FEDA, 177

management fabrics, 126-128

sample EDA suite, 156

SOA-EDA development, 113-114, 125-128


eBay and, 86

Internet and, 85

event clouds, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 222

event consumers, 17

event listeners, 17

anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 232

detecting events, 81

EDP, 66-67

security monitoring, 95

event processors, 17

CEP, 22

event stream processing, 22

ProdCo EDA-PI integration case study, 288

simple event processing, 22

event producers, 16, 222, 227, 231-232

event publishers, 16, 67

event services, creating, 112

event stream processing, 22

event subscribers, EDP, 67

event-driven programming. See EDP


carrying state inside, 147-148

data enrichment, 154

defining, 1, 14

dictionary of, 150


detecting in, 81

exposing in, 81-82

event consumers, 17

event listeners, 17

event processors, 17, 22

event producers, 16

event publishers, 16

local event processing, FEDA, 171

managing, 149

reactions to, 18-19

system state in EDA, 83

web service life cycle in FEDA, 191-195

executors (trusted), controllers versus, 142-146

explicit EDA (event-driven architectures), 21


EDA, 82

FEDA, 171

extensible front-end interfaces (FEDA), 168


FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), ATCSCC software, 161

fabrics (management), services, 126-128

FEDA (flight event-driven architecture), 167, 205

adding new users to, 168

auditing, 169

autonomic response, 168

bottleneck analytics, 170

bottleneck awareness, 169

bottleneck resolution capacity, 169

carrying state in, 181-182

cost-effective integration, 171

customizable front-end interfaces, 168

data transformation in, 171, 178-180

enabling technology factors in, 174-175

ESB federation in, 177

event web service life cycles, 191-195

extensibility, 171

extensible front-end interfaces, 168

functional requirements, 168-170

high-level architecture, 172-174

local event processing, 171

minimal impact on existing systems, 171

mitigation of risks, 198-199, 203-204

organization in, 199-200

project life cycle, 201-203

project risks, 197

real-time awareness, 168

reliability, 169

reporting, 169

security, 169

SOA governance in, 182-187, 190-196

success metrics, 204-205

system level communications, 169

system requirements, 171

“what-if” modeling, 169

filtering content, sample EDA suite, 154-156

front-end interfaces (FEDA), 168

functional agility, EDA and, 101


governing SOA, 39-42

governments, EDA and, 103, 105

granularity of services, SOA development, 123

health-care services, EDA and, 106

implicit EDA (event-driven architectures), 21


infrastructure agents, 151


EAI, 29-30

middleware, 29-30

money laundering process, 211

internal controls, matching EDICTS

requirements with, 246-251

Internet, ethics and, 85


application integration, 29-30

BPM and, 31-34

defining, 26-27

drivers of

business extension, 28

business functional requirements, 28

EDA development, 6-7, 24-34

long-term interoperability, promoting, 37

promoting, 37


anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 216, 219-221

EDA and

code reusability, 97-98

security monitoring, 92, 95

service virtualization, 99

software integration, 95-97

system monitoring, 92


JMS (Java Messaging Specification), asynchronous messaging, 77

layering (money laundering process), 211

local event processing, FEDA, 171

long-term interoperability, promoting, 37

loose coupling

asynchronous messaging, 75

component integration, 72-73

context sensitivity, 71

defining, 68

maintainability, 69

POS (point-of-sale) program example, 68, 71

SOA, 60-61, 123

software preconception, 68

synchronous messaging, 74-76


maintainability (loose coupling), 69

maintenance costs, SOA-EDA development, 135

management fabrics, services, 126-128



agent typing, 150

event management, 149

events, 149

SOA, 39, 42

message backbones, 19, 151

message mediators, 77


asynchronous messages

coupling, 75

JMS, 77

message mediators, 77

MOM, 77

point-to-point messages, 76-77

publish/subscribe messages, 76-77

synchronous messages, coupling, 74-76

messaging hubs, ESB

management fabrics, 126-128

SOA-EDA development, 113-114, 125-128

middleware, application integration, 29-30

MOM (message-oriented-

middleware), asynchronous

messaging, 77

money laundering

anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 209, 223-224

compatible development practices, 253

defining reference architectures, 242-244

event clouds, 222

event listeners, 232

event producers, 222, 227, 231-232

integrating with bank’s SOA, 251

IT aspects of, 216, 219, 221

joint planning with enterprise architecture teams, 252-253

matching requirements with internal controls, risk mitigation and compliance, 246-248, 251

optimizing ownership, 234-242

rules engines, 222

SOA governance, 254-258

SOBA, 228, 231

banks and

auditing, 216, 219-221

prevention, 214-216, 219-221

risks involved, 212-213

process of, 211

risks of, 212-213

scope of the problem, 212

monitor agents, 151


Naked Corporation, The, 85

network traffic, EDA and, 152

New Order business process, controllers role in, 143-144

operational agility, EDA and, 101

order fullfillment, ProdCo EDA-PI integration case study, 273-274


paradigmatic EDA (event-driven architectures), assembling, 20-21

parallel paradigm of EDA (event-driven architectures), 149


EDA, 152

monitoring, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 257-258

persistent agents, 150

PI (productivity infrastructure), 263

EDA-PI integration

potential benefits of, 267-272

ProdCo case study, 273-281, 284-288, 291-293

importance of, 264

overview of, 264-266

potential of, 267

process workflow, 264-266

placement (money laundering process), 211

point-to-point messaging, 76-77

policy metadata repository, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 257

POS (point-of-sale) programs, loose coupling example, 68, 71

preconception, defining, 68

prevention agents, 151

processing events, FEDA, 171

ProdCo EDA-PI integration case study, 281

BI (business intelligence) in, 287

event processing in, 288

implementing, 292-293

integration requirements, 284-287

order fulfillment, 273-274

productivity tools in, 275-276

proposed EDA, 276-280

sales proposals, 273-274

target architecture for, 288, 291-292

publish/subscribe messaging, 76-77


reactions to events, 18-19

real-time analytics, EDA and, 101

real-time awareness (FEDA), 168

reference architectures, defining in EDICTS, 242-244

registry, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 256

reliability, FEDA, 169

reporting, FEDA, 169

reusing code, EDA and, 97-98

ripple effect (airline flight control), 163-166

risk mitigation, matching EDICTS requirements with, 246-248, 251

ROI (return on investment), SOA development, 134, 137

routing content, sample EDA suite, 154-156

rules engines, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 222


sales proposals, ProdCo EDA-PI integration case study, 273-274

security, FEDA, 169

security monitoring

EDA and, 92, 95

event listeners, 95

service brokers, 128-129

service endpoints, SOA-EDA development, 115

service networks, SOA-EDA development, 115-118

service-based integration, 50

service-orientation, defining, 49


business value of, SOA development, 124

contracts, SOA development, 124

defining, 49

granularity of, SOA development, 123

management fabrics, 126, 128

requests in EDA, 128

SOA-EDA development, creating, 122

virtualization, EDA and, 99

web services

event web service life cycles in FEDA, 191-195

management options, 133

services versus, 51

simple agents, 150

simple event processing, 22

sleep state, event listeners in EDP, 67

SOA (service-oriented architectures), 47

anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 209, 223-224

compatible development practices, 253

defining reference architectures, 242-244

event clouds, 222

event listeners, 232

event producers, 222, 227, 231-232

integrating with bank’s SOA, 251

IT aspects of, 216, 219-221

joint planning with enterprise architecture teams, 252-253

matching requirements with internal controls, risk mitigation and compliance, 246-248, 251

optimizing ownership, 234-242

rules engines, 222

SOA governance, 254-258

SOBA, 228, 231

benefits of, 48


agility in, 135

business case scenarios, 136-137

business value of services, 124

cost savings, 134

data integrity (lineage) in, 135

enterprise-level architecture teams, 119

ESB (enterprise service buses), 125-128

granularity of services, 123

long-term development strategies, 122

loose coupling, 123

maintenance costs, 135

management options, 130-132

ROI (return on investment), 134, 137

service brokers, 128-129

service contracts, 124

service design, 122

steps of development, 120-121

TCO (total cost of ownership), 134

uniform data access methods in, 135

defining, 38-39, 59

development of, 48

EDA creation, 8

enterprise services, 116

ESB (enterprise service buses), 113-114

event service creation, 112

service networks, 115-118

evolution of, 118

governing, 39-42, 182-187, 190-196

long-term design strategies for, 119

loose coupling in, 60-61

managing, 39, 42

service-orientation, defining, 49


defining, 49

service-based integration, 50

web services versus, 51

web services

services versus, 51

SOAP, 52-54

UDDI, 58

WSDL, 55-57

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

intermediaries, anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 256-258

web services, 52-54, 79, 112

SOBA (service-oriented business applications), anti–money laundering SOA-EDA case study, 228, 231

software integration, EDA and, 95-97

software preconception (loose coupling), 68

specialty agents, 151

state, carrying in

events, 147-148

FEDA, 181-182

static system processing, 84

strategic agility, EDA and, 101

synchronous messaging, coupling, 74-76

system extensibility, EDA, 82

system level communication in FEDA, 169

system monitoring, EDA and, 92

system state in EDA, 83


Tapscott, Don

ethics and the Internet, 85

Naked Corporation, The, 85

TCO (total cost of ownership), SOA development, 134

tight coupling

asynchronous messaging, 75

synchronous messaging, 74-76

tightly coupled architectures, 31

traffic (network), EDA and, 152

transformation agents, 150

transforming data, FEDA, 171, 178-180

trusted executors versus controllers, 142-146


UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), 58, 256

unanticipated use, designing for, 148

virtualization (services), EDA and, 99


web services

EDA and, 58

enterprise services, 116

event services

creating, 112

life cycles in FEDA, 191-195

management options, 133

message descriptions in WSDL, 125

service networks, SOA-EDA development, 115-118

services versus, 51

SOAP, 52-54, 79

UDDI, 58

WSDL, 55-57

“what-if” modeling (FEDA), 169

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 55-57, 125

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