I would like to thank the team at Quarry: Mary Ann Hall, Heather
Godin, Kari Cornell, Renae Haines, and many more behind
the scenes who have helped to make this book a reality. Jane
O’Sullivan, for her friendship and being the best sounding board
for my ideas for this book. And my wonderful family of Lemons,
Hamblins, and Overtons: a huge thanks for their love and tireless
support, Mum and Dad (Bert and Ernie), sisters Allie, Katy, and Al,
brother Jim, and nieces Lily and Isabelle.
About the Author
Kerry Lemon is an artist working internationally for a wide range
of editorial, publishing, and advertising projects. Her drawings
are commissioned by clients such as the Los Angeles Times, Sony
Japan, Elle Spain, Fortnum & Mason, Harrods, Elle Decoration, and
Harper's Bazaar.
She is best known for her large scale retail and commercial
installations collaborating with brands such as Liberty London,
Harvey Nichols, Swarovski, Galerie Doux Dimanche in Tokyo, and
Le Bon Marché in Paris.
Kerry lives with her partner Steve and their two naughty cats in
a quiet village just outside London.
For Steve on our 16th year together. I love you very much.
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