



Allows you to specify a set of individual pieces of content. Facebook will then randomly pick—based on the weight you specify—one or more of the options you chose. <fb:random/> is especially useful in user profiles, where data cannot be explicitly dynamic.

FBML-Specific Attributes




pick=[int] default: 1

Specifies the number of <fb:random-option/>s to return.

unique=[true|false] default: true

If pick is greater than 1, specifies whether to enforce the returned values to be unique.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:random/>:

<fb:random> <fb:random-option> randomly selected text 1 
    </fb:random-option> <fb:random-option> randomly selected 
    text 2 </fb:random-option>

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

The HTML for the example just shown renders randomly. It will either look like this:

randomly selected text 1

Or like this:

randomly selected text 2 will be displayed.
..................Content has been hidden....................

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