


<fb:mediaheader uid="...">[<fb:owner-action>...</fb:owner-action>]

Renders a special header that includes a picture of the specified user, along with a “Profile” link, a “Send Message” link, or a “Poke” link. Additionally, customized links can be set up (using the <fb:owner-action/> tag) that display only if the current user is the same as the user specified. In such a case, the “Profile,” “Send Message,” and “Poke” links are all replaced with the specified <fb:owner-action/> link.

FBML-Specific Attributes


uid=[string] default: none

The ID of the Facebook user to render the media header for.



Example FBML

Here is example FBML code for <fb:mediaheader/>; it renders differently depending on whether you are the user with the specified ID (as shown in Figure 3-28) or not (as shown in Figure 3-29):

<fb:mediaheader uid="4">
  <fb:owner-action href="">
      View Your Messages.</fb:owner-action>
  <fb:header-title>&lt;fb:mediaheader/&gt; Example</fb:header-title>
The result of the <fb:mediaheader/> example if your user ID is 4
Figure 3-28. The result of the <fb:mediaheader/> example if your user ID is 4
The result of the <fb:mediaheader/> example if you are anyone else
Figure 3-29. The result of the <fb:mediaheader/> example if you are anyone else

Additional Information

  • This tag must have room to span across the entire canvas.

  • This tag does not work in profile boxes.

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