Appendix A
This Appendix provides a brief overview of the activities for each of the coaching phases and links those activities with the outcomes you are working toward in each. When you have achieved all four of the outcomes for a particular phase, you are ready to move with your client to the next phase.
You can develop your coaching skills more quickly when you take the time to evaluate your coaching sessions and incorporate what you learn as you plan the sessions to follow. Use the following pages both as a checklist to prepare for meeting a client and as a way to review your own performance after a coaching session.

Phase 1: Contracting

1. Elicit and show understanding of the client’s core concerns.
2. Give feedback, using immediacy, your here-and-now experience of the client, raising the client’s awareness of her role in the situation.
3. Negotiate mutual expectations of the responsibilities in the coaching contract.
Note: My colleague Roger Taylor codeveloped the pairing of outcomes to the four-phase coaching activities for the trainings we do in the Executive Coach Training Seminar Series. The series trains experienced coaches in the four-phase coaching model explored in Chapters Five through Eight.
4. Focus the client on the Three Key Factors in this situation and help the client identify specific, measurable goals.
1. The coach’s accurate paraphrase of the client’s core concerns.
2. The coach gave the client immediate feedback, and the client responded to the feedback.
3. Written mutual expectations of the contract.
4. A completed Three Key Factors worksheet, with a single specific business issue and specific, measurable goals in each category, to which the client is committed.

Phase 2: Planning

1. Help the client identify a next step, with specific actions to be taken.
2. Ensure the client’s strategy aligns with key change management models.
3. Direct the client’s attention to a key pattern that needs to shift.
4. Prepare the client to deal with both the positive and corrosive effects of resistance to the change.
1. A clearly articulated, challenging action step the client will take next.
2. A diagnosis of the alignment or misalignment of the business issue and the people involved.
3. An explicit description of a pattern, with “from” and “to” behaviors described.
4. A clear plan for how the client will respond to resistance during the next step.

Phase 3: Live-Action Coaching

Activities Behind the Scenes
1. Clearly define your role in the specific type of live-action option chosen.
2. Ensure sponsorship and clarity of structure for the live-action session.
Activities During Live Action
1. Follow and intervene around the client’s goals (business and work relationship challenge goals) for this live-action session.
2. Intervene effectively on the level of pattern change.
1. An explicit contract for how the coach will (and will not) intervene during the action.
2. An accurate description by the client that clearly sponsors the coach and clarifies the structure and process of the next step.
3. Coaching interventions that align with the contracted goals (both business and work relationship challenge goals).
4. The client transforms his interactional behavior and co-creates a new pattern with others.

Phase 4: Debriefing

1. Encourage the client to self-assess the results of her actions: strengths, challenges, pattern changes, and change management issues.
2. Give supportive and challenging feedback to the client.
3. Help the client identify specific next steps.
4. Invite the client to give feedback on the effectiveness of your coaching.
1. The coach’s accurate paraphrase of the client’s self-assessment.
2. The client’s accurate paraphrase of the coach’s feedback to the client.
3. Specific, articulated next steps.
4. The coach’s accurate paraphrase of the client’s feedback to the coach and the coach’s self-assessment given to the client.
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