I believe there are several interesting similarities among two of my favorite activities: cooking and filmmaking. Here are four of them:

  • To cook, you need time to find the right recipe and gather the best ingredients. As a filmmaker you need time to find or create the right story and gather the right crew and gear. You often want enough time to marinate something the night before, preheat the oven, work without rushing, and clean a bit before the guests arrive. As a filmmaker it is ideal to budget enough time and resources to scout your locations, plan the shots, and test your gear. You also want enough time to set up before the talent arrives.
  • Cooking usually requires following many steps in a somewhat organized manner and having the right portions, temperature, and time. As a filmmaker it is a good idea to follow a proven workflow, and you need the right camera and exposure settings so the final product is usable.
  • Within minutes or even seconds, your delicious food is enjoyed by others. Unless your guests are fellow cooks or foodies, few will truly understand how much time and effort it took to prepare each dish. When you create a film, your final video is usually watched in minutes, most likely seconds, and unless you are screening it to fellow filmmakers, very few people will understand what it took to produce it.
  • The best dishes are usually those we have prepared on several occasions and improved upon a little bit every time. The only way we can master any technique, be it in photography or video, is to consistently practice and do our best to improve ourselves at every opportunity. If you are someone who is already creative, and then you enhance your technique, you are unstoppable.

I truly hope you found this book useful. I’m constantly sharing new experiences on my blog,, and on my educational platform, I hope to see you there and never stop having fun!


Never stop learning, and never stop having fun!

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