
Geolocation is a technology that allows you to identify the physical location of a device, and this is a very useful tool for a mobile developer because today, location-enabled smartphones are in almost everyone's pocket, and it's incredibly important for an app to give relevant messages that meet users' needs. In this chapter, you've learned how to find your users' coordinates by using Geolocator, the library that provides access to platform-specific location services.

Another very interesting feature of this project has been integrating the Google Maps API into the app, using the google_maps_flutter package. You've seen how to show a map, and how to add Markers into it. This was a rare opportunity to use information stored in an SQLite database and show it in a different way—instead of using the usual ListViews or forms, all data was placed in a Map

You've also seen how to leverage the camera plugin to use your device's camera. You've used camera previews, taken pictures, and saved the pictures in a temporary directory of the device, using the path and path_provider libraries. 

At this time, the app is still a prototype: the files should probably be saved in a different place; pictures and data could be shared and saved over the web; the interaction with the camera could be smoother, and the app itself could be made more secure and reliable. However, the main functions we've used here can serve as a starting point to create personalized and engaging experiences for your users.

The next chapter will be fun: you'll create a dice game using animations with Flare!

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