In this chapter we’ll begin to explore imaginative draw-
ing. The previous exercises have focused on drawing
from life and learning many different drawing skills
and techniques. With this new grounding in drawing
skill, we can now seek to draw from our imaginations.
This project is inspired by a window installation I
created for the Le Bon Marché department store in
Paris. Each of the windows had life-size plastic animals
on plinths, and I illustrated surreal, wacky legs for
each animal. I really enjoyed dreaming up bizarre and
humorous juxtapositions between the plastic animals
and their funny legs. It was so much fun that I wanted
to share it here as an exercise so you can play too! All
you’ll need for this chapter is your graphite pencil and
a big sense of fun!
from Your
Here is a photograph of one of the
windows from the installation in
Paris. It’s a deer with the extended
legs of an elephant.
Photograph by Emma Brown
Here are three identical ducks with very surreal “legs”
inspired by a ballerina, a flamingo, and an octopus.
106 > Fearless Drawing
If you prefer, feel free to use printing, frottage, or collage instead of hand
drawing, or use a combination of techniques.
Don’t be afraid to use reference imagery to help you to draw. Remembering
how things look is not the point of this exercise—instead use your
imagination to come up with clever ideas for the legs.
Okay, your turn! What legs will you give these ducks?
How about pencils, baguettes, yarn, bananas, or a unicycle?
Let your mind wander and play with the possibilities.
Drawing from Your Imagination > 107
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