Further reading

The Google Books Library project is fascinating and ambitious. Imagine a service that allows anyone to search through millions of books, including rare and out-of-print books, for free. That's the Google Books Library project. As of October 2019, there are over 40 million books scanned and available on Google. For more information about the project, have a look at the following page: https://support.google.com/books/partner/answer/3398488?hl=en&ref_topic=3396243.

Many of the technologies we have used in this book are made by Google. These include Flutter itself, Dart, Android, and Firebase, just to name a few. However, there's a technology that is made by Microsoft: VS Code. I spend most of my time as a developer on that editor, not only for Flutter but for most client-side development. It's fast, reliable, and free. And it's not only me. Stack Overflow, in its 2019 Developer Survey, found that VS Code was the most popular developer tool, with over 50% of thousands of developers claiming to use it, just over 4 years after it was produced. Have a look at the official page for more info about this editor: https://code.visualstudio.com/.

This chapter focused on creating web apps with Flutter. Another great addition is desktop support for macOS, Windows, and Linux. It's still at its initial stages at this time, but it will be fascinating to see how this grows. For an updated view of desktop support, have a look at https://flutter.dev/desktop.

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