Find a Writing Partner

There should be a Hinge or a Match.com for writers.

Not a dating app. But a professional forum or community built specifically for finding another writer to brainstorm or collaborate with.

There isn't, as far as I can tell. (Developers: Opportunity!)

Which is disappointing. Because if writing were a sport, it would be a solo game of tetherball. Or you alone playing all the positions of the AFC Richmond Football Club.

It's doable—but it's a little lonely. (And let's be real, only Roy Kent can be here and there and everywhere.)

Having a writing partner is like having someone to train and volley with. Together you prod each other to do your best work.

You might bounce around ideas. Give a new draft a first read. Offer feedback. Create accountability. Get drunk.

Ha. Just kidding about the last one.

(Or not. Your call.)

Until we can connect with other (well-written!) profiles on SwipeWrite* or ScribeDate or PenFrens or what have you … here are some places you might find your own writing partner.

  • Friends. This seems like an obvious suggestion. But it's actually the trickiest to make work.

    For a friend to also be a writing buddy, a lot needs to match up.

    You should be working on something that's commensurate with what your friend is working on: You're both working on a book. Or you're both blog writers. Or you're both junior associates on a content marketing team.

    Ideally, you're in the same industry. You're at similar points in your career. You admire and respect each other's work. You're willing to commit to a regular Zoom meeting or check-in. And you'll put in the time to coach each other's work.

    So yeah … it can be magic. (I have a friend like this. And I wouldn't trade them for the world.)

    But it can also make friendships awkward. (Been there too.)

    Choose wisely.

  • Colleagues and team members. MarketingProfs used to have an internal program that paired up our marketing team members. They traded papers on a weekly basis—reading each other's work, offering suggestions, collaborating creatively. Every few months we changed up the duos.

    For this approach to work, you have to have supportive team members who truly love their roles and respect each other. And you need executive support from someone who prioritizes good writing as critical to career development and the brand.

    A lot of well-meaning marketing teams have tried to implement this kind of program. Then everyone gets too busy, and it falls apart. Aspirationally, though? I love a program like this.

  • LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, Twitter chats, Slack communities, and Discord Writing Servers. Lurk or participate in social networks or online discussions to find like-minded content marketing creators and writers. (There are also plenty of groups on social media that have a literary bent.)

    I asked around. A few that bubbled up to the top:

    On LinkedIn: LinkEds & writers.

    On Facebook: The Write Life Community.

    On Discord: #ContentChat Community. The Writer's Factory. TheTilt. (The latter is geared toward all kinds of creators, including writers.)

    On Twitter: #ContentChat started here. Right now, it's Mondays at 12 PT/3 ET. (Search the hashtag on Twitter for updates.)

    On Slack: The Wordsmiths. Lowercases.

    On TikTok: #writertok, #authortok are full of writers of all kinds—from casual to less so.

    None of those are matchmaking services; all deliver matchmaking potential. A content marketing friend found her writing partner via #writertok. So there's that.

  • American Writers & Artists International (AWAI) offers member forums. (Plus the community is warm and inviting.) I've also heard good things about Foster and Superpath.
  • NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) (nanowrimo.org) is a nonprofit with resources for writers, including a Critique, Feedback & Novel Swaps Forum. This is more of a literary site, but it has some utility for nonfiction writers.


  1. *   Credit to Marc Jitab.
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