Project overview

The app we'll build in this chapter is a simple 'to do' management application. It consists of two screens: the first one contains a list of todos that need to be completed: from here, the user will be able to delete any item on the list by swiping left or right, and add a new todo item or edit an existing one by calling the second screen of the app. The following is a screenshot of the first page of the app:

The second screen of the app is the detail of a single todo: here the user will be able to insert the details of the todo and save them to the sembast database. The fields required for a todo are the name of the todo, its description, priority, and date.

By clicking the Save button, all changes will be persisted; by clicking the 'back' button, the changes will be discarded. The following is a picture of the second screen:

The project in this chapter is particularly code intensive, as there are several steps required to implement the BLoC pattern in an app, but once this chapter is completed, you'll be able to easily reuse the code in other projects.

The total time required to complete this project is approximately three hours.

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