



Renders a standard Facebook error message. This message appears in a standard pink box.

FBML-Specific Attributes


message=[string] default: none

The error message heading to display in the error box. Optionally, you can use an <fb:message/> internally to specify the error heading.


decoration=[no_padding|shorten] default: none

Modifies the appearance of the error box. no_padding removes the 20 pixels of padding that surrounds the error box, and shorten removes the 20 pixels of padding below the error message.

Example FBML[3]

Here is example FBML code for <fb:error/> by itself (using the message attribute):

<fb:error message="Don't touch that button!"/>

Here is example FBML code for <fb:error/> with an <fb:message/> tag embedded:

<fb:error> Don't touch that button! <fb:message> Danger, Will Robinson!
    </fb:message> </fb:error>

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

The rendered HTML for the first example looks like this (Figure 3-2 shows the result):

<div class="standard_message has_padding"><h1 id="error"> Don&#039;t 
    touch that button!</h1></div>
The <fb:error/> tag by itself
Figure 3-2. The <fb:error/> tag by itself

The rendered HTML for the second example looks like this (Figure 3-3 shows the result):

<div class="standard_message has_padding"><h1 id="error"> Danger, 
    Will Robinson! <p> Don't touch that button! </p> </h1></div>
The <fb:error/> tag when used with <fb:message/>
Figure 3-3. The <fb:error/> tag when used with <fb:message/>

Additional Information

  • The <fb:error/> tag must contain one <fb:message/> tag or one message attribute to specify the error heading text.

  • The content for the error is optional.

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