


<fb:fbml version="1.1"><fb:typeahead-input name="...">...
    <fb:typeahead-option value="...">...</fb:typeahead-option>

Renders a type-ahead text input box that autodetects what the user is typing and tries to match a drop-down menu of options with what the user is typing. A good example of this can be seen in the search box in the upper-left corner of the Facebook site. At the time of this writing, this tag is currently in beta and therefore requires the <fb:fbml version="1.1"/> tags wrapped around it.

FBML-Specific Attributes


name=[string] default: none

The name to submit in the POST request with the form. The selected value in the input box will be passed with this name.


autocomplete=[on|off] default: on

If on, allows the browser’s autocomplete functions to override the autocomplete of the <fb:typeahead-input/> tag. It is recommended that you set this to off to override the browser functionality.

value=[string] default: none

The default value to include in the input box when the page loads. Note that it doesn’t translate to the text of the <fb:typeahead-option/> box it corresponds to.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:typeahead-input/>:

<fb:fbml version="1.1">
  <fb:typeahead-input name="name" autocomplete="off" value="mark">
    <fb:typeahead-option value="jesse">Jesse Stay</fb:typeahead-option>
    <fb:typeahead-option value="mark">Mark Zuckerberg</fb:typeahead-option>
    <fb:typeahead-option value="nick">Nick O'Neill</fb:typeahead-option>

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

The underlying HTML when rendered looks like this (Figure 3-36 shows the result):

<input type="hidden" name="name_val" id="name_val" />
<input name="name" autocomplete="off" value="mark" class="inputtext" 
  onfocus="var source = new custom_source(
    Jesse Stay&quot;},{&quot;i&quot;:&quot;mark&quot;,&quot;
    t&quot;:&quot;Mark Zuckerberg&quot;},{&quot;i&quot;:&quot;
    nick&quot;,&quot;t&quot;:&quot;Nick O&#039;Neill&quot;}]); 
    source.text_placeholder = null; 
    var ta = new typeaheadpro(this, source, {onselect: function(
    row) { $(&quot;name_val&quot;).value = row.i; ; }});">
The result of our <fb:typeahead-input/> example
Figure 3-36. The result of our <fb:typeahead-input/> example

Additional Information

  • Be sure to include this tag within a <form/> tag to have it submit with the form (or use FBJS).

  • This tag must be included within an <fbml version="1.1"/> set of tags.

  • This tag is currently under beta at the time of this writing.

  • If none of the options are selected, the text entered in the input box gets sent back to the form.

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