

Accessibility, contracting for
Accountability: performance expectations and; triangles and
Action plan: clarifying change management roles in; for client’s boss; debriefing phase and; planning phase and; specifying steps in
Action research methodology: classic phases of; combined with systems perspective
Advocacy: consultant/coach competency in; defined; for executive coaching; as management competency
Advocate role
Agenda management
Alternative solutions, offering
Ambiguity: defined; managing oneself in; responses to
Anchor points
Anne (case vignette): on return on investment; on Three Key Factors
Annette (case vignette)
Anxiety. See also Discomfort; Stress: ambiguity and; building tolerance for; of choosing action steps; coach’s challenge with; defined; effect of, in workplace; goal focus and; internal voices of; in leaders; signature presence and; systems perspective on; triangles and; working with client’s
Assessment of strengths and weaknesses: of client; of coach
Assessment tools: for executive coaching skills assessment; limitations of
Authority. See also Roles and role clarity: boundaries and; clarifying, in planning phase; triangles and
Automatic reactions. See also Patterns; Reactivity: client’s ability to See And change; goal focus and; here-and-now reactions and; identifying, in planning phase; interactional force fields and; leader’s anxiety and; reactivity and; workplace anxiety and
Avoid-avoid pattern
Avoidance, of performance management conversations


Backbone: balancing heart with; coaching with; defined; in live-action coaching; and nonproductive patterns; self-assessment of; self-differentiation and
Barbara (case vignette)
Bastyr University. See Leadership Institute of Seattle
Behind-the-scenes coaching: in developmental sequence; live-action coaching combined with; overview of; skills required for
Benefit-cost ratio; formula for; overview of
Bifocal view
Bill (case vignette)
Biofeedback mechanism
Blanchard, K.
Boss-as-coach; coaching phasesfor; coaching role of; encouraging, to customize management; overview of; performance management role of; role clarity for
Boss (client’s): evaluation and performance management coaching for; follow-up meetings with; guerrilla coaching of; of high-performance clients; involving; preparation meetings with; systemic principles for meeting with; three-way meetings with
Boss-direct report relationship: with boss as coach; coaching client’s boss in; executive coaching versus; unproductive patterns in
Bottom line, coach’s personal
Bottom-line results. See Business results; Return on investment
Boundaries. See also Roles: questions for; system
Bowan, M..
Breaking point
Burnout, coach
Business results. See also Goals; Return on investment; Three Key Factors methodology: client responsibility for; defined; defining measures for; examples of, for executive coaching; as executive coaching focus; guiding principle for; importance of; linking coaching to; menu for identifying; non-coaching variables in; relationship goals versus; return on investment and; Three Key Factors methodology for obtaining


Carkhuff, R.
Catastrophic thinking
Celebration of achievements
Change agents: coach-consultants as; roles of; transition to executive coaching as
Change initiatives: coaching as tool for; consulting/coaching activities for; consulting/ coaching process for; leadership challenges for; roles in; systems perspective on; tenets for working with
Chris (case vignette)
Clarity: of change management roles; managing ambiguity and
Client(s). See also Executives; Leaders: ability of, to self-correct; believing in; coaching, to coach employees; developmental variables of; evaluation of, in debriefing phase; interactional patterns with coaches and; internal resistance of; joining with; preparing, for resistance; qualifying; questions for; reactivity in; resistance of, to Three Key Factors methodology; role of, in ROI calculation; signature presence of; sponsoring statement from, in live-action coaching; tough; types of; working with anxious
Client Responsibility Model; adhering to, lenses for; attitudes and behaviors in; defined; evaluation and; in live-action coaching; Rescue Model versus; respect and; transitioning to executive coaching and
Client’s challenge: engaging specific; goal-setting for; listening to and understanding; specifying action steps for; stress and; systems perspective on; Three Key Factors methodology applied to; triangulation of
Coach-leaders. See Boss-as-coach
Coaches, executive. See also Boss-as-coach: activities of; anxiety and; business orientation of; challenge of ; as change agents ; coaching for; as consultant/ coaches ; development of ; evaluation of; goal focus of; interactional patterns of; personal bottom line of ; Rescue Model versus Client Responsibility Model; role of, in evaluation ; role of, in live-action coaching ;signature presence of ; skill self-assessment tool for; skills required of ; traits of; transitioning to role of ;triangled; trust in
Coaching, executive. See Executive coaching
Coaching moments
Coaching phases. See also Contracting phase; Debriefing phase; Live-action coaching; Planning phase: for boss-as-coach; informal; integrated approach of; listed; overview of; phase 1 (contracting) of; phase 2 (planning) of; phase 3 (live-action coaching); phase 4 (debriefing) of; roots of
Coaching relationship: boss-direct report relationship versus; building, in contract phase; dances and patterns in; as partnership; in Rescue Model versus Client Responsibility Model; triangles in; trust in
Commitment: to employee performance expectations; gaining, as management competency; lack of, in client; with reservations
Compassion. See Heart
Competencies: consulting/coaching; executive coaching; management
Confidence, encouraging employee
Consequence continuum
Consulting/coaching process; activities in; competencies for; tenets for
Contact person, contracting for
Content goals. See also Goal (coach’s)
Contract: making explicit; negotiating, with potential sponsor
Contract termination: at end of contract; for touch clients
Contracting phase; activities of; assessment tools and; for boss-as-coach; in consulting/coaching process; critical conditions for execution of; debriefing addressed in; elements of; giving immediate feedback in; goal-setting in; importance of; informal, with potential sponsor; involving client’s boss in; involving direct reports in; joining with client in; outcomes of; overview of; questions for; skills required for; steps of; testing the client in; Three Key Factors methodology in; understanding the client’s challenge in
Conversations: as consultant/coach competency; immediacy in; as management competency; stress relief of; about transitioning to executive coaching role
Core principles, of executive coaching. See also Coaching phases; Signature presence; Systems perspective
Craig, N.
Credibility, coach’s
Customer relations competencies
Customization: of benefit-cost ratio formula; in employee development coaching; in executive coaching


Dances. See also Patterns: in coaching relationship; interactional patterns as
Debriefing phase; activities of; with boss-as-coach; client effectiveness evaluation in; coach effectiveness evaluation in; contracting for; customizing; final, at contract’s end; outcomes of; overview of; questions for; recontracting in; review of management competencies in; ROI calculation in; skills required for; tasks of; for tough clients
Decision making: as consultant/coach competency; as management competency; risk and
Differences, articulating
Direct reports (boss-coach’s): articulating performance expectations to; commitment of, to performance expectations; resistance of, to performance expectations
Direct reports (client’s). See also Bossdirect report relationship: getting feedback from; live-action coaching of client and; live-action coaching of just the client with; observing client with
Directive behaviors
Discomfort. See also Anxiety; Stress: building tolerance for; goal commitment and; with goal-setting process; reactivity and; signature presence and
Discrepancies, pointing out
Disruptions: anxiety and reactions to; examples of


Emotional equality
Emotional intelligence
Emotional preparation, in planning phase
Emotional void
Employee development. See also Performance expectations; Performance management: boss-as-coach for; coaching phases for; independent variables in; situational leadership approach to
Evaluation of client: assessment tools versus conversations for; in boss-as-coach debriefing; boss versus coach roles in; in debriefing phase; at end of contract; live-action comments versus; overview of; questions for; steps in
Evaluation of coach; in boss-as-coach debriefing; client feedback in; steps in
Executive(s). See also Leaders: conversations with, to promote coaching; defined; job responsibilities of; loyal resistance to; top versus middle
Executive Coach Training Seminar Series
Executive coaching. See also Behind-the-scenes coaching; Coaches; Coaching phases; Coaching relationship; Live-action coaching: backbone and heart in; behind-the-scenes; business parameters for; client-initiated versus boss-initiated; for coach-leaders; conditions for successful; consulting combined with; contracting phase in; core principles of; defined; developmental sequence of; essential ingredients of; integrated approach of; live-action; methodology of; from the middle; overview of; phases of; promoting, with executives; Rescue Model versus Client Responsibility Model of; Stage 1 of; Stage 2 of; Stage 3 of; Stage 4 of; strategic transition to; triangles in; types of
Expenses, contracting for
External relations competency
External variables


Failure, toddler learning and
Family systems: interactional fields in; reactivity and; theory of
Feedback. See also Debriefing; Evaluation headings: anonymous; with assessment tools; from boss to employee; on coach effectiveness; in debriefing phase; final session of; getting, from client’s direct reports; giving immediate, in contracting phase; indirect
Feedback loops
Fees, contracting for
“Finishing school” coaching
Follow-ups: with client’s boss; contracting for
Force fields. See Interactional force fields; Systems perspective
Fournies, F.
Friedman, E.


Goal (coach’s): content; identifying; in informal executive meetings; process; sustaining; in transition to executive coaching
Goals (client’s). See also Business results; Three Key Factors methodology: for breaking patterns; defining measures for; following, in live-action coaching; importance of setting; involving client’s boss in setting and monitoring; overcoming resistance to setting; questions for; saying “yes” to; Three Key Factors methodology for
Gravitational fields. See also Interactional force fields
Greg and Dan (case vignette)
Group identity, boundaries and
Group process consultation model
Guerrilla coaching


Habitual patterns. See Automatic reactions; Patterns; Reactivity
Hard-nosed businessperson: and benefit-cost ratio; how to be the most; and slowing down; and soft skills
Heart: balancing backbone with; coaching with; defined; live-action coaching and; and nonproductive patterns; self-assessment of; self-differentiation and
Here-and-now conversations
Homeostasis: internal; pattern change and; system
Horse whisperers
Humbling experiences


Immediacy: in coaching employees; signature presence and; using, in contracting phase
Implementer role
Initiative, demonstration of
Interactional equilibrium
Interactional force fields. See also Systems perspective; Triangles: coach’s challenge with; concept of; seeing; signature presence and
Interactional verbs
Internal states, that signal automatic patterns
Internal variables
Interpersonal behaviors. See Leader interpersonal behaviors
Interventions, live-action. See also Live-action coaching: from boss-as-coach; following the client’s goals in; spectrum of; in team meetings
Issue, client’s. See Client’s challenge


Jill (case vignette)
Joanne (case vignette)


Kimsey-House, H.
Kouzes, J.


Leader competency lists, custom versus generic. See also Competencies
Leader interpersonal behaviors: of client’s boss; defined; defining measures for; guiding principle for; identifying and naming patterns in; linking, to business results; linking, to team behaviors; menu for identifying; in Three Key Factors methodology; transfer of learning for
Leaders. See also Clients; Executives: characteristics of executive; as coaches; impatience of; reactivity in; responses of, under stress; system spheres of; triangles and; typical challenges of
Leadership Institute of Seattle/Bastyr University
Learning: failure of; toddler approach to
Len (case vignette)
Lencioni, P.
Lessons-learned meeting
Listening skills
Live-action coaching; activities of; behind-the-scenes coaching combined with; by boss-as-coach; versus classic group process consultation; of client, with direct reports present; of client and direct reports; client’s sponsoring statement in; coach’s neutrality in; coach’s role clarification in; in consulting/coaching process; criteria for using; defined; in developmental sequence; goal focus in; intervention spectrum in; and organizational alignment; outcomes of; overview of; paired coaches in; pattern shifting/breaking in; setting the stage for; skills required for; tasks of
Logistics, contracting for
Loyal resistance
Luke (case vignette)


Magnetic fields. See also Interactional force fields
Management by walking around
Management competencies: consultant/coach competencies and; list of; review of client’s skill in; situational variables and
Matt (case vignette)
MBO Consulting
Measures. See also Return on investment (ROI); Three Key Factors methodology: defining; menu of possible; midpoint calibration of; movie camera test of; revisiting
Meeting facilitation competency
Meetings, coaching: agenda management of; with client’s boss; scheduling of
Meetings, live-action coaching during. See also Live-action coaching
Miriam (case vignettes): on live-action coaching; on planning phase
Moments, coaching
Money measures
Monitoring of progress
Movie camera test
Mutuality, in coaching contract
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


Ned (case vignette)
Net contribution
Neural pathways


Observation of client; interventions of; skills required for
Organizational alignment See also Roles and role clarity
Organizational change. See Change initiatives
Organizational obstacles
Ownership, client’s: of goals and measures; in planning phase; testing the client’s ability to take


Pacing: of coaching; of transitioning to coaching role
Paired coach method
Parallel occurrences
Partnership, coaching as; between boss, direct report, and coach; contracting and; presence and; promoting executive coaching and
Pattern Shift Worksheet
Patterns. See also Automatic reactions: backbone-heart balance and; breaking the trance of; bringing immediacy to; client-coach; client’s ability to See And change; client’s system; co-creation of; coaching employees on; debriefing about; examples of typical; goal-setting for breaking; homeostasis and; identification and naming of; internal states that signal; live-action coaching on; organizational alignment and; planning for shifting; questions for; selfperpetuation of; tough clients and; two-verb labeling of
Performance expectations: articulation of; coaching employee to meet; employee commitment to; employee resistance to; managing, with dual role boss/coach; organizational obstacles to meeting
Performance management: assessment tools and; with boss-as-coach; coaching the client’s boss for; executive coaching versus; feedback in; as management competency; selling pattern versus
Persistence, realistic
Phases of executive coaching. See Coaching phases
Planning phase; activities of; for boss-as-coach; clarifying change management roles in; client ownership in; identifying client’s pattern in; outcomes of; overview of; and preparing clients for resistance; questions for; skills required for; steps of
Pomerantz, S.
Positional neutrality
Positions, backbone and
Posner, B.
Presence. See Signature presence
Problem, of client. See Client’s challenge
Process goals. See also Goal (coach’s)
Project management competencies
Project team sponsorship
Push-back responses. See also Resistance


Quality measures
Quantity measures


Reactivity. See also Automatic reactions; Patterns: building tolerance for; forms of; goal focus and; in leaders; self-differentiation and; systems perspective and; to tough clients; triggers to; working with client’s anxiety and; workplace anxiety and
Relationship goals. See also Leader interpersonal behaviors
Relationships. See also Boss-direct report relationship; Coaching relationship: heart and; management competencies in; process goals and; triangled
Repeated experiments, learning and
Reports, contracting for
Rescue Model; attitudes in; behaviors in; change agents and; Client Responsibility Model versus; defined; disrespect in; evaluation and; push-back responses and; transitioning from
Resilience: interactional force fields and; strengthening presence and
Resistance: addressing, in debriefing phase; to employee performance expectations; helping clients plan for; homeostasis and; internal; loyal; to pattern identification and change; role boundaries and; signature presence and; to taking action; to Three Key Factors methodology; tolerance for reactivity and; tough clients and
Responses. See also Reactivity: client’s habitual, as central focus; to disruptions; homeostatic resistance and; planned versus reactive
Results orientation. See also Business results
Return on investment (ROI); benefit-cost ratio for; client involvement in; defined; dilemmas of; discussion of, in debriefing phase; formula for; importance of; net contribution and; non-coaching variables in; overview of; steps for; Three Key Factors and
Revenue, as business result measure
Ripple effect
Risk, weighing
Roles and role clarity: alignment of, for employee; assessment of; for boss-as-coach; boundaries and; in change management; interactional fields and; for live-action coaching; in planning phase; questions for; in transition to executive coaching; triangles and
Runyan, J.


Sandahl, P.
Schachter, R. ..
Schaffer, R.
Schnarch, D.
Self-assessment: client’s; coach’s, in debriefing phase; coach’s, survey form for
Self-reflection: on automatic patterns; client’s ability for
Sell/decline pattern
Senge, P.
Short, R.
Signature presence; approaches to promoting; as core coaching principle; defined; and focusing on goals; and immediacy; importance of; and increasing tolerance; of leaders; and managing ambiguity; overview of; with potential sponsor; and self-differentiation; signs of; with work relationship challenge
Situational leadership approach
Skill development, employee
Slowing down
Social interactional fields. See Interactional force fields
Soft skills measurement
Spider webs
Sponsors: boss-coaches as; of change projects; of executive coaching; of project teams
Sponsorship, strengthening
“Stop action” interventions
Strategic-thinking competency
Stress. See also Anxiety; Discomfort: leader’s response to; triangles and
Style inventories
Successes, celebrating and debriefing
Supportive behaviors
Sustaining sponsors
Systems. See also Interactional force fields: boundaries of; client’s boss and; homeostasis in; planning for resistance of; pull of
Systems perspective. See also Interactional force fields; Patterns; Triangles; action research combined with; characteristics of; on client’s issue; coaching from the middle and; as consultant-coach competency; as core principle of coaching; and homeostasis; and interactional force fields; leader’s spheres in; as management competency; on organizational change; overview of; and triangles; on workplace anxiety
Systems thinking. See Systems perspective


Targets. See also Implementer role
Taylor, R.
Team coherence, as management competency
Team interactions: defining measures for; identifying and naming patterns in; linking business results to; linking executive coaching to; linking leader behaviors to; live-action interventions of; menu for identifying; in Three Key Factors methodology; transfer of learning for
Termination of contract
Three Key Factors methodology; defining measures in; examples of; guiding principles of; involving client’s boss in; linkages in; mantra of; organizational alignment and; overcoming resistance to; overview of; ROI calculation and; synergies of
360-degree surveys
Time frame, of client’s boss
Time measures
Toddler Mind
Tolerance: building client’s; building coach’s; for homeostatic resistance; presence and
Tom and Ben (case vignette)
Tone, of coaching
Tough clients
Toughness. See also Backbone
Training: consultant/coach competency in; employee
Transfer of skills
Transition to executive coach role; concerns about; guidelines for conversation about; loyal resistance and; overview of
Triangles and triangulation See also Interactional force fields; Systems perspective; with assessment tools; cascading, interlocking; change efforts and; coaching from the middle of; in coaching relationship; concepts of; dysfunctional patterns and; leader’s reactivity and; in live-action coaching; in Rescue Model versus Client Responsibility Model
Triggers: tough clients as; understanding one’s
Trust, in coaching relationship
Type inventories


Unsung hero role


Visioning competency


Whitmore, J.
Whitworth, L.
Williamson, D.
Work relationship challenge: and interactional verbs; and live-action coaching; and Three Key Factors; using signature presence with client’s


Zigarmi, D.
Zigarmi, P.
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