
Please try to answer the following questions. When in doubt, have a look at the content in the chapter itself: you'll find all the answers there!

  1. When would you prefer to use sembast over SQLite in an app?
  2. How can you retrieve all the documents from a store in a sembast database?
  3. How can you delete all the documents from a store in a sembast database?
  4. How would you complete the following method to update an existing object in a sembast database?
Future updateTodo(Todo todo) async {
//add your code here
  1. What are the main differences between Futures and Streams?
  2. When would you use the BLoC pattern in an app?
  3. In a StreamController, what are the purposes of stream and sink?
  4. Which is the object that allows you to listen to the events from the Stream and rebuild all its descendants?
  5. How do you listen to changes in a Stream?
  6. Why would you use a stateful widget when dealing with BLoCs, even though you never called the setState() method?
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