Have you ever had a burning desire to flee the 9 to 5 and finally do what you love and get what you want? Are you sick of making peanuts by sharing your knowledge with your employer, who makes millions from it and pays you a tenth of what it's worth, just because you've been conditioned to believe that there's no other way? And did you know that you can get paid six to seven figures a year by sharing your knowledge, expertise and stories with those who can benefit from your experiences (no matter what your subject or industry) and help transform lives and shape the world we live in?

It may seem far-fetched, particularly if you believe that no one would pay to listen to your advice … and your friends typically tune out when you chime in. But the reality is there are tens of thousands of individuals all around you doing just that right now. They're finally getting paid what they're worth and gaining the respect they deserve. They're the new breed of celebrity entrepreneur, known as agents of influence.

You'll see them working away on their laptops while sipping on their soy mocha lattes in Starbucks. They're online providing how-to advice to help other people transform their lives and businesses, travelling the world experiencing different cultures and making money on autopilot, while everyone else around them drowns under an ocean of work, debt and stress.

They are agents of influence and agents of change, the entrepreneurial masters of the new information and social media age who are making millions, average people who have become influential experts, authors, speakers, coaches and online entrepreneurs. They don't feel like they do a day's work in their lives because they are doing what they love and love what they are doing.

They are people just like you and me, but they have taken a simple yet profound step to change their lives by packaging their skills, stories and experiences into marketable products that solve problems that keep others up at night.

They're finding solutions to everything from how to flourish in life, relationships, career and business; to challenges in whatever other subject they are passionate about. They are generating books, articles, blogs, online courses, audios and DVDs that are quick and cheap to create and make them millions.

No matter what your skillset, there are people willing to pay you for that knowledge to help shape their lives and businesses, so you can finally profit from what you love doing.

Every single day millions of people are searching Google and social media channels for answers to their burning questions — questions they could be paying you to answer. Even if you don't fully believe it right now, with your knowledge and expertise you hold the key to helping them. Whether or not you consider yourself an expert, you know things that others don't, and in the new world economy that knowledge is bankable.  

There is a bigger need than ever before for information that helps others become leaders in their respective fields. They need mentoring, guidance and advice to help them get started or get ahead of the game, and they are looking for individuals like you, who have been there and done that, to help them. 

If you are already an author, speaker, coach or entrepreneur, you will probably get what I'm saying immediately. You need to make your messages more marketable and massively profitable by taking creative and innovative approaches to get your message out to millions cost-effectively. Or you may have picked up this book because you know that you were meant to help others succeed, and you know that you will succeed by doing so.

It doesn't matter what stage of the game you're at — whether you're in full play or just getting started. In this life-changing book I'll share with you practical, step-by-step, advanced strategies to design, finetune and market your knowledge and expertise in ways that are not only profitable but inspirational. These strategies will help you create a life that frees you to flee 9 to 5, make a six- or seven-figure income, do what you love and get what you want.

This book is your invitation to join the agents of influence and benefit from the new information and social media economies that are at your fingertips. Join me now, for we're about to go on an adventure together — beginning in one of the harshest and most vibrant cities in the world …

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