Further reading

The first place to consult if you want to use animations in your apps is the official Flutter guide, which you can find at the following link: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/animations. Another great resource with videos, examples, and step-by-step guides is https://buildflutter.com/functional-programming-with-flutter/.

In this chapter, we've built a game starting from scratch. This is probably not the most common scenario for a real-world game, as there are several libraries and toolkits that you can leverage to create complex apps and games. If you are serious about creating compelling animations, there's a third-party tool, called Rive, that allows you to create incredible animations and add them to your Flutter apps. More on this can be found at https://rive.app/.

There's a great example on how to build a multi-platform game with Flutter at https://medium.com/flutter-community/from-zero-to-a-multiplatform-flutter-game-in-a-week-8245da931c7e. Also, have a look at https://flutterawesome.com/high-performance-animations-and-2d-games-with-flutter/ to find ideas and see what's possible with Flutter.

Even though Flutter is very young, there are already several libraries that make it easier to create games and animations in Flutter without starting from scratch, and projects are added very frequently. For example, have a look at Flame, at https://pub.dev/packages/flame. You'll also find great tutorials and documentation on creating games with Flutter.

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