Mock AJAX is a tool that, through simple attributes added to elements of HTML and FBML, allows dynamic loading of data via AJAX directly from your own servers. If you add a few attributes to a simple submit button, upon a click of that submit button, the specified element will refresh with the specified content from your servers. Here are the attributes available:


The ID of the element on the page to be refreshed.


The URL on your servers (this cannot be a Facebook URL!) that returns data to be refreshed into the specified element.


The form that will be submitted upon a click of the button containing these attributes.

Mock AJAX works on anything that can be clicked, but it must submit a form on the page when clicked. Here’s some example code using Mock AJAX:

<form id="ajax_form">
  <input type="text" name="test"/>
<a href="#" clickrewriteid="data" clickrewriteurl=
  clickrewriteform="ajax_form">Click here to load the data</a>
<div id="data"></div>

To test the return data, inspect the term FBML.mockAjaxResponse using a development tool such as Firefox’s Firebug. The data within should give you clues as to what is going on. I strongly recommend using Firebug to debug your Mock AJAX calls.

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