
$readmemb – system function 237

$readmemh – system function 237

$signed() – system function 178

$unsigned() – system function 178

@(event_expression) statement 220

Active low output signals 14, 64, 65

Address activated FSM control 291

Address activated FSM control state diagram 292

always block 199

Arithmetic right-shift (images) 178

Arrays of reg's 231

assign parallel statement 148

Asynchronous FSM 267

important note 280

Asynchronous FSM to relay circuit 296, 299

Asynchronous FSM using more than two event cells 305

Asynchronous Petri net structure 317

Asynchronous receiver block diagram 90, 94, 331, 359

Asynchronous receiver complete system simulation 358-365

Asynchronous receiver Protocol 89, 93

Asynchronous reset 54, 58, 221

Asynchronous serial receiver 88

Asynchronous serial receiver block diagram 90, 97, 359

Asynchronous serial receiver simulation 96, 365

Asynchronous serial receiver state diagram 91

Asynchronous serial receiver with parity 92

Asynchronous serial receiver with parity state diagram 95

Asynchronous serial transmitter 95

Asynchronous serial transmitter simulation 99

Asynchronous state diagrams without inputs along transitions 290

Asynchronous transmitter 95

Asynchronous transmitter state diagram 98

Base (number) 169

Basic logic gate symbols 337

begin..end block 199

Behavioural Asynchronous (event) FSM development 379

Bi-directional port 178

Binary counters using D type flip flops 355

Binary counters using D type flip flops - generic parallel inputs equation 353, 354

Binary counters using D type flip flops - with parallel inputs 353, 354

Binary counters using T type flip flops 347, 349

Binary counters using T type flip flops generic parallel inputs equation 352

Binary counters usingTtype flip flops with parallel inputs 353

Binary data serial transmitter 83

Binary sequence detector (4 bit) 136

Binary sequence detector (8 bit) programmable 138-143

Bit-range 151

Bit-selection 156

Bit-wise logical operators 178

Blocking Assignment 206

Boolean 170

Boolean algebra laws 337

and rules 339

associative law 340

auxiliary law 341, 346

auxiliary law Proof 341

communicative law 340

consensus theorem 342

De Morgans theorem 343

De Morgans theorem - converting AND-OR to NAND 345

De Morgans theorem - converting AND-OR to NOR 345

distributive law 340

exclusive NOR 338

exclusive OR 338

logical adjacency rule 345, 346

or rules 339

Buses 150

Byte wide binary code detector 139, 140

Byte wide binary code detector simulation 142, 143

Byte wide binary code detector state diagam 141

case..endcase statement 228

Case-equality 184, 216

casex statement 249

Class C type FSM 6

Clock circuit for use with FSM systems 355

Clocked FSM 2

Clocked watchdog timer FSM 100

Clocked watchdog timer FSM simulation 102

Clocked watchdog timer FSM state diagram 101

Clothes spinner 304

block diagram 304

equations 305

gate level simulations 309

simulation using equations 308

state diagram 305

test bench module 307

verilog module 306

Combinational Logic (using sequential block) 209

Comma separated event expression 203

Comments (Verilog) 150

Compilation 161

Compiler directive-timescale 159

Concatenation 180

Concatenation operator 184

Conditional operator (?:) 175

Continuous assignment 148

Controlling an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) 26, 33, 73, 111

Controlling a Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC) 76, 117

Counter design using don't care states 355-357

D type flip flops 47-65

D type flip flop equations 47

0 to 1 transitions 49

1 to 0 transitions with leaving terms Rule 1 49, 51

1 to 0 transitions without leaving terms 51

1 to 1 transitions Rule 2 50, 51

D type flip flop two way branches Rule 3 50-53

Data acquisition system FSM 110

Data acquisition system FSM simulation 113

Data acquisition system FSM state diagram 112

Dataflow style 148

Dealing with unused states 69

Default assignment 210

default branch (case) 228

Define compiler directive 242

Delayed sequential assignment (#) 201

Delta delay 149

Detecting binary sequences without memory 134

Dice game 79

Dice game simulation 82, 83

Dice game state diagram 81

Divide by 11 counter design 335, 362

Dynamic Memory Access (DMA) 127

Dynamic Memory Access (DMA) Block Diagram 128, 129

Dynamic Memory Access FSM simulation 132

Dynamic Memory Access FSM state diagram 130

endmodule 147

Equality operators (Verilog) 182

Event cell 269

Event cell characteristic equation tests 271

Event cell derivation 270

Event driven FSM(see Asynchronous FSM) 267

Event driven FSM to relay circuit 299

Event driven single pulse with memory FSM 277

Event driven single pulse with memory FSM Circuit 278

Event driven state diagrams without inputs along transitions 290

Event expression (Verilog) 202

Exclusive-OR 40, 92, 174, 338

Explicit association (Verilog) 153

External Timer Unit 23-26

for loop 160, 214

forever loop 200

Four-valued Logic 168

Gate-level module 172, 306

Handshaking mechanisms 23, 90, 98, 114, 117, 120, 133, 135, 291, 331

Hierarchical design (Verilog) 152

Hover Mower FSM 285

Hover Mower circuit 287

Hover Mower simulation 289

Hover Mower state diagram 286

Hover Mower Verilog code 287

if..else statement 210

Incomplete assignment 210

Inertial delay 172

Inferred latch 210

Infinite loop 204

inout port (read/write memory) 232

Instantiation (of modules) 152

integer 160

intial block 199, 220

Literal values (Verilog) 169

Local parameters (localparam) 186

Logic Synthesis 146

Logical-AND 174

Mealy active low outputs (with examples of use) 65, 73, 74, 113, 116, 118, 120, 125, 126, 127, 131, 303

Mealy FSM (Verilog) 381

Mealy outputs effect of clock and other signal delays 17

Mealy type FSM 4, 15, 241

Mealy type outputs 16, 295

Memory chip tester 123

Memory chip tester Block Diagram 124

Memory chip tester state diagram 125

Memory cycle (device) timing 28

Memory device control 29-34

Memory device control of chip select and read 28-31

Memory device control of chip select and write 28-31

Memory device controlled by an FSM 28

Memory Device waveforms 29

Meta-logical values (Verilog) 168

Microprocessor control for waveform synthesiser 120

Microprocessor control of DMA system 132

module 147

Module header 147

Module instantiation statements 153

Module ports 147

Monitoring input for changes 35

Moore FSM (Verilog) 383

Moore type active low outputs 14

Moore type FSM 5, 241

Moore type outputs 5, 16, 314

Motor controller FSM with fault monitoring 281

circuit 282

simulation 285

diagram 281

verilog code 283

Multi way branches in state diagrams 61-63

Multi-bit ports 150

Multiply and Divide operators (Verilog) 176

Named sequential block 213

NAND sequential equations 271

negedge event qualifier 217

Non-Blocking Assignment 206

Null statement (;) 228

One Hot method 105-143

One Hot method - dealing with two way branches 108

One Hot method - schematic circuit arrangment 107

One Hot method to produce flip flop equations 105-110

One hot single pulse detector 105, 106

Operators (Verilog) 172

or event expression 202, 203

Override (a parameter default value) 229

Parallel statements (Verilog) 147

parameter 214

parameter to set size 226

Parity detector 92

Parity for error detection 92

Petri nets 313

Petri net arc's 313

Petri net asynchronous receiver 329-335

Petri net asynchronous receiver petri net diagram 332

Petri net asynchronous receiver example Details of sequence 335

Petri net asynchronous receiver example simulation 334

Petri net based asynchronous serial receiver 329-336

Petri net circuits 316, 319

Petri net comparison with state diagram 314

Petri net diagram fork 319, 321

Petri net diagram join 319

Petri net disabling arcs 325, 326

Petri net enabling arcs 325

Petri net equations 314, 315

Petri net full cycle of design 316

Petri net outputs 316, 319, 322, 328, 333

Petri net parallel controllers 319-323

Petri net placeholder equations 314

Petri net placeholders 313

Petri net serial controllers 318

Petri net shared resource example 327

Petri net shared resource example simulation 329

Petri net synchronisation between parallel nets 324-327

Petri net Tokens 313, 320

Petri net transition equations 314, 315

Petri net transition equations with disabling arcs 326

Petri net transition equations with enabling arcs 325

Petri net transitions 313

posedge event qualifier 217

Positional association 154

Primary and secondary signal gate tolerances 301

Primary inputs 8

Primary outputs 8

Primitive Gates 170

Propagation delays 170, 343

Race conditions in event FSM's 299

Race conditions in event FSM's - between primary and secondary variables 299, 300

Race conditions in event FSM's - between primary inputs 299, 300

Race conditions in event FSM's - between secondary state variables 299, 300

Race conditions in event FSM's - gate delay tolerance 301

Raise-to-the-power operator (**) 217

Reduction NOR 175

reg 147, 151

Register types (Verilog) 164

Relational operators (Verilog) 181

repeat loop 201

Replication operator 184

RTL (Register Transfer Level) 145

Rules (Module Port connectivity) 154

Samples per waveform 78

Sampling frequency 78

Scalability (using parameters) 226

Secondary state variables 11

Secondary state variables non unit distance coding 11

Secondary state variables unit distance coding 12

Sequential block 198

Sequential equation for relay implementation 297

Sequential equations 271, 272

Sequential equations dropped terms 276

Sequential equations for PLD implementation 272, 276

Sequential equations logical adjacency reduction 274, 346

Sequential equations NAND form 271, 272

Sequential equations NOR form 271, 272

Sequential equations short cut rule 275

Sequential statements(Verilog) 198

Serial Asynchronous protocol 89, 93

Serial transmitter 95

Serial transmitter simulation 99

Serial transmitter state diagram 98

Shared memory 114

Shared memory FSM Block Diagram 114

Shared memory FSM state diagram 115

Shift operators (Verilog) 175

Shift register(s) 357

Shift register eleven bit design 360, 361

Shift register empty detection 96, 362

Shift register equations 88, 357

Shift register four bit with parallel inputs 358

Shift registers with parallel loading input equations 357

Signal delay in logic gates 343, 344

signed qualifier (Verilog) 165

Simple binary up counter 349

Simple binary up counter simulation 352

Simulation cycles 149

Slings 10

State assignment (Verilog) 241

State maps for counter design 348, 355, 356

supply0, supply1 nets 163

Synchronous FSM 2

Synchronous counter design 347-352

Synchronous reset 54, 8

System task - $stop 160

SystemC 146

SystemVerilog 146

T type equations 41-46

T type flip flops 40

Tank water level control final state diagram solution 295

Tank water level control first state diagram solution 294

Tank water level control system 293

Test-fixture 155

Test-module 155, 372

Timescale compiler directive 159, 170

Timing waveforms 162

Traditional FSM design 67

tri 164

Twisted ring counter design 356

Two way branches Caution in using 309

Two way branches in state diagrams Rule 3 50-53

Two's complement 175

Unconnected port 154

Unsigned 176

Unused states (Verilog FSM) 244

Verilog - Extreme Simulator 367, 375, 376

Verilog - simulators Tutorial 367

Verilog-2001 - simulators 161

Verilog-HDL 145, 367

VHDL 146

Wait state generator for microprocessor 301

Waveform generator 76

Waveform generator state diagram 77

Waveform synthesiser 116

Waveform synthesiser state diagram 118

Waveform synthesiser control via a C program 120

Wildcard event expression 203

wire 147

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