© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
P. MishraExplainable AI Recipes https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9029-3_6

6. Explainability for Time-Series Models

Pradeepta Mishra1  
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

A time series, as the name implies, has a time stamp and a variable that we are observing over time, such as stock prices, sales, revenue, profit over time, etc. Time-series modeling is a set of techniques that can be used to generate multistep predictions for a future time period, which will help a business to plan better and will help decision-makers to plan according to the future estimations. There are machine learning–based techniques that can be applied to generate future forecasting; also, there is a need to explain the predictions about the future.

The most commonly used techniques for time-series forecasting are autoregressive methods, moving average methods, autoregressive and moving average methods, and deep learning–based techniques such as LSTM, etc. The time-series model requires the data to be at frequent time intervals. If there is any gap in recording, it requires a different process to address the gap in the time series. The time-series model can be looked at from two ways: univariate, which is completely dependent on time, and multivariate, which takes into account various factors. Those factors are called causal factors, which impact the predictions. In the time-series model, the time is an independent variable, so we can compute various features from the time as an independent feature. Time-series modeling has various components such as trend, seasonality, and cyclicity.

Recipe 6-1. Explain Time-Series Models Using LIME


You want to explain a time-series model using LIME.


We are taking into consideration a sample dataset that has dates and prices, and we are going to consider only the univariate analysis. We will be using the LIME library to explain the predictions.

How It Works

Let’s take a look at the following example (see Figure 6-1):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pradmishra1/PublicDatasets/main/monthly_csv.csv',index_col=0)
# seasonal difference
differenced = df.diff(12)
# trim off the first year of empty data
differenced = differenced[12:]
# save differenced dataset to file
differenced.to_csv('seasonally_adjusted.csv', index=False)
# plot differenced dataset

A graph plots the seasonally adjusted difference versus the date. It plots a fluctuating curve that provides data for the price, and the peak is obtained around 2017.

Figure 6-1

Seasonally adjusted difference plot

# reframe as supervised learning
dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(12,0,-1):
    dataframe['t-'+str(i)] = df.shift(i).values[:,0]
dataframe['t'] = df.values[:,0]
dataframe = dataframe[13:]
# save to new file
dataframe.to_csv('lags_12months_features.csv', index=False)
For the last 12 months, lagged features will be used as training features to forecast the future time-series sales values.
# split into input and output
df = pd.read_csv('lags_12months_features.csv')
data = df.values
X = data[:,0:-1]
y = data[:,-1]
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# fit random forest model
model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=500, random_state=1)
model.fit(X, y)
We are using a random forest regressor to consider the importance of each feature in a subset scenario. See Figure 6-2.
# show importance scores
# plot importance scores
names = dataframe.columns.values[0:-1]
ticks = [i for i in range(len(names))]
plt.bar(ticks, model.feature_importances_)
plt.xticks(ticks, names)

A bar graph compares the scores of the 12 lagged features. t-1 has a high score of around 0.58, while t-10, t-11, and t-12 have low scores of around 0.02.

Figure 6-2

Feature importance for lagged features from the 12 lagged features

from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
Recursive feature elimination is a technique usually used to fine-tune relevant features from the available list of features so that only important features can go into the inference generation process.
# perform feature selection
rfe = RFE(RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=500, random_state=1), n_features_to_select=4)
fit = rfe.fit(X, y)
# report selected features
print('Selected Features:')
names = dataframe.columns.values[0:-1]
for i in range(len(fit.support_)):
    if fit.support_[i]:
Selected Features:
We can rank the time-aware important features, which are lags. See Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4.
# plot feature rank
names = dataframe.columns.values[0:-1]
ticks = [i for i in range(len(names))]
plt.bar(ticks, fit.ranking_)
plt.xticks(ticks, names)

A bar graph compares the ranks for the 12 lagged features. t-12 has high rank of around 9, while t-1, t-2, and t-3 have low ranks of around 1.

Figure 6-3

Feature ranking from all available lags

!pip install Lime
import lime
import lime.lime_tabular
explainer = lime.lime_tabular.LimeTabularExplainer(np.array(X),
{0: array([0.25659472, 0.24340528, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 1: array([0.25539568, 0.24460432, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 2: array([0.25419664, 0.24580336, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 3: array([0.2529976 , 0.2470024 , 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 4: array([0.25179856, 0.24820144, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 5: array([0.25059952, 0.24940048, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 6: array([0.2529976 , 0.2470024 , 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 7: array([0.25179856, 0.24820144, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 8: array([0.25059952, 0.24940048, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 9: array([0.25059952, 0.24940048, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 10: array([0.25059952, 0.24940048, 0.24940048, 0.25059952]), 11: array([0.25059952, 0.24940048, 0.24940048, 0.25059952])}
# asking for explanation for LIME model
i = 60
exp = explainer.explain_instance(np.array(X)[i],
Intercept 524.1907857658252
Prediction_local [76.53408383]
Right: 35.77034850521053
X does not have valid feature names, but LinearRegression was fitted with feature names

A bar graph compares the predicted and feature values. t-2 and t-1 have high positive and negative values of around 210.67 and 635.13, respectively.

Figure 6-4

Local interpretation for time series

For the 60th record from the dataset, the predicted value is 35.77, for which lag 1 is the most important feature.
[('t-1 <= 35.39', -635.1332339969734), ('t-2 <= 35.34', 210.66614528187935), ('t-5 <= 35.20', -139.067880800616), ('t-6 <= 35.20', 116.37720395001742), ('t-12 <= 35.19', 90.11939668085971), ('t-11 <= 35.19', -78.09554990821964), ('t-3 <= 35.25', -74.75587075373902), ('t-8 <= 35.19', 63.86565747018194), ('t-4 <= 35.20', 49.45398090327778), ('t-9 <= 35.19', -49.24830755303888), ('t-7 <= 35.19', -41.51328966914635), ('t-10 <= 35.19', 39.67504645890767)]
# Code for SP-LIME
import warnings
from lime import submodular_pick
# Remember to convert the dataframe to matrix values
# SP-LIME returns exaplanations on a sample set to provide a non redundant global decision boundary of original model
sp_obj = submodular_pick.SubmodularPick(explainer, np.array(X),
The SP-LIME module from the LIME library provides explanations on a sample set to provide a global decision boundary about the prediction. In the previous script, we are considering the time-series model as a supervised learning model and using 12 lags as features. From the LIME library, we are using the LIME tabular explainer. The following script shows the explanation of record number 60. The predicted value is 35.77, and the lower threshold value and upper threshold value reflect the confidence band of the predicted outcome. Figure 6-5 shows the positive factors and negative factors contributing toward the prediction.

A bar graph compares the positive features of the lags. t-1 and t-2 have high positive and negative values of around 1100 and negative 250, respectively.

Figure 6-5

The local explanation shows positive features in green and negative in red

Recipe 6-2. Explain Time-Series Models Using SHAP


You want to explain the time-series model using SHAP.


We are taking into consideration a sample dataset that has dates and prices, and we are going to consider only the univariate analysis. We will be using the SHAP library to explain the predictions.

How It Works

Let’s take a look at the following example (Figure 6-6):
import shap
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rforest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=0)
rforest.fit(X, y)
# explain all the predictions in the test set
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(rforest)
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(X)
shap.summary_plot(shap_values, X)

A summary plot compares the S H A P values of lagged features. t-1 and t-10 have high and low feature values of around 900 and 20, respectively.

Figure 6-6

Summary plot of SHAP feature values

t-1, t-2, and t-7 are the three important features that impact the predictions. t-1 means a lag of the last time period, t-2 means a lag of the past two time periods, and t-7 means a lag of the seventh time period. Let’s say data is available at a monthly level, so t-1 means last month, t-2 means the second month in the past, and t-7 means the seventh month in the past. These values impact the predictions. See Figure 6-7 and Figure 6-8.
shap.dependence_plot("t-1", shap_values, X)

A scatter plot compares the S H A P value for t-1 and t-2. It plots the data in the increasing trend and the high value is obtained at approximately (1750, 900).

Figure 6-7

SHAP dependence plot

    "t-1", rforest.predict, X, ice=False,
    model_expected_value=True, feature_expected_value=True

A graph plots E of f of x bar t-1 versus t-1. It plots an increasing curve along with the vertical bars that provide data for the partial dependence for feature t-1.

Figure 6-8

Partial dependence plot for feature t-1


In this chapter, we covered how to interpret a time-series model to generate a forecast. To interpret a univariate time-series model, we considered it as a supervised learning problem by taking the lags as trainable features. These features are then trained using a linear regressor, and the regression model is used to generate explanations at a global level as well as at a local level using both the SHAP and LIME libraries. A similar explanation can be generated using more complex algorithms such as the nonlinear and ensemble techniques, and finally similar kinds of graphs and charts can be generated using SHAP and LIME as in the previous chapters. The next chapter contains recipes to explain deep neural network models.

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