

  1. Abstract syntax trees (ASTs)

  2. Migration in action

    1. biojava

    2. building, project using Java 9

    3. migration path

  3. add(), jshell

  4. Apache Maven

  5. Process API

    1. managing long running processes

    2. printProcessInfo()

    3. ProcessHandle.Info

    4. ProcessHandle methods

    5. ProcessHandle static method

    6. process methods

  6. AppForegroundListener

  7. AppHiddenListener

  8. Applet API

  9. Appletviewer tool

  10. Application events

  11. AppReopenedListener

  12. arrayConstructor, enhanced method handles()

  13. arrayLength(), enhanced method handles()

  14. Array methods

    1. compare()

    2. equals()

    3. mismatch()

  15. Artifacts module

    1. JAR file

    2. JDK modules

  16. Async(), concurrency

  17. Atomic classes, concurrency

  18. Atomic update methods

  19. Automatic module names, java API

  20. Automatic modules


  1. BinaryAndOctalLiterals(), ECMAScript 6

  2. Bitwise atomic update methods

  3. Break encapsulation, JDK tool

  4. ByteBuffer, access mode


  1. Chronounit, concurrency

  2. CircleCI

  3. Class, java API

  4. Class loaders, java API


  6. CMS

SeeConcurrent Mark Sweep (CMS)
  1. Collection methods

    1. List.of()

    2. Map.of() and Map.ofEntries()

    3. Set.of()

  2. Collector methods

    1. filtering()

    2. flatMapping()

  3. Compare(), array

  4. Concurrency

    1. Async()

    2. atomic classes

    3. chronounit

    4. queues

    5. Thread.onSpinWait()

    6. Timeout()

    7. TimeUnit

    8. utilities method

  5. Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS)

  6. Configuration, java API

  7. Core interfaces

    1. Flow.Processor<T,R>

    2. Flow.Publisher<T>

    3. Flow.Subscriber<T>

    4. Flow.Subscription

  8. counterLoop(), enhanced method handles


  1. Declaration module

    1. opening modules, packages

    2. qualified exports

    3. requires and exports

    4. services

    5. static dependencies

    6. transitive dependencies

  2. DefaultLoggerFinder

  3. Deprecation, miscellaneous

  4. Desktop applications

    1. about window

    2. application events

    3. application exit

    4. functionalities

    5. open files

    6. open URI

    7. preferences window

    8. print files

  5. Deterministic random bit generator (DRBG) algorithm

  6. Diagnostic contains method, parsing

  7. Diagnostic commands, JVM

  8. Docker

  9. doWhileLoop(), enhanced method handles

  10. DRBG algorithm

  11. DrbgParameters

  12. dropWhile(), stream


  1. Eclipse Java 9 support (BETA)

  2. ECMAScript 6

    1. BinaryAndOctalLiterals()

    2. function ()

    3. iterators and for..of loops

    4. TemplateString()

  3. Empty(), enhanced method handles

  4. Enhanced method handles

    1. arrayConstructor()

    2. arrayLength()

    3. empty()

    4. loops()

    5. try finally()

    6. varHandleExactInvoker

    7. varHandleInvoker

    8. zero()

  5. Equals(), array


  1. filtering(), collector

  2. Filter input streams

  3. findStaticVarHandle

  4. findVarHandle

  5. flatMapping(), collector

  6. Flow.Processor<T,R>

  7. Flow.Publisher<T>

  8. Flow.Subscriber<T>

  9. Flow.Subscription

  10. ForkJoinPool.commonPool()

  11. for..of loops, ECMAScript 6

  12. Function (), ECMAScript 6

  13. FunctionLengthAnalyzer(), Nashorn


  1. Garbage collector (GC)

    1. CMS

    2. default G1

    3. removed combinations

  2. getInstance(), Stack Walker API

  3. getMaxBufferCapacity()

  4. getPlatformClassLoader()

  5. Gradle


  1. handleQuitRequestWith()

  2. hprof agent, JVM


  1. ifPresentOrElse(), optional

  2. Input stream

  3. Installation

    1. Eclipse

    2. JDK 9

  4. Integrated development environment (IDE)

  5. Intellij IDE

  6. I/O

    1. input stream

    2. ObjectInputstream Filter

  7. IteratedLoop(), enhanced method handles

  8. iterate(), stream

  9. Iterators, ECMAScript 6


  1. JAR file, artifacts module

  2. java, JDK tools

  3. Java 8, diagnostic commands

  4. Java 9

    1. CircleCI

    2. Docker

    3. IDE

    4. installation

    5. tools

  5. Java API

    1. automatic module names

    2. class

    3. class loaders

    4. configuration

    5. ModuleDescriptor

    6. ModuleFinder

    7. module layers

    8. ModuleReader methods

    9. ModuleReference

    10. readability graph

    11. reflection

    12. ResolvedModule methods

  6. Javac

    1. Docker

    2. JDK tools

  7. javadoc tool, JVM

  8. java.logging module

  9. Java virtual machine (JVM)

    1. Concurrent Mark Sweep

    2. default GC

    3. diagnostic commands

    4. GC combinations

    5. hprof agent

    6. javadoc tool

    7. mJRE

    8. tool interface

    9. unified logging system

      1. logging configuration

      2. tags, levels, decorations, output

      3. diagnostic command VM.log

  10. jdeps, JDK tools

  11. JDK modules, artifacts module

  12. JDK tools

    1. break encapsulation

    2. java

    3. javac

    4. jdeps

    5. jlink

    6. observable module

    7. root module

    8. upgrading module path

    9. module paths

    10. module version

  13. jhat tool, JVM

  14. jlink, JDK tools

  15. jshell

    1. /!

    2. add()

    3. classes

    4. /drop

    5. /edit

    6. /env

    7. /exit

    8. /help

    9. /history

    10. /imports

    11. $1.length()

    12. /list

    13. /<id>

    14. /-<n>

    15. /methods

    16. /open

    17. /reload

    18. /reset

    19. /save

    20. /set

    21. System.getP

    22. /types

    23. var

    24. /vars


  1. Keystore


  1. Language changes, miscellaneous

    1. changes

    2. private interface method

    3. try-with-resources statement

  2. List.of(), collection

  3. LoggerFinder

  4. LoggerManager

  5. Logging API and service

    1. DefaultLoggerFinder

    2. LoggerFinder

    3. SLF4J

    4. SLF4JLoggerFinder

    5. SLF4JLoggerWrapper

    6. System.getLogger()

    7. System.LoggerFinder

    8. System.Logger method

  6. Logging configuration

  7. Logging messages

  8. Log messages

  9. Loop(), enhanced method handles


  1. Managing long running processes

  2. Map.of() and Map.ofEntries(), collection

  3. Memory Fence method

  4. Memory order, variable access mode

  5. Miscellaneous

    1. deprecation

    2. language changes

      1. other changes

      2. private interface method

      3. try-with-resources statement

    3. network interface

    4. objects

    5. Stack Walker API

    6. Unicode 8.0

    7. UTF-8 resource bundles

  6. Mismatch(), array

  7. ModuleDescriptor

  8. ModuleFinder, java API

  9. Module layers, java API

  10. Module paths

  11. ModuleReader methods, java API

  12. ModuleReference, java API

  13. Module system

    1. migration in action

      1. biojava

      2. building the project, Java 9

      3. migration path

    2. application

    3. artifacts module

      1. JAR file

      2. JDK modules

    4. common issues

    5. declaration

      1. opening modules, packages

      2. qualified exports

      3. requires and exports

      4. services

      5. static dependencies

      6. transitive dependencies

    6. defined

    7. java API

      1. automatic module names

      2. class

      3. class loaders

      4. configuration

      5. ModuleDescriptor

      6. ModuleFinder

      7. module layers

      8. ModuleReader methods

      9. ModuleReference

      10. readability graph

      11. reflection

      12. ResolvedModule methods

    8. JDK tools

      1. break encapsulation

      2. common modules

      3. observable module

      4. root module

      5. upgrading module path

      6. module paths

      7. module version

    9. JPMS

    10. working with exsting code

      1. automatic modules

      2. unnamed modules

  14. Module version

  15. Multiple JRE (mJRE)

  16. Multiresolution images, user interface


  1. Nashorn

    1. ECMAScript 6

      1. BinaryAndOctalLiterals()

      2. function ()

      3. iterators and for..of loops

      4. TemplateString()

    2. FunctionLengthAnalyzer()

    3. parser API

      1. basic parsing

      2. parsing error

    4. ScriptEngine

  2. Network interface, miscellaneous


  4. Numeric atomic update methods


  1. ObjectInputFilter.Config

  2. ObjectInputFilter.FilterInfo method

  3. ObjectInputFilter.Status values

  4. ObjectInputstream Filter

  5. Objects, miscellaneous

  6. ofNullable(), stream

  7. Optional methods

    1. ifPresentOrElse()

    2. Optional.or()

    3. stream()

  8. Optional.or(), optional


  1. Parser API

    1. basic parsing

    2. parsing error

  2. Parsing error

  3. PeriodicPublisher

  4. PKCS12

  5. Preferences window

  6. printProcessInfo()

  7. Private interface method

  8. ProcessHandle static method

  9. ProcessHandle.Info methods

  10. ProcessHandle method

  11. Process methods


  1. Observable module

  2. Qeues, concurrency

  3. QuitHandler


  1. Reactive streams

    1. core interfaces

    2. interoperability

    3. Reactor

    4. RxJava 2

    5. SubmissionPublisher

  2. Reactor

  3. Readability graph, java API

  4. Read access mode

  5. ReadAllBytes(), input stream

  6. Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL)

  7. Reading and copying data, input stream

  8. ReadNBytes, input stream

  9. Reflection, java API

  10. ResolvedModule methods, java API

  11. Root module

  12. RxJava 2


  1. ScreenSleepListener

  2. ScriptEngine, Nashorn

  3. SecureRandom

  4. SecureRandomParameters

  5. Security

    1. PKCS12 keystore

    2. SecureRandom

    3. SHA-3 hash algorithms

  6. Set.of(), collection

  7. setOpenFileHandler()

  8. setOpenURIHandler()

  9. setPrintFileHandler()

  10. SHA-3 hash algorithms

  11. Signature polymorphic, access mode

  12. SLF4J

  13. SLF4JLoggerFinder

  14. SLF4JLoggerWrapper

  15. Stack Walker API

  16. StackWalker.StackFrame method

  17. Stream methods

    1. dropWhile()

    2. iterate()

    3. ofNullable()

    4. takeWhile()

  18. stream(), optional

  19. SubmissionPublisher method

  20. System.getLogger()

  21. System.getP, jshell

  22. System.LoggerFinder

  23. System.Logger.Level

  24. System.Logger method

  25. SystemSleepListener


  1. takeWhile(), stream

  2. TemplateString(), ECMAScript 6

  3. Thread.onSpinWait(), concurrency

  4. TIFF image format

  5. Timeout(), concurrency

  6. TimeUnit(), concurrency

  7. Tool interface, JVM

  8. TransferTo, input stream

  9. Try finally(), enhanced method handles

  10. Try-with-resources statement


  1. Unicode 8.0, miscellaneous

  2. Unified logging system

    1. decorations

    2. levels

    3. logging configuration

    4. output

    5. tags

    6. diagnostic command VM.log

  3. Unnamed modules

  4. unreflectVarHandle

  5. Upgrading module path

  6. User interface

    1. Applet API

    2. desktop applications

      1. about window

      2. application events

      3. application exit

      4. functionalities

      5. open files

      6. open URI

      7. preferences window

      8. print files

    3. multiresolution images

    4. TIFF image format

  7. UserSessionListener

  8. UTF-8 resource bundles, miscellaneous

  9. Utilities method, concurrency


  1. VarHandle.AccessMode

  2. varHandleExactInvoker

  3. varHandleInvoker

  4. Variable handles

    1. VarHandle.AccessMode

    2. arrays

    3. atomic update method

    4. bitwise atomic update

    5. byte []

    6. ByteBuffer

    7. findStaticVarHandle

    8. findVarHandle

    9. Memory Fence

    10. memory orderings

    11. numeric atomic update

    12. read access mode

    13. signature polymorphic

    14. unreflectVarHandle

    15. write access mode

  5. Diagnostic command VM.log

W, X, Y

  1. whileLoop(), enhanced method handles

  2. Working with exsting code modules

    1. automatic modules

    2. unnamed modules

  3. Write access mode


  1. Zero(), enhanced method handles

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