
actionable intelligence, 152–153

active listening, 135

adaptors, 166–167

adverbial conjunctives, 156–157

aggressive questioning, 57

agreement, questions and, 90

analyst, questioning like a, 229–232

answers, analyzing the, 151–170

associated ideas, 88–89

assumptions, embedded, 88

bad questions, 71–72, 86–102

barriers, 166–167

basic elements of a good question, 55–56


asking questions without, 125

questioning, 65

body language cues, 166–168

bullying, 90–91

business negotiation, 198–204

cause and effect, 89


asking questions to, 210–211

using interrogatives with, 208

children’s memories, building, 212

commentator type, 112–113

compound questions, 87, 94

concept, questions about, 118

concepts, repeating, 81

content, analyzing, 152–163

control questions, 72, 75–79

controlling questioning, 77

conversation starters, 207

convincing, questions for, 178

corrective questions, 100–101

cues, body language, 166–168

curiosity, listening and, 135

customer service, 196–198

danglers, 90

dating and questioning, 214–215

debrief training, leading

questions and, 91

decisions, questions that help with, 177

dictator type, 110–112

direct questions, 72, 73–75

discovery areas, 103–129

discovery questions, 191, 193–194, 219

focusing on, 37–38


legal, 193–196

questions and, 96–97

discrepancies, uncovering, 80

dismissing questions, 179

education, questioning and, 172–184

electronic things, questions about, 118

elicitation, 154

embedded assumptions, 88

emergency response, interactions in, 187–193

entrapment, questions and, 88

enunciation of key words, 165

evader type, 113–114

events in time questions, 123–129

events in time, discovery areas and, 104–105

expendable things, questions about, 118

expertise, the importance of gaining, 223–245

experts, selecting qualified, 225

expression, analyzing manner of, 163–168

eye contact, importance of, 135

face-to-face listening, 135

filler words, insertion of, 165–166

follow-up questions, 168–170

follow-up, importance of question, 219


people and the need for, 108

using, 68–69


importance of, 135

nervous, 136

good questions, 72–86

gut feeling, 160–163

ideas, associated, 88–89

illustrators, 166–167

incongruity in narrative style, 163

influence, questions and, 88

information collection, 163–164

integrator type, 109–110

intelligence officer, questioning like a, 232–240

intelligence, actionable, 152–153

interests and knowledge, matching, 241–245

interrogation, leading questions and, 91

interrogative question, beginning with an, 47–48


children and, 208

refrain from using, 43

remaining neutral and, 58

using, 55–60

intuition, 160–161


listening for, 138

repeating, 81

knowledge and interest,

matching, 241–245

leading questions, 86, 87–91

debrief training and, 91

interrogation and, 91

relying on, 184

leads, listening for, 138

legal discovery, 193–196


memory, 126

note-taking, 142

listening and note-taking, 131–149

listening skills, developing, 132–141

listening, active, 135

listening, face-to-face, 135

logic, 160–163

mechanical things, questions about, 118


effective questions in, 181–193

interactions in, 184–187


building a child’s, 212

linear, 126

questions and, 87–88

Myers-Briggs profiles, 216–218

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 85


responses, 43

style, incongruity, 163

negative questions, 86, 92–93

negotiation, business, 198–204

nervous gestures, 136

neutral, staying, 77

non-discovery questions, 97–102

non-pertinent questions, 72, 85–86, 183

note-taking, 141–145

listening and, 131–149

one-topic questions, 48

pace of speech, 165

parenting and questions, 208–212

passive listening, 134


approaching, 105

discovery areas and, 104

the need for frames and, 108

persistent questions, 72, 80–82

personal life, questioning in your, 205–221

personal questions and personality, 215–218

personal questions, 105–106

personality types, questions for certain, 207

personality, personal questions and, 215–218

persuasion, questions for, 178


discovery areas and, 104

getting the information

you need about, 115–118

Plato, Socrates and, 42–43

polite questions, 100

posture, importance of, 135

pre-questions, 98–100

process, questions about, 118

professional questions, 106–107

professions, questioning in, 171–204

psychological questions, 52–53

question follow-up, importance of, 219

question function

categories, 175–180

question types, 71–102


repeat, 183

size of a, 66–68


bias, 65

exercises, 94–102

in professions, 171–204


aggressive, 57

controlling, 77

discovery, 219


bad, 71–72, 86–102

basic elements of good, 55–56

children and, 210–211

compound, 87

compound, 94

control, 72, 75–79

corrective, 100–101

direct, 72, 73–75

discovery, 191

dismissing, 179

events in time, 123–129

follow-up, 168–170

good, 72–86

hesitating to ask, 36

leading, 86, 87–91, 184

negative, 86, 92–93

non-discovery, 97–102

non-pertinent, 72, 85–86, 183

one-topic, 48

persistent, 72, 80–82

personal, 105–106

polite, 100

professional, 106–107

rapport-building, 96–97

relationship, 107–108

repeat, 72, 183

rhetorical, 101–102

short, 67

straightforward, 58

structure of a good, 55–69

structure of, 65

summary, 72, 83–85

true, 174

unbiased, 58

vague, 87, 93

ways to ruin, 85–86

rapport-building, information and, 43–44

questions and, 96–97

regulators, 166–167

relationship questions, 107–108

reliability, 155–160

remaining neutral, interrogatives and, 58

reminders, visual, 128

repeat questions, 72, 183

relying on, 183

repeating questions, 79–80

rephrase approach, 82

requestions, 98

response, narrative, 43

rhetorical questions, 101–102

sales, 196–198

Scientific Content Analysis, 127

sequence, remembering

things out of, 127

short questions, 67

size of a question, 66–68

skeptic, questioning like a, 227–229

social questioning, 212–213

Socrates, Plato’s dialogue and, 42–43

speech, pace of, 165

straightforward questions, 58

stress, detecting, 85

stridency in the voice, 165

structure of a good

question, the, 55–69

structure, questions about, 118

subordinating words, 156–157

suicide hotlines, correct

questioning for, 189

summary questions, 72, 83–85

text bridges, 158

things, discovery areas and, 104

think, changing the way you, 35–53

tightness in the voice, 165

time, events in, 123–129

tone of voice, shift in, 166

transition words, 156–157

true questions, 174

unbiased questions, 58

understanding, questions

that promote, 176

vague questions, 87, 93

visual reminders, creating, 128

vocal cues, 164–166

voice, stridency in the, 165

vulnerable, making your subject more, 72

words, subordinating, 156–157

words, transition, 156–157

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