
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


+ (plus) symbol in Create buttons, Additional Information


abort method, AJAX
accounts (see developer accounts)
action attribute, Required, Optional
actiontext attribute, Required
Add to Info button,
Add to Profile button,
addEventListener, Event Listeners
18 years or older,
21 years or older,
AJAX, Acknowledgments
(see also Mock AJAX)
class, AJAX
pop-up dialog boxes,
album attribute, Optional
alerts authorization tags (see messaging and alerts authorization tags)
align attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), Hosting
Analytics, Google,
animation, Visualization
API calls
developer guidelines for, Developer Guidelines
api_key attribute, Optional
Apple iPhones
<fb:mobile/> tag,
application type, Step 3: Set Up the App
applications, Some Terms You Should Know
Circle of Friends, The “Hello World” for Social Development
Honesty Box, The “Hello World” for Social Development
iLike, The “Hello World” for Social Development
Likeness, The “Hello World” for Social Development
Scrabulous, The “Hello World” for Social Development
rendering name of,
apps (see applications)
April Fools’ Day,
artist attribute, Optional
attachments, Step 3: Set Up the App
attributes, Acknowledgments
(see also dynamic FBML attributes)
form elements, FBML-Specific Attributes
audio source
meta tags, Required meta tags for an audio source
authorization tags, Authorization TagsAdditional Information
canvas page authorization tags, Canvas Page Authorization TagsAdditional Information
logic tags, Logic TagsAdditional Information
messaging and alerts, Messaging and Alerts in FBMLAdditional Information
profile and Facebook Page authorization tags, Profile and Facebook Page Authorization TagsAdditional Information
random logic, Random Logic
user authorization tag,
authorizing by user agent tags,
<fb:user-agent/>, <fb:user-agent/>
autocomplete attribute, Optional
autocompletion, ,


beta tags
testing beta versions,
bgcolor attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional
bit rate
MP3 files, Additional Information
border_color attribute, Optional
rendering content for specified,
cancel buttons,
Create buttons,
<fb:dialog/> tag,
<fb:editor/> forms,
invite requests,
standard input buttons,
submit buttons, ,
bypass attribute, Optional


images, Images in FBML
cache breaking strings
URLs, Images in FBML
callback URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
callbackurl attribute, Optional, Optional
cancel buttons,
cancel_button attribute, Optional
cancreatetopic attribute, Optional
candelete attribute, Optional, Required
canmark attribute, Optional
canpost attribute, Optional, Required
canvas page authorization tags, Canvas Page Authorization TagsAdditional Information
<fb:if-can-see-photo/>, <fb:if-can-see-photo/>
<fb:if-can-see/>, <fb:if-can-see/>
<fb:if-is-app-user/>, <fb:if-is-app-user/>
<fb:if-is-friends-with-viewer/>, <fb:if-is-friends-with-viewer/>
<fb:if-is-group-member/>, <fb:if-is-group-member/>
<fb:if-is-user/>, <fb:if-is-user/>
<fb:if-user-has-added-app/>, <fb:if-user-has-added-app/>
<fb:is-in-network/>, <fb:is-in-network/>
canvas page URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
canvas pages, Some Terms You Should Know
default CSS properties, CSS and DOM in FBML
SEO, Public Canvas Pages and SEO
capitalize attribute, Optional, Optional
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
using, CSS and DOM in FBML
Circle of Friends application, The “Hello World” for Social Development
class attribute, Required
clickrewriteform attribute, Optional, Mock AJAX
clickrewriteid attribute, Optional, Mock AJAX
clickrewriteurl attribute, Optional, Mock AJAX
clickthrough attribute, FBML-Specific Attributes, Visibility Attributes
clicktodisable attribute, FBML-Specific Attributes
clicktoenable attribute, FBML-Specific Attributes
clicktohide attribute, Visibility Attributes
clicktoshow attribute, Visibility Attributes
clicktotoggle attribute, Visibility Attributes
close_dialog attribute, Optional
cols attribute, Optional
Commagere, Blake, FBML
on Wall-like components,
condensed attribute, Optional
contact email address, Step 3: Set Up the App
content attribute, Required
Create buttons
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
using, CSS and DOM in FBML


dashboard headers
date_day attribute, Additional Information
date_month attribute, Additional Information
decoration attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional
default action FBML, Step 3: Set Up the App
default CSS properties for elements on Facebook canvas pages, CSS and DOM in FBML
default FBML, Step 3: Set Up the App
developer accounts
setting up, Step 1: Set Up a Facebook Developer Account
developer guidelines, Developer Guidelines
as friends, Step 3: Set Up the App
dialog box tags, Dialog Boxes in Facebook—The Facebook “Pop Up”Example FBML
<fb:dialog-button/>, <fb:dialog-button/>
<fb:dialog-content/>, <fb:dialog-content/>
<fb:dialog-title/>, <fb:dialog-title/>
<fb:dialog/>, <fb:dialog/>
<fb:dialogresponse/>, <fb:dialogresponse/>
dialog boxes
using, Dialogs
Dialog class, Dialogs
discussion boards,
<div/> tag, Additional Information
divider lines,
documentation for FBML, Tools and Documentation
DOM (Document Object Model)
methods and JavaScript, General Information
using, CSS and DOM in FBML
dynamic FBML
<fb:tab-item/> tag, Additional Information
dynamic FBML attributes, Dynamic FBML Attributes
data access for JavaScript,
Mock AJAX, Mock AJAX
visibility attributes, Visibility Attributes
dynamically loading content in users’ profiles, Required


EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), Hosting
eid attribute, Required
email addresses
for contact and support, Step 3: Set Up the App
tags for, Messaging and Alerts in FBML
event handlers
AJAX calls, AJAX
dialogs, Dialogs
event listeners, Event Listeners
rendering links to,
excludes attribute, Required
exclude_ids attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional
explanation messages


F8 conference, The Facebook Platform Emerges, Some Terms You Should Know
Facebook Markup Language (see FBML)
Facebook Page, Some Terms You Should Know
Facebook Page authorization tags (see profile and Facebook Page authorization tags)
Facebook Platform, The Facebook Platform Emerges, Some Terms You Should Know
architecture, The Facebook Platform Architecture
<fb:18-plus/> tag, <fb:18-plus/>
<fb:21-plus/> tag, <fb:21-plus/>
<fb:action/> tag, <fb:action/>
<fb:add-section-button/> tag, <fb:add-section-button/>
<fb:application-name/> tag, <fb:application-name/>
<fb:attachment-preview/> tag, <fb:attachment-preview/>
<fb:board/> tag, <fb:board/>
<fb:comments/> tag, <fb:comments/>
<fb:create-button/> tag, <fb:create-button/>
<fb:dashboard/> tag, <fb:dashboard/>
<fb:default/> tag, <fb:default/>
<fb:dialog-button/> tag, <fb:dialog-button/>
<fb:dialog-content/> tag, <fb:dialog-content/>
<fb:dialog-title/> tag, <fb:dialog-title/>
<fb:dialog/> tag, <fb:dialog/>, Additional Information, ,
<fb:dialogresponse/> tag, <fb:dialogresponse/>
<fb:editor-button/> tag, <fb:editor-button/>
<fb:editor-buttonset/> tag, <fb:editor-buttonset/>
<fb:editor-cancel/> tag, <fb:editor-cancel/>
<fb:editor-custom/> tag, <fb:editor-custom/>
<fb:editor-date/> tag, <fb:editor-date/>
<fb:editor-divider/> tag, <fb:editor-divider/>
<fb:editor-month/> tag, <fb:editor-month/>
<fb:editor-text/> tag, <fb:editor-text/>
<fb:editor-textarea/> tag, <fb:editor-textarea/>
<fb:captcha/> tag, <fb:captcha/>
<fb:editor-time/> tag, <fb:editor-time/>
<fb:editor/> tag, <fb:editor/>, , , ,
<fb:else/> tag, Canvas Page Authorization Tags, <fb:else/>
<fb:error/>tag, <fb:error/>
<fb:eventlink/> tag, <fb:eventlink/>
<fb:explanation/> tag, <fb:explanation/>
<fb:fbml/> tag, <fb:fbml/>
<fb:fbmlversion/> tag, <fb:fbmlversion/>
<fb:flv/> tag, <fb:flv/>
<fb:friend-selector/> tag, <fb:friend-selector/>
<fb:google-analytics/> tag, <fb:google-analytics/>
<fb:grouplink/> tag, <fb:grouplink/>
<fb:header-title/> tag, <fb:header-title/>, <fb:header-title/>
<fb:header/> tag, <fb:header/>
<fb:help/> tag, <fb:help/>
<fb:if-can-see-photo/> tag, <fb:if-can-see-photo/>
<fb:if-can-see/> tag, <fb:if-can-see/>
<fb:if-is-app-user/> tag, <fb:if-is-app-user/>, Additional Information
<fb:if-is-friends-with-viewer/> tag, <fb:if-is-friends-with-viewer/>
<fb:if-is-group-member/> tag, <fb:if-is-group-member/>
<fb:if-is-user/> tag, <fb:if-is-user/>
<fb:if-user-has-added-app/> tag, <fb:if-user-has-added-app/>, Additional Information
<fb:if/> tag, Additional information, <fb:if/>
<fb:iframe/> tag, <fb:iframe/>
<fb:is-in-network/> tag, <fb:is-in-network/>
<fb:user-agent/> tag, <fb:user-agent/>
<fb:is-it-april-fools/> tag, <fb:is-it-april-fools/>
<fb:is-it-christmas/> tag, <fb:is-it-christmas/>
<fb:is-logged-out/> tag, The <fb:is-logged-out/> tag
<fb:js-string/> tag, <fb:js-string/>
<fb:mediaheader/> tag, <fb:mediaheader/>,
<fb:mobile/> tag, <fb:mobile/>
<fb:mp3/> tag, <fb:mp3/>
<fb:multi-friend-input/> tag, <fb:multi-friend-input/>
<fb:multi-friend-selector/> tag, <fb:multi-friend-selector/>
<fb:name/> tag, Additional information, <fb:name/>
<fb:narrow/> tag, <fb:narrow/>
<fb:networklink/> tag, <fb:networklink/>
<fb:notif-email/> tag, <fb:notif-email/>
<fb:notif-page/> tag, <fb:notif-page/>
<fb:notif-subject/> tag, <fb:notif-subject/>
<fb:page-admin-edit-header/> tag, <fb:page-admin-edit-header/>
<fb:photo/> tag, <fb:photo/>
<fb:profile-pic/> tag, Additional information
<fb:profile-pic/> tag, <fb:profile-pic/>
<fb:pronoun/> tag, <fb:pronoun/>
<fb:random-option/> tag, <fb:random-option/>
<fb:random/> tag, <fb:random/>
<fb:redirect/> tag, <fb:redirect/>
<fb:ref/> tag, <fb:ref/>
<fb:req-choice/> tag, <fb:req-choice/>
<fb:request-form-submit/> tag, <fb:request-form-submit/>
<fb:request-form/> tag, <fb:request-form/>, Additional Information
<fb:rock-the-vote/> tag, <fb:rock-the-vote/>
<fb:share-button/> tag, <fb:share-button/>, Additional Information
<fb:silverlight/> tag, <fb:silverlight/>
<fb:submit/> tag, <fb:submit/>
<fb:subtitle/> tag, <fb:subtitle/>
<fb:success/> tag, <fb:success/>
<fb:swf/> tag, <fb:swf/>
<fb:switch/> tag, <fb:switch/>
<fb:tab-item/>tag, <fb:tab-item/>
<fb:tabs/> tag, <fb:tabs/>
<fb:time/> tag, <fb:time/>
<fb:title/> tag, <fb:title/>
<fb:typeahead-input/> tag, <fb:typeahead-input/>,
<fb:typeahead-option/> tag, <fb:typeahead-option/>
<fb:user-item/> tag, <fb:user-item/>
<fb:user-table/> tag, <fb:user-table/>, Additional Information
<fb:user/> tag,
<fb:visible-to-added-app-users/> tag, <fb:visible-to-added-app-users/>
<fb:visible-to-app-users/> tag, <fb:visible-to-app-users/>, Additional Information
<fb:visible-to-connection/> tag, Additional Information, <fb:visible-to-connection/>
<fb:visible-to-friends/> tag, <fb:visible-to-friends/>, Additional Information
<fb:visible-to-owner/> tag, <fb:visible-to-owner/>
<fb:visible-to-user/> tag, <fb:visible-to-user/>
<fb:wall/> tag, <fb:wall/>
<fb:wallpost-action/> tag, <fb:wallpost-action/>
<fb:wallpost/> tag, <fb:wallpost/>
<fb:wide/> tag, <fb:wide/>
FBML (Facebook Markup Language)
about, The Facebook Platform Emerges
default text on user’s profile, Step 3: Set Up the App
and iframe, Step 3: Set Up the App
FBML Test Console, Facebook FBML Test Console
fbml.refreshRefUrl API method,
fbml.setRefHandle API method, , Required
fbtype attribute, Feed Forms
feed forms, Feed Forms
files, Acknowledgments
(see also FLV (Flash Video) player; MP3 files)
importing JavaScript files, JavaScript in FBML
uploading through forms, Additional information
firstnameonly attribute, Optional
flashvars attribute, Optional
FLV (Flash Video) player
forms, Acknowledgments
(see also feed forms; invite forms)
divider lines,
HTML design, Forms in FBML
rendering with two columns,
forms tags, <fb:editor/>Additional Information
<fb:captcha/>, <fb:captcha/>
<fb:editor-button/>, <fb:editor-button/>
<fb:editor-buttonset/>, <fb:editor-buttonset/>
<fb:editor-cancel/>, <fb:editor-cancel/>
<fb:editor-custom/>, <fb:editor-custom/>
<fb:editor-date/>, <fb:editor-date/>
<fb:editor-divider/>, <fb:editor-divider/>
<fb:editor-month/>, <fb:editor-month/>
<fb:editor-text/>, <fb:editor-text/>
<fb:editor-textarea/>, <fb:editor-textarea/>
<fb:editor-time/>, <fb:editor-time/>
<fb:friend-selector/>, <fb:friend-selector/>
<fb:multi-friend-input/>, <fb:multi-friend-input/>
<fb:submit/>, <fb:submit/>
<fb:typeahead-input/>, <fb:typeahead-input/>
<fb:typeahead-option/>, <fb:typeahead-option/>
<fb:editor/>, <fb:editor/>
form_id attribute, Optional, Optional
frameborder attribute, Optional
input text box, ,


generic paths
MP3 files, Additional Information
gid attribute, Required, Required
membership in,
rendering links to,


headers, Acknowledgments
(see also dashboard headers)
for Page admins,
rendering special headers,
height attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional
“Hello Friends” example, The “Hello World” for Social Development
Help links
help URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
hide method, Dialogs
Honesty Box application, The “Hello World” for Social Development
HTML applications, Hosting
href attribute, Required, Required, Required, Required, Required, Required, Required, Optional, Required
HTML design, HTML Design in a Facebook EnvironmentThe Facebook Platform Architecture
Facebook Platform architecture, The Facebook Platform Architecture
forms, Forms in FBML
hosting, Hosting
images, Images in FBML
JavaScript, JavaScript in FBML
HTML display tags, <fb:title/>
<fb:iframe/>, <fb:iframe/>
<fb:title/>, <fb:title/>


icon attribute, Optional
id attribute, Optional, Required
idname attribute, Optional
idname field, Additional Information
ifcantsee attribute, Optional
and FBML, Step 3: Set Up the App, The Facebook Platform Architecture
<iframe> tag,
iLike application, The “Hello World” for Social Development
images, Acknowledgments
(see also photos)
using, Images in FBML
imgclass attribute, Optional, Optional
imgsrc attribute, Optional, Optional
imgstyle attribute, Optional, Optional
includes attribute, Required
includeself attribute, Optional
include_lists attribute, Optional
include_me attribute, Optional
Info tab, The <fb:add-section-button/> Tag
friends, ,
<input/> element, Additional information
options, Step 3: Set Up the App
integration points, Step 3: Set Up the App
invite attribute, Optional
invite forms
invite requests
button for,
developer guidelines, Developer Guidelines
IP addresses
servers making requests, Step 3: Set Up the App
iPhones (Apple)
<fb:mobile/> tag,


data access and dynamic rendering,
using, JavaScript in FBML, IntroductionGeneral Information
Joyent, Hosting


label attribute, Optional, Required, Optional, Optional, Optional, Required, Optional
labelwidth attribute, Optional
Likeness application, The “Hello World” for Social Development
lines (see divider lines)
<link> tags, CSS and DOM in FBML
linked attribute, Optional, Optional
listEventListeners method, Event Listeners
loggedinuser identifier, User IDs and FBML
logic tags, Logic TagsAdditional Information
<fb:default/>, <fb:default/>
<fb:else/>, <fb:else/>
<fb:if/>, <fb:if/>
<fb:switch/>, <fb:switch/>
loop attribute, Optional


max attribute, Optional, Optional
maxlength attribute, Optional
media tags, <fb:photo/>Optional
<fb:flv/>, <fb:flv/>
<fb:mp3/>, <fb:mp3/>
<fb:photo/>, <fb:photo/>
<fb:silverlight/>, <fb:silverlight/>
<fb:swf/>, <fb:swf/>
message attribute, Required, Required, Required
messaging and alerts authorization tags, Messaging and Alerts in FBMLAdditional Information
<fb:error/>, <fb:error/>
<fb:explanation/>, <fb:explanation/>
<fb:success/>, <fb:success/>
meta tags
<fb:share-button/> tag, Basic meta tags
method attribute, Optional
JavaScript, JavaScript in FBML, General Information
Microsoft Silverlight control
Mini-Feeds, Feed Forms
mobile integration, Step 3: Set Up the App
mobile phones
displaying content within tags,
about, Mock AJAX
forms, Additional Information, Additional Information
responses to calls,
drop-down menu of,
MP3 files,


name attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Required, Optional
rendering for specified users,
name_ampm variable, Additional Information
name_hour variable, Additional Information
name_min variable, Additional Information
developer guidelines for, Developer Guidelines
network attribute, Required
rendering content when user in,
rendering links to,
new design, Some Terms You Should Know, The <fb:add-section-button/> Tag
news about FBML, News and Information About Facebook Development
News Feeds, Feed Forms
developer guidelines, Developer Guidelines
nid attribute, Required
notifications, Acknowledgments
(see also request and notification tags)
developer guidelines, Developer Guidelines
notifications.send() API calls, Example FBML,
numposts attribute, Required
numtopics attribute, Optional


oncancel method, Dialogs
onclick attribute, JavaScript in FBML, Optional, Optional
onconfirm method, Dialogs
ondone property, AJAX
onerror property, AJAX
O’Neill, Nick, Foreword, News and Information About Facebook Development


Page admins
page navigation tags, <fb:dashboard/>Example FBML
<fb:action/>, <fb:action/>
<fb:create-button/>, <fb:create-button/>
<fb:dashboard/>, <fb:dashboard/>
<fb:header-title/>, <fb:header-title/>
<fb:header/>, <fb:header/>
<fb:help/>, <fb:help/>
<fb:mediaheader/>, <fb:mediaheader/>
<fb:page-admin-edit-header/>, <fb:page-admin-edit-header/>
<fb:share-button/>, <fb:share-button/>
<fb:tab-item/>, <fb:tab-item/>
<fb:tabs/>, <fb:tabs/>
rendering, ,
selecting friends,
pick attribute, Optional
pid attribute, Required, Required, Additional Information
plus (+) symbol in Create buttons, Additional Information
pop ups (see dialog boxes)
possessive attribute, Optional, Optional
post method, AJAX
post-add URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
post-remove URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
prefill_ids attribute, Optional
prefill_locked attribute, Optional
preposition attribute, Optional
verifying settings,
privacy URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
private installation, Step 3: Set Up the App
profile and Facebook Page authorization tags, Profile and Facebook Page Authorization TagsAdditional Information
<fb:visible-to-added-app-users/>, <fb:visible-to-added-app-users/>
<fb:visible-to-app-users/>, <fb:visible-to-app-users/>
<fb:visible-to-connection/>, <fb:visible-to-connection/>
<fb:visible-to-friends/>, <fb:visible-to-friends/>
<fb:visible-to-owner/>, <fb:visible-to-owner/>
<fb:visible-to-user/>, <fb:visible-to-user/>
profile-specific tags, Profile-Specific TagsAdditional Information
<fb:narrow/>, <fb:narrow/>
<fb:subtitle/>, <fb:subtitle/>
<fb:user-item/>, <fb:user-item/>
<fb:user-table/>, <fb:user-table/>
<fb:wide/>, <fb:wide/>
profile.setFBML call, Profile-Specific Tags
profileowner identifier, User IDs and FBML
profiles, Some Terms You Should Know
dynamically loading content into, Required
JavaScript, General Information
promotion (see viral promotion)
rendering for specified users,
purgeEventListeners method, Event Listeners


quality attribute, Optional
query strings
MP3 files, Additional Information


random logic authorization tags, Random Logic
<fb:random-option/>, <fb:random-option/>
<fb:random/>, <fb:random/>
redirecting pages to specific URLs,
ref attribute, Required
reflexive attribute, Optional, Optional
removeEventListener, Event Listeners
request and notification tags, Request and Notification TagsExample FBML
<fb:multi-friend-selector/>, <fb:multi-friend-selector/>
<fb:notif-email/>, <fb:notif-email/>
<fb:notif-page/>, <fb:notif-page/>
<fb:notif-subject/>, <fb:notif-subject/>
<fb:req-choice/>, <fb:req-choice/>
<fb:request-form-submit/>, <fb:request-form-submit/>
<fb:request-form/>, <fb:request-form/>
requireLogin property, AJAX
resizable attribute, Optional
resources for learning FBML, Useful Resources
returnurl attribute, Optional, Optional
role attribute, Optional
rows attribute, Optional, Optional
Rumford, Rodney, News and Information About Facebook Development, Afterword


S3 (Simple Storage Service), Hosting
Safari 3 browser, Additional information
salign attribute, Optional
scale attribute, Optional
Scrabulous application, The “Hello World” for Social Development
<script/> tags, JavaScript in FBML
scrolling attribute, Optional
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
canvas pages, Public Canvas Pages and SEO
seeallurl attribute, Optional
<select/> tag,
selected attribute, Optional
selected_rows attribute, Optional
send_notification_id attribute, Optional
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
canvas pages, Public Canvas Pages and SEO
IP addresses of, Step 3: Set Up the App
setContext method, Dialogs
Shockwave Flash (SWF) objects
showalways attribute, Optional
showborder attribute, Optional
showChoice method, Dialogs
showform attribute, Optional
showMessage method, Dialogs
shownetwork attribute, Optional
side nav URL, Step 3: Set Up the App
Silverlight control
silverlightsrc attribute, Required
Simple Storage Service (S3), Hosting
size attribute, Optional, Optional
smartsize attribute, Optional
SNML (Social Network Markup Language)
Bebo and, FBML
src attribute, Required, Required, Required
style attribute, Optional
<style> tags, CSS and DOM in FBML
subjectid attribute, Optional
submit buttons, ,
success messages
support email address, Step 3: Set Up the App
SWF (Shockwave Flash) objects
swfbgcolor attribute, Optional, Optional
swfsrc attribute, Required


t attribute, Optional, Required
custom tags,
reading tags within tags,
Terms of Service agreements
URL for, Step 3: Set Up the App
Test Console, FBML, Facebook FBML Test Console
beta versions of tags,
standard input form,
type-ahead text input boxes, ,
<textarea/> tag,
drop-down menus,
rendering to users,
title attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional, Required, Optional, Optional
<title/> tag,
tools for FBML, Tools and Documentation
type attribute, Required, Required
type-ahead text input boxes, ,
tz attribute, Optional


uid attribute, User IDs and FBML, Required, Optional, Required, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Required, Optional, Required, Required, Required, Required, Required, Required, Optional, Optional, Optional, Required
unique attribute, Optional
unselected_rows attribute, Optional
url attribute, Required, Required, Required
URLs, Acknowledgments
(see also callback URL; canvas page URL; help URL; post-add URL; post-remove URL; privacy URL; side nav URL)
cache breaking strings, Images in FBML
<fb:iframe> tag,
<fb:wallpost/> tags, Required
redirecting pages to,
rendering with iframe,
user authorization tag,
user IDs, User IDs and FBML
user interfaces
developer guidelines, Developer Guidelines
users, Acknowledgments
(see also profile)
list of,
usethey attribute, Optional
useyou attribute, Optional, Optional


value attribute, Optional, Required, Required, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Required
var attribute, Required
JavaScript, General Information
version attribute, Optional
video source
meta tags, Required meta tags for a video source
viral promotion, Virally Promoting Your App With FBMLAdditional Information
feed forms, Feed Forms
request and notification tags, Request and Notification TagsExample FBML
Wall, The WallAdditional Information
visibility attributes, Visibility Attributes


waitforclick attribute, Optional
components users can comment on,
Wall tags, The WallAdditional Information
<fb:attachment-preview/>, <fb:attachment-preview/>
<fb:wall/>, <fb:wall/>
<fb:wallpost-action/>, <fb:wallpost-action/>
<fb:wallpost/>, <fb:wallpost/>
weight attribute, Optional
what attribute, Optional
widgets (see Wall tags)
width attribute, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional, Optional
wmode attribute, Optional


xid attribute, Required, Required
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