We have now reached the end of our adventure
together, and its time to fly ahead with drawing
independently. This adventure will encourage you
to look back at how far you have come, and it’s full
of tips to create the time and inspiration to continue
your adventure.
With this book, my goal was to explore drawing in its
broadest sense, using stitch, scissors, printing, inks,
frottage, and collage. I wanted to expose you to as
many different drawing methods as possible, to help
you find your own way into (or back into) the joy of
creating drawings.
The wonderful thing about drawing is how each
persons approach and end result will always be
different. Each one of these completed books will
look completely different; yours is unique and
celebrates your own approach and style. A drawing
not only captures the view, model, or still life, but also
an impression of the person who created it—you!
Feel proud of how far you have come and confident
that as you practice more and more your drawings
will continue to improve.
126 > Fearless Drawing
This book should now be full of you—your hand, your breath,
your energy. Each person completing these adventures will
have done so uniquely. Some drawings may be similar, but no
two will be alike, and this is what I hope to leave with you: the
joy of creating your own unique mark upon a page and the
physical pleasure and mental space that comes with drawing.
We all aspire to be able to draw something accurately, and
developing this skill will come as you spend more time really
looking, observing, and practicing. Eventually your hand-eye
coordination will evolve and your hand will accurately capture
what your eye sees. But I don’t believe that we will get to this
point unless we enjoy drawing. If drawing becomes a miserable,
formal battle, we will quickly give up. So I truly hope that in the
course of completing these adventures, you have found and
enjoyed a range of approaches and techniques that you will add
to your drawing toolbox and carry along as you continue on
your journey.
I hope that you will make the time to keep up with your drawing,
time for you to be creative and inspired. As with any other skill,
with practice your drawing will steadily and surely improve.
Finding the time to draw can be the hardest thing. If the
washing needs doing, food needs cooking, and work seems
to be occupying your every thought and minute, it can be
very difficult to prioritize time for yourself. The best thing to do
is to find ten minutes each day, because if you wait to find a
spare hour, half day, or full day for drawing then it is unlikely to
become a regular habit. It is only by drawing regularly that you
will improve, and the quantity and consistency of drawing often
will stop you from becoming too precious about individual
drawings. Look for these sneaky ten minutes of drawing time in
the following places:
Instead of or in front of the television
During lunch break
On commute
On the telephone
Failing that, you could set your alarm ten minutes earlier
each morning and complete your drawing first thing! I would
recommend you buy a small sketchbook (one that fits in
your bag). If its always with you, then you’re able to grab the
opportunity to draw whenever you can.
Continuing Your Adventure > 127
There will be other days when you’ve managed to find the time
to draw, but you sit with your pencil and paper and no ideas
come. On those terrible “I don’t know what to draw days, use
one of the following ideas as a springboard:
The clouds
The view from your window
Your hand or foot
Something beginning with the letter D
A birthday card
Your favorite cookie
Your pet, child, relative
Your dream vacation home
A winter scarf or summer hat
The point is, it doesn’t really matter what you draw, as long as
you draw!
Thank you for taking the time to read and complete these
adventures with me. Drawing has the capacity to change,
enrich, and document your experience of living in the
world. I hope it will become a valuable and pleasurable
part of your life.
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