About the reviewers

Rohan Bethune is a professional software architect and developer with over 20 years in the industry. He has in-depth, hands-on experience crafting intuitive software solutions ranging from writing complex high-performance blotters and trading applications for leading investment banks to creating immersive cloud-based mobile solutions. Currently, he is the chief architect and founder of Rozella Software, where he is creating an education portal for Rozella.iStudy, a Flutter-built app that allows anyone to study and learn practically anything through its intelligent content creation engine and series of fun quizzes, reports, and test graphs.


Tom Alabaster has been a production-level Flutter developer for over a year, architecting projects of all different levels from small single-user applications to a large-scale project registered as a medical device. He's given talks and run workshops, as well as having written several plugins and packages for others to use. Having followed Flutter for a while, he's been carefully developing an ideal clean architecture for Flutter apps in order to help demonstrate Flutter's scalability and performance for real-world large-scale production use.







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