


<fb:dashboard>...<fb:create-button href="...">...</fb:create-button>

Renders a special “Create” button that appears to the right of the title in an <fb:dashboard/> tag. The button is rounded, has a + symbol on the left side, and can contain any text you place between the tags.

FBML-Specific Attributes


href=[string] default: none

The canvas page within Facebook to link to. It must be of the domain.


title=[string] default: none

Text that appears when you hover over the “Create” button.

onclick=[string] default: none

When clicked, calls the specified FBJS function.

Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:create-button/>, which generates a “Create” button in the upper-right corner of the canvas page:

  <fb:create-button href="
      invite.php">Invite another Friend</fb:create-button>

Rendered HTML for Single Instance of Tag

The underlying HTML for the example looks like this (Figure 3-25 shows the result):

<div class="dh_new_media_shell">
    <a href="" 
      <div class="tr">
        <div class="bl">
          <div class="br">
            <span>Invite another Friend</span>
The result of our <fb:create-button/> example
Figure 3-25. The result of our <fb:create-button/> example

Additional Information

  • This tag works only on the canvas page.

  • It must link to a canvas page.

  • Only one “Create” button per canvas page is allowed.

  • There is no way to remove the + symbol from the button.

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