
Flutter can now create apps for mobile, web, and desktop, and, while using the same code for several devices is a huge advantage for developers, the different form factors may be challenging when designing the UI of an app. A possible approach to deliver a great user experience to users is using responsive layouts. In the project in this chapter, you've used MediaQuery.of(context).size.width to choose different layouts based on the number of logical pixels available in the screen; a Table for larger screens; and a ListView for smaller screens.

Flutter for Web allows you to debug Flutter apps with a Chrome browser, but, once published, the apps will be compatible with any recent browser.

A challenge for apps that run on different systems is using their specific features. Saving data on iOS, Android, or a browser is radically different in each case. The Flutter approach involves creating wrappers around different platform-specific technologies. In the app you've built in this project, you've used the shared_preferences library to save data locally, avoiding writing custom code for each platform. There are several libraries that are already compatible with both mobile and web development, and the list is rapidly growing.

Browsers today only support HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When you build a Flutter app for the web, the framework transforms your Flutter code into JavaScript, automatically performing minification and obfuscation. In order to build a Flutter app for the web, you need to use the flutter build web command from a Terminal window.

Thank you for being part of this journey of learning Flutter. I truly hope you found value in this book. Even if it may be challenging at times, coding is the only way to learn coding; so, again: congratulations on making it to the end. If you want to keep learning, the web is full of resources, as Flutter is getting more and more popular: who knows, maybe we'll make another part of this journey together in the future. Meanwhile, keep coding!

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