


[<fb:dashboard>|<fb:subtitle>]<fb:action href="...">...</fb:action>

Renders a link on the right of an <fb:subtitle/> tag or on the left of an <fb:dashboard/> tag. See the <fb:subtitle/> and <fb:dashboard/> tags earlier in this chapter for context. <fb:action/> works the same—but looks different—in both instances.

FBML-Specific Attributes


href=[string] default: none

The URL for the link. This URL must be a Facebook canvas page (e.g.,


title=[string] default: none

Tool tip title for a link.

onclick=[string] default: none

FBJS function to call when a link is clicked.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:action/>; please refer to the <fb:subtitle/> tag for context (Figure 3-23 shows the result):

<fb:action href="" 
The <fb:action/> tag in an <fb:subtitle/> tag rendered on a user’s profile
Figure 3-23. The <fb:action/> tag in an <fb:subtitle/> tag rendered on a user’s profile

Here is another example; please refer to the <fb:dashboard/> tag for context (Figure 3-24 shows the result):

<fb:action href="" 
    title="How much do you know about Facebook?">
    How much do you know about Facebook?
The <fb:action/> tag in an <fb:dashboard/> tag rendered on the canvas page
Figure 3-24. The <fb:action/> tag in an <fb:dashboard/> tag rendered on the canvas page

Additional Information

  • This tag appears to the right of an <fb:subtitle/> tag and to the left of an <fb:dashboard/> tag.

  • When used in an <fb:subtitle/> tag, this tag works only on the user’s profile. When used in an <fb:dashboard/> tag, it works only on a canvas page.

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