



Content within the tags is rendered only if the user is in the specified network. Use the <fb:else/> logic tag (described later in this chapter) to render content if a user is not in the specified network.

FBML-Specific Attributes


network=[int] default: none

The network ID (nid) to test against. If the user is not in this network, either the content within the <fb:else/> tags is rendered or no content is rendered at all.


uid=[int] default: loggedinuser

The user ID to test the network against.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:is-in-network/>:

<fb:is-in-network network="1234567890" uid="0987654321"> 

    This text shows up if user with id 0987654321 is in
    the network with id 1234567890. 


    If user with id 0987654321 is not in network with id
    1234567890 this text will show up. 



Additional Information

  • This tag supports <fb:else/> even though it does not start with <fb:if*/>.

  • This tag works only on canvas pages and feed stories. It will not work on profiles, notifications, or News Feeds.

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