We are exploring drawing in its widest sense,
which means using anything that makes a mark—
even scissors. Its important to try a vast array of
possible techniques to find the one method, or the
combination of methods, that really suits you.
The master of drawing with scissors was without
question Matisse. In the last four years of his life
he was confined to his bed, and created his iconic
drawings using sheets of painted paper from which
he cut wonderful freehand images. This skill, like every
other, requires practice. It will take time for your eyes
and hands to learn to work together, but the only way
to become good at something is to start doing it and
keep doing it. We need to really focus on enjoying
the process, the sound and sensation of your scissors
slicing and snipping through the paper. Don’t worry
too much about the final product. Be kind and have
patience with yourself, allowing yourself to have a
go of it, knowing that disappointments and great
successes will all be part of your journey.
Drawing with scissors is a great exercise and it makes
you really look at the outline of objects. Find yourself
a pair of scissors, including a big pair for speed and
then a smaller pair (nail scissors or similar) for the
detailed bits. Use colored paper if you have it, but
if not then just prepare some sheets of paper by
shading them with graphite or colored pencils.
Drawing with
Okay, lets get started. Remember to cut out your shapes freehand, which means
without drawing them first. Take a deep breath and start cutting. Its no problem if it’s
wobbly and wonky—thats the beauty of making something by hand rather than with
a machine! Copy my work here and paste yours alongside. Draw inspiration from the
master, Matisse, trying circles, squares, triangles, zigzags, and waves.
38 > Fearless Drawing
Drawing with Scissors > 39
40 > Fearless Drawing
Here I have cut out a branch and started to cover it with leaves. I want you to cut out
some leaves and paste them to my branch. They can either be the same shape as mine
or completely different. How does it look?
Store your cut-out shapes in a cup before pasting them in. Before long your
desk will be covered in snippings and you’ll begin to lose track of your pieces!
Spend time moving the shapes around before pasting them down. Wait
until you are happy with the composition (the layout of shapes on the page)
before gluing down the pieces.
Drawing with Scissors > 41
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