
At the end of each project, you'll find a few questions to help you remember and review the contents covered in the chapter. Please try to answer the following questions (when in doubt, have a look at the content in the chapter itself—you'll find all the answers there!):

  1. What is the purpose of adding the path and path_provider libraries into your app?
  2. In which files do you add the API key for Google Maps in your project for Android and/or iOS?
  3. When you pass the initialCameraPosition to a GoogleMap widget, which type of widget do you need to pass?
  4. How can you get the current position of a device?
  5. What is a Marker and when do you use it?
  6. When do you need to use a LatLng widget in a Marker?
  7. Which is the method that returns a List of the available cameras on a device?
  8. How can you show the camera preview to your users?
  9. What's the purpose of a CameraController, and how do you create one?
  10. How do you take a picture in Flutter?
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