
As programmers, we are frequently asked to solve problems or use data that is too much for a single machine to practically handle. Many frameworks exist to make writing web applications easier, but few exist to make writing distributed programs easier. The Spark project, which this book covers, makes it easy for you to write distributed applications in the language of your choice: Scala, Java, or Python.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Installing Spark and Setting Up Your Cluster, covers how to install Spark on a variety of machines and set up a cluster—ranging from a local single-node deployment suitable for development work to a large cluster administered by a Chef to an EC2 cluster.

Chapter 2, Using the Spark Shell, gets you started running your first Spark jobs in an interactive mode. Spark shell is a useful debugging and rapid development tool and is especially handy when you are just getting started with Spark.

Chapter 3, Building and Running a Spark Application, covers how to build standalone jobs suitable for production use on a Spark cluster. While the Spark shell is a great tool for rapid prototyping, building standalone jobs is the way you will likely find most of your interaction with Spark to be.

Chapter 4, Creating a SparkContext, covers how to create a connection a Spark cluster. SparkContext is the entry point into the Spark cluster for your program.

Chapter 5, Loading and Saving Your Data, covers how to create and save RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets). Spark supports loading RDDs from any Hadoop data source.

Chapter 6, Manipulating Your RDD, covers how to do distributed work on your data with Spark. This chapter is the fun part.

Chapter 7, Using Spark with Hive, talks about how to set up Shark—a HiveQL-compatible system with Spark—and integrate Hive queries into your Spark jobs.

Chapter 8, Testing, looks at how to test your Spark jobs. Distributed tasks can be especially tricky to debug, which makes testing them all the more important.

Chapter 9, Tips and Tricks, looks at how to improve your Spark task.

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