Testing Perspectives of Fog‐Based IoT Applications

Priyanka Chawla and Rohit Chawla

15.1 Introduction

Fog computing facilitates the benefits of cloud computing by providing computing intelligence (in the form of virtualized resources), storage, and networking services to the edge of the network. This helps in decreasing latency (by reducing the need to communicate via cloud), uninterrupted services with intermittent connectivity, enhanced security, and support of massive machine communications. Thus, fog computing paradigm is a viable option for the development of IoT applications.

IoT is referred as an ubiquitous network of real‐life physical devices (such as home appliances, medical equipment, vehicles, buildings, etc.) embedded with sensors, microchips, and software to gather and exchange information through an existing Internet connection. It is a way by which computing intelligence is directly integrated to the physical entities with a motive to enhance performance, efficiency, and financial benefits. A boom in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) in almost all vertices of the industry has motivated organizations to build IoT products to meet the market demands. As per IDC reports, global expenditure on IoT will be around $1.29 trillion by 2020 [1]. Technical report by Gartner on emerging technologies states that there will be 20.4 billion connected devices by 2020 [2]. As we expand the connectivity of the IoT, scope and capabilities of IoT systems are also increasing day by day that directly affect public safety and personal lives, like medical devices and systems and automotive safety; therefore, the consequences of a system breach or network failure are higher than ever before. However, high‐velocity growth associated with rapid innovation anticipates the need of strong unique IoT testing (quality assurance) strategy to ensure the reliability of the IoT systems well before their release to the market.

Quality assurance is one of the most important phases of development to ensure the correctness and quality of developed software. Similarly, it is also crucial for IoT system, as poor design may hamper the working of the application and affects the end‐user experience. The architecture of IoT is very complex, composed of heterogeneous hardware, communication module, huge volume, and variety of data, which plays a vital role in analyzing the performance and behavior of the IoT system. Functional and nonfunctional requirements (such as robustness, reliability, security, performance, etc.) of IoT systems can only be ensured if a variety of devices are tested for different kinds of operating systems (OSs), software, and hardware combinations.

The QA process for the IoT is required to perform verification and validation of the associated new technologies such as machine learning and data‐mining with the aim of regularly improving existing and future systems. Moreover, the huge volume of data getting captured and sent through IoT devices to the backend makes the system prone to performance bottlenecks. This poses fresh challenges to development teams; thus, there is a dire need for comprehensive and advanced testing strategy to cover the breadth and depth of IoT systems.

This chapter starts with an explanation of the fundamental concepts of fog computing paradigm and associated benefits if adopted for the implementation of IoT applications.

Section deliberates testing perspectives of the smart applications in the area of home, health, and transport. Testing approaches and solutions applied so far have been illustrated and compared based on their outcomes. Further, evaluation criteria relevant to the three smart technologies viz. smart home, smart health, and smart transport have been proposed to assess the existing work. Finally, Section presents open issues and future research directions.

15.2 Background

With the emergence of IoT applications for which low latency and location awareness are of prime concern, fog computing comes into the picture. Fog computing is a conceptual model that extends compute, network, and storage services of cloud computing to the edge of the network. The paradigm of fog computing provides a decentralized architecture and extends the methodologies and characteristics of cloud computing (such as virtualization, multitenancy etc.) to the edge of the network. Applications such as gaming, video conferencing, geo‐distributed applications (for, e.g., pipeline monitoring, sensor networks to monitor the environment), fast mobile applications (for, e.g. smart connected vehicle, connected rail), large‐scale distributed control systems (for, e.g. smart grid, connected rail, smart traffic light systems), entertainment and advertising industry benefit on a large scale with fog computing paradigm due to improvement in quality of service (QoS) and reduction in latency. In addition, the fog model is well suited for data analytics and distributed data collection points by setting up end services such as setup boxes and access points. Thus, adoption of the fog computing model for the development of IoT application is very beneficial. Some of the benefits are listed below:

  • Freedom from cloud‐based subscription services. Fog computing model facilitates the developers to control, manage, and administer the IoT applications at the edge of the network without depending highly on Internet connectivity. Further, the decentralized architecture of fog computing enables the edge nodes to store the data locally for further analysis to make decision locally for IoT applications. Thus, in this way it reduces the dependency on cloud services and storage of data locally.
  • Reduction in congestion, cost, and latency. Fog nodes process and analyze the data at a very fast rate as compared to the analytics done by a remote data center. Fog computing model prioritizes the data analytics tasks based on the time deadline requirements. The data of IoT application with real‐time requirements is processed and analyzed, which results in lowering the latency and congestion of the networks. The processed data may be sent periodically to the main data center for further analytics, if required. In this way, it helps in the optimal utilization of the resources as well as bandwidth and therefore results in reduction of cost.
  • Enhanced security. Fog computing paradigm helps in reducing the data that would be transferred over WAN by encouraging local processing of sensitive data of mission critical applications, which reduces the risks associated with data security while data are on move.
  • Fault‐tolerance, reliability, and scalability. A fog layer augments the redundancy of data processing capability in addition to the cloud nodes and thus helps in providing a high level of reliability. The large number of local nodes can also be utilized in the form of virtualized systems, which results in a significant rise of scalability. It also abolishes the core computing environment, thereby reducing a major block and a point of failure.

In view of the above benefits of the fog computing model, an IoT application that produces high volume and velocity of data requires an extensive and dense network of devices that can take advantage of the fog computing paradigm. Examples of such applications are listed below:

  • Smart cities
  • Smart buildings
  • Smart transportation
  • Smart energy
  • Smart agriculture
  • Smart lighting
  • Smart health
  • Smart power grids
  • Oil refineries
  • Meteorological systems

This chapter discusses testing perspectives of three case studies viz. smart home, smart health, and smart transport, along with their limitations and future research directions. The reason behind this selection is that these three applications can be considered as the main founding needs of society. Agriculture is also one of the most important fundamental needs of society, and making it smart with the adoption of high‐end technology would greatly contribute to worldwide growth and prosperity. But due to time and space constraints, we will not describe this use of smart technology; it will be taken up in a future study.

15.3 Testing Perspectives

In the era of a smart technology enabled environment, devices must interact with other devices or even human beings with the purpose to share system configuration. This may hamper the working of the application and may affect the end‐user experience. Hence, the software, being the soul of the smart system, must be reliable and robust, which can only be ensured by effectively testing the software. The testing perspectives and the approaches adopted by the industry and academia for various smart systems are presented in this section.

15.3.1 Smart Homes

NTS is one of the testing service providers that provides validation of home area network (HAN) devices such as smart meters, smart door locks, light controls, thermostats, and smoke sensors. It tests the interoperability of appliances and reflects the energy consumption by various devices and thus helps in an effective energy management 3, 4. The testing tool also supports clients with self‐testing by simulating the functionality of the appliances. NTS has been designated by ZigBee Alliance to test wireless products for smart energy, and ZigBee Smart Energy is nominated by the US Department of Energy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as an initial interoperable standard for HAN. NTS also works for iControl Platforms to test its security and home automation commodities such as smart door locks, light controls, thermostats, and smoke sensors.

Corporate major players in the field of mobile phones manufacturing (such as Apple and MI) also provide smart home applications that help in the attainment of security, effective energy management, and automated detection of smoke or gas through mobile phone applications. Security of smart homes is ensured by setting up security sensor systems for doors and windows. Smoke or gas detectors can be turned on through mobile applications. In a similar way, smart light schedule and brightness can also be remotely controlled. Allion Smart Home provides testing and validation services, which support clients in the development, testing, and debugging of products for the three most important smart home environments – named as Cloud Service/Data Exchange,” “UI/APP,” and “End User Device” [5]. The lab established at Allion simulates a real home environment with three bedrooms, two living rooms, and two bathrooms including home items such as a sofa, TV cabinets, beds, desks, wardrobes, and so forth. Common appliances and electronics, such as a television, wireless speakers, computers (desktop and laptop), wireless LED lights, and so on have been installed in compartments with powerline wireless extenders, one‐in‐three wireless phones, and a microwave in the kitchen to introduce interference from other electrical products in the 2.4 GHz band. This is done to simulate behavior patterns and user habits in the real world [5].

eInfochips carries out performance testing for iOS and Android apps and redesigned the UI for Android and iOS platforms to improve the performance of home devices and to avoid inconsistency between iOS and Android platforms. Application response time is measured by using 24 × 7 performance evaluation tools and carries out bottleneck analysis to identify performance inefficiencies with the help of data flows and log files. Performance optimization techniques are implemented using cost–benefit analysis. Crash issues are resolved by utilizing detailed analysis and creating a crash log review. Code analysis is done with the help of SonarQube and XClarify tools [6].

UL has established the UL living lab in a 2500‐square‐foot fully furnished home situated near Silicon Valley campus and it thus enables testing of smart home devices in real‐world user scenarios and provides various benefits such as ecosystem integration, large‐scale interoperability, RF performance, and audio quality [7].

TUV is the third‐party testing provider that tests smart home products to ensure privacy of the data as per the guidelines of data protection regulations. Various types of tests such as device default settings, local communication testing for encrypted data, interoperability testing etc. are carried out to test the effectiveness of privacy of user data. Smart home devices are tested to certify their functionality and mechanical and electrical safety by testing the products such as motion sensors and smoke alarms. In addition, usability tests are also carried out for the smart home devices [8].

Smart Home Test platform established at VDE Institute conducts tests to evaluate and certify smart home network devices for compliance, faultless functionality, user data protection and interoperability [9].

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has devised a smart home test bed to simulate power distribution grid for industry, manufacturers, universities, and other government organizations. The NREL test bed includes the combination of powered hardware and software simulations. The smart home hardware comprises electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), home loads, a water heater, a thermostat, and an air conditioner, all powered (via red lines) by a photovoltaic inverter and an alternating current (AC) power amplifier, which emulates grid power. A high‐performance computer (HPC), Peregrine, has been utilized to execute advanced home energy management system (HEMS) optimization algorithms that simulates power distribution feeder, also uses weather and price data to determine control signals sent to simulated homes and to the smart home's hardware via the HEMS. The key component of a smart home test bed is a co‐simulation tool, integrated energy system model (IESM) that is responsible for managing the power system and home simulations, the HEMS algorithms, communications with the HEMS hardware, and a simulation of the smart home (using EnergyPlus) that runs on the hardware‐in‐the‐loop (HIL) control computer in the laboratory. The IESM also provides price signals as inputs to the HEMS, allowing users to evaluate how smart home technologies respond to different retail price structures [10]. Zipperer et al. [11] have also worked in this direction and developed a mechanism for electric energy management in the smart home. Cordopatri et al. [12] established test lab in the campus of the University of Calabria to experiment with various management systems for smart homes such as energy flow and comfort management systems. The main objective of the energy and comfort management system (ECMS) developed at the University of Calabria is to attain reduction in the cost and usage of energy along with improved comfort and safety of the smart home systems. Several authors have proposed similar kind of frameworks based on fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms [1316]. Hu et al. [17] developed an open and smart home test bed named as SHEMS that can be used for educational purposes. The summary of these products is depicted in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1 Outline of the work done to test smart homes.

Authors/Company Objective Approach Outcome
National Technical Systems (NTS)[2, 3] ZigBee Smart Energy Certification Testing for SimpleHomeNet Appliance
  • Test tools are designed to simulate the functions of the appliances to facilitate clients to carry out self‐testing.
  • The NTS testing validates that various appliances of home network such as thermostats, meters, load controllers, pool pumps, water heaters, and display units etc. work together properly and can precisely demonstrate amount of energy is being used which helps customer to manage energy proficiently.
Smart energy device testing; increase reliability and cut costs for consumers
Allion Smart Home Testing Services [5] Hardware development support, software apps validation and user experience optimization, cloud service validation, RF signal and interference validation and interoperability testing. Allion carries functional testing and ensures that the products meet the specification and verification standards of the certification process; The lab established at Allion simulates a real home environment that includes simulation of users' habits and behavior patterns; Carries out testing for different products and test scenarios. Certifies all 18 Wi‐Fi certification services
eInfochops [6] Performance testing; reliability and usability testing SonarQube and XClarify tools are used for code analysis;
Performance of the app is determined by using gap analysis between technical requirements and actual expected performance of the mobile app.
Performance inefficiencies are resolved using bottleneck analysis.
Mobile performance optimization techniques are realized using cost–benefit analysis.
Resolution of crashes is done using detailed analysis.
Mobile app performance optimization
Mobile UI redesign
Code review and performance testing expertise
Better app reliability
TUV Smart Home Testing and Certification [8] Security, protected privacy and testing for user friendliness
  • Mechanical and electrical safety of products such as motion sensors and smoke alarms is tested thoroughly to ensure for their functionality.
  • Protected privacy test includes verification and validation of devices, encryption of data and IP protocol as well as local and online communication, privacy settings of mobile apps, legal requirements and expectations of the associated documents, terms and conditions of data usage; product testing; interoperability testing.
Certification named as Certipedia and Greater Transparency
UL Living Lab[7] Interoperability testing 2500‐square‐foot fully furnished home to test products in a real home and in a real neighborhood Testing real‐world user scenarios:
out of the box experience;
Physical installation; ecosystem integration; large‐scale interoperability; audio quality and RF performance
VDE Smart Home Test Platform [9] Interoperability, information security, functional safety, and data protection
  • Testing of devices such as communications devices and gateways
  • Back‐end and cloud systems, and apps for smart phones and tablets
  • User documentation testing
  • Data protection
Conformity assessment;
Certification Program" funded by Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)
NREL Smart Home TestBed [10] Energy‐efficiency testing
  • Home energy management system (HEMS) optimization algorithms
  • Integrated energy system model (IESM)
  • Hardware‐in‐the loop (HIL) technology
  • GridLAB‐D software
Controllable, flexible, and fully integrated smart home test bed
Zipperer et al. [11] Electric energy management
  • Utility‐side enabling technologies
  • Customer‐side enabling technologies
  • Increase in energy efficiency
  • Decrease in cost of energy use
  • Decrease in the carbon footprint
A. Cordopatri et al.[12] Energy and comfort management system (ECMS)
  • Communication management with the peripheral devices of the system (switching box, smart plugs, etc.) through power line and/or wireless technologies and with the users through dedicated web‐based and mobile graphical interface apps
  • Collection, interpretation, storage and elaboration in real time of all data concerning machine‐to‐machine and machine to‐human interactions (e.g., monitoring data, users' requests, etc.) for statistical and training purposes
  • Prediction of home energy consumption on the basis of the stored historical data
  • Sending of control signals to peripheral devices in order to execute energy‐control actions on the basis of a defined set of decision algorithms and interoperability rules, also by taking into account the performed predictions, as well as to specific users' requests
  • Reduction in the cost and usage of energy
  • improvement in comfort and safety of the smart home systems
I. Dounis et al.[13] Multi‐agent control system (MACS) TRNSYS/MATLAB
  • Manage the user's preferences for thermal.
  • illuminance comfort, indoor air quality
  • energy conservation
R. Baos et al. [14] Review of the current state of the art in computational optimization methods applied to renewable and sustainable energy Well‐defined visualization of the modern research advancements
J‐J. Wang et al. [15] Review of multi‐criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods Energy decision‐making computed by the combination of weighted sum, priority setting, outranking, and fuzzy set methodology Identification of MCDA method, and the aggregation methods for sustainable energy decision‐making
T. Teich et al. [16] Energy‐efficient smart home Neural networks Energy saving
Q. Hu et al.[17] Open and extensible model for energy conservation based on smart grids Machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms Smart home test bed named as SHEMS developed that can be used for educational purposes

15.3.2 Smart Health

The main objective of the healthcare industry is to provide patients with quality healing services round the clock in a cost‐effective manner. The software industry enables the smooth functioning of the healthcare industry by providing software applications that assist in the functioning of various hospital operations and at the same also maintains the privacy of patients. Hence, crashing of an application would severely impact healthcare process and may also adversely affect the health of the patient. Therefore, testing of healthcare software is very essential as it ensures the quality and productivity of a healthcare service. The healthcare industry needs to follow strict regulatory and compliance norms, and it is bound to identify novel revenue generation strategies and to effectively utilize R&D budgets. This raises the need of software professionals to have thorough understanding of domain and industry regulations and standards. Significant work done in this direction is explained below and is portrayed in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2 Outline of the work done to test smart health.

Authors/Company Objective Approach Outcome
Virtusa COE [18] Healthcare domain testing, user acceptance testing (UAT) optimization, ICD‐10 testing, and enterprise end‐to‐end testing Business process management, customer experience management, enterprise information management, cloud, mobility, SAP
  • Transformation of business by optimizing operations
  • Efficiency
  • Expansion of target audiences
  • Distinctive millennial and consumer engaging experience.
MindfireSolution [19] Conformance testing, interoperability testing, functional testing, security testing, platform testing, load and performance testing, system integration and interface testing and enterprise workflow testing QTP, Selenium, Appium, and Robotium over several platforms
  • Effective automation strategies to reduce manual effort
  • Production time cost
  • Out‐of‐box QA frameworks to ensure high‐quality timely delivery
QA Infotech [20] Functional testing, database testing, performance testing, content QA testing and evelopment and implementation of QA and test strategies, performance and security tests
  • HIPAA guidelines followed religiously
  • Close interaction with functional managers to identify critical workflows for nonfunctional testing types such as performance and security tests
  • Trained tester
Assurance of Security, privacy and mandated compliances in healthcare application tested by QAInfotech
ALTEN Calsoft Labs' [21]
  • Healthcare domain testing in the area of clinical systems, non‐clinical systems and specialized testing services
  • Compatibility and localization, security testing, performance testing, legacy modernization and testing, mobile healthcare, BI/analytics and cloud migration and testing
  • Test consulting
  • Testing COE
  • Specialized testing
  • Compliance
  • Rapid testing framework
  • Improved test coverage
  • Reduced cycle time
  • Zero bugs in production
Precise Testing Solution
Healthcare application testing in the domain of electronic medical records, patient survey solutions, quality and compliance solutions, enterprise content management, medical equipment software solution and compliance testing services JMeter for load testing, ZAP proxy Bugfree software
ZenQ [23] Functional/regression testing, usability testing, interoperability testing, mobile apps testing, conformance/certification testing, performance testing and security testing
  • Adherence to healthcare data privacy laws/regulations such as HIPAA
  • Dedicated in‐house healthcare domain knowledge specialists
Assurance of quality, patient‐centric care, high efficiency and cost‐effectiveness
  • Minimizing errors and redundancy
  • Smooth transition toward preventive care
Testree [24] Functional testing, integration testing, interoperability testing, security testing, device compatibility testing, selection of manual or automation testing methods, performance testing like load testing and scalability and compliance testing
  • Health information managements systems (HIMS)
  • Practice and patient care
  • Clinical decision support system (CDSS)
  • Compliance solutions
  • Clinical IVRs systems
  • Personal health record and e‐prescribing
  • Policy management
  • Claims management
  • Benefits management
  • Business intelligence
Comprehensive quality assurance
  • Effective management of policies, payments, claims and benefits
  • Assurance of procedural efficiencies against fraudulent claims
  • Seamless integration of component systems
  • proper automation of updates and standards compliance.
KiwiQA [25] Compliance conformance testing, product consistency testing, platform testing and security testing Test approach is
  • Analytical
  • Model based
  • Dynamic
  • Methodical
  • Directed
  • Regression‐averse
  • Standard compliant
  • Removes the potential threat of the software
  • Assured freedom from all kinds of vulnerability issues.
XBOSoft [26]
  • Compliant working of electronic health records (EHR),
  • Automated drug dispensing machines
  • Pharmacy management
  • EMAR
  • EPCS with mobile apps
  • Careful design of test cases that ensures test coverage
  • Cross‐platform
  • Multidevice
  • Multibrowser compatibility
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Accuracy and security of information
  • Improved patient relationships through business knowledge and enhanced patient experience
  • Accurate implementation of business rules requiring ZERO tolerance for error
Infoicon Technologies [27] Interoperability testing, functional testing, security testing, load and performance testing, system integration testing and acceptance testing
  • Multiple platforms testing
  • Manual as well as automation approach for testing.
  • Cost‐effective services.
  • Sustains high‐quality standards
  • ensure compliance with healthcare industry standards and regulatory frameworks
W3Softech [28] Testing and QA services for healthcare and pharmaceuticals industry such as claims management testing, clinical decision support system (CDSS),healthcare billing software testing
Personal health record and e‐prescribing,implanted application testingQA in clinical data management systems
CRO workflow management system,testing support for regulatory requirements
  • Agile‐based healthcare and pharmaceutical testing services
  • Lifecycle phase‐independent testing activities
  • Assured excellence
  • Robust QA services
  • Amplify efficiency
  • Boost business efficiency
Prova [29] Manual testing, PLM testing, and automation testing Automation testing
  • Selenium Webdriver,
    Performance Testing
  • PHP and JMeter
    Mobile Testing
  • Silk Mobile
Better quality products and services
  • improved test coverage
  • Error‐free software applications.
Calpion [30]
  • Requirement analysis
  • Functional testing of healthcare workflows
  • Compliance testing
  • Interoperability testing
  • Mobile platform testing
  • Load and performance testing
HP quality center (QC), Quick Test Professional (QTP) and HP ALM
  • Testing solution to provide true hybrid framework and data‐driven testing
    • Accelerated manual test executions and defect reporting using HP QC.
    • Batch mode of execution of test suites during different test phase
    • Pre‐built test cases from our healthcare test case repository shorten testing cycles
    • Automate new processes or update existing test cases faster
  • Improved quality
  • lower cost leveraging
  • re‐usability and automation
  • Global delivery model
Abstracta [31] Automated functional testing, security testing and performance testing services
    • Continuous testing
    • Automation framework
    • Selenium or Appium
      • •  Performance testing
      • •  JMeter
      • •  Mobile test automation
    • Monkop
    • Comply with regulations and adhere to standards (ex: Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, etc)
      • •  Minimize risks related to security, data accuracy, patient safety, etc.
      • •  Save time and money by nearshoring
360logica labs [32]
  • Healthcare billing software testing
  • R&D software testing
  • Embedded application testing
  • Testing and QA services for pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
  • Use of open source tools assure better scalability, resource optimization, and interoperability
  • Testing team comprising of skilled and in‐house experts
  • Minimum resource wastage and maximum business optimization guaranteed
  • Healthcare software industry testing with focus on compatibility, reliability, security, and completeness
  • Ready‐to‐use and reusable
  • Reduced software testing cost
  • Assured on‐time delivery and high quality
Renate Löffler et al. [35] Model‐based test‐case generation strategy UML 2.0 Developed model‐based approach for the specification of requirements followed by integration testing for healthcare applications
Bastien et al. [36] User‐based evaluation KALDI, Morae, Noldus Identification of open issues in usability testing
R. Snelick [33] Conformance testing NIST HL7 v2 conformance test tools Certification of EHR technologies
P. Scott et al. [34] Conformance testing Schematron, mind‐mapping Developed an openEHR archetype model for creating HL7 and IHE implementation artifacts

Virtusa has established dedicated center of excellence that provides healthcare domain testing, user acceptance testing (UAT) optimization, ICD‐10 testing, and enterprise end‐to‐end testing [18]. Mindfiresolutions provides a manual as well as automated healthcare application testing services by using various tools such as QTP, Selenium, Appium, and Robotium over several platforms. The testing services offered are: conformance testing, interoperability testing, functional testing, security testing, platform testing, load and performance testing, system integration and interface testing, and enterprise workflow testing [19]. The healthcare testing services provided by QAInfotech include functional testing, database testing, performance testing, content QA testing and development and implementation of QA and test strategies. In addition, testing professionals also take care of HIPAA guidelines and carries out performance and security tests [20]. Cloud lab established by ALTEN Calsoft Labs' provides healthcare domain testing in the area of clinical systems, nonclinical systems, and specialized testing services. Clinical systems include EHR/EMR, hospital ERP, radiology information systems, imaging systems, and compliance‐related standards and guidelines such as HIPAA. Nonclinical system contains the modules of pharmacy, billing, and revenue cycle management. Specialized testing services comprise compatibility and localization, security testing, performance testing, legacy modernization and testing, mobile healthcare, BI/analytics, and cloud migration and testing [21]. Precise Testing Solution delivers healthcare application testing in the domain of electronic medical records, patient survey solutions, quality and compliance solutions, enterprise content management, medical equipment software solution and compliance testing services [22].

ZenQ helps healthcare organizations in attaining quality, efficiency, and cost‐effectiveness by providing specialized healthcare testing solutions in the area of electronic health records (EHRs) electronic medical records (EMRs), hospital management systems, healthcare data interoperability and messaging standards conformation, and mobile health. Testing services include functional/regression testing, usability testing, interoperability testing, mobile apps testing, conformance/certification testing, performance testing and security testing [23]. Testree offers a complete package of quality assurance and healthcare application testing that includes certification for automatic compliance of various standards, appropriate administration, and control of policy claims and benefits, patient and disease management, billing and reporting, etc. [24]. The healthcare testing services offered by KiwiQA encompass compliance conformance testing, product consistency testing, platform testing, and security testing [25].

XBOSoft makes the provision of testing services in the domain of healthcare and ensures the compliant working of electronic health records (EHR), automated drug dispensing machines, pharmacy management, EMAR, and EPCS with mobile apps. This is done by careful design of test cases that ensures test coverage, cross‐platform, multidevice, and multibrowser compatibility [26]. The lab setup at Infoicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. dedicatedly provides the cost‐effective healthcare testing services covering the domain of pharmaceutical industry, clinical systems, healthcare startups, body fitness, dental care, physiotherapy, doctor consultation, and homeopathy. It provides multiple platforms for manual as well as automated testing services that include interoperability testing, functional testing, security testing, load and performance testing, system integration testing, and acceptance testing [27]. W3Softech offers agile‐based healthcare and pharmaceutical testing services [28].

In the similar way, Prova also provides cost‐effective software testing and QA services for the healthcare industry [29]. Calpion's offers convenient and fast‐testing framework that works for both web and mobile healthcare application by utilizing HP quality center (QC), quick test professional (QTP) and HP ALM [30]. Abstracta provides healthcare testing system for patient portals, medical imaging, and electronic health records (EHR) while adhering to the standards and regulations. It provides automated functional testing, security testing, and performance testing services [31]. The 360logica labs offers cost‐effective, reliable, and standard compliant healthcare software testing services. The testing services are in the area of hospitals, pharmaceutical and clinical labs, which include healthcare billing software testing, R&D software testing, and embedded application testing [32].

Löffler et al. [35] devised a model‐based test‐case generation strategy from use case scenarios described with their newly introduced formal specification language by extending UML2.0 sequence diagrams. Test models have been derived from specifications, which are then used to generate test cases corresponding to each and every flow in the test model. J.M.C. Bastien et al. [36] carried out user‐based evaluation for healthcare applications to assess the usability of the application by employing single user and paired‐user testing. In this approach, users are asked to carry out certain tasks, and performance of the users is noted such as task completion rate, types of error accorded, etc. to recognize certain design flaws that causes user errors. Based on these observations, design changes can be suggested to front‐end designers. Snelick [33] investigated conformance testing and the tools that are used to perform HL7 (Health Level Seven) v2‐based conformance testing for certification of EHR technologies. Scott et al. [34] demonstrated the development of conformance methods based on the professional standards. Table 15.2 summarizes work done in smart health.

15.3.3 Smart Transport

The researchers at UMTRI carry out development and testing of intelligent transportation systems off‐the‐road to prevent collisions in passenger vehicles. Exhaustive study is carried out in the direction of automotive collision avoidance, in‐vehicle driver‐assistance and safety systems, and integrated technologies between the vehicle and the infrastructure [38]. Connected Vehicle Test Bed has been established in Michigan, Virginia, Florida, California, New York, and Arizona to facilitate a real environment where intersections, roadways, and vehicles are able to communicate through wireless connectivity by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT), and it comprises of a network of 50 roadside equipment (RSE) units installed along various segments of live interstate roadways, arterials, and signalized and unsignalized intersections, in Novi, Michigan. These RSEs communicate messages over 5.9 Ghz dedicated short‐range communication (DSRC). This test bed provisions testing of new hardware and software for the evolution in connected vehicle technology. Various types of tests (such as signal phase and timing (SPaT) communications; security system operations; and other connected vehicle applications, concepts, and equipment) can be successfully carried out for free. In addition, there is a provision of experts to carry out complex scenario tests. Also, there is no need to make any testing arrangements because of prior contracts between the local agencies and roadway operators. Test beds frequently undergo upgrades and enrichments to provision the changing requirements of users. Clients of Connected Vehicle Test Bed include Denso, Delphi, Hirschmann, Eaton, Argenia, Wayne State University, MET Labs, Ricardo, and University of North Texas [39].

The test lab instituted at IBS provides end‐to‐end software testing services to travel, transportation and logistics enterprises. It provides four types of testing services which includes Enterprise QA Automation Services, Product Acceptance Test Services, Managed Testing Services and NFR Testing services. Enterprise QA Automation Services provides automation to support DevOps environment, process automation to validate build to release quality, reusable frameworks for TTL customers and transformational models to support guaranteed outcome, Product Acceptance Test Services involves system Integration, final acceptance and UAT support, domain experts to validate business requirements, reusable assets for TDM (Test Data Management), automation, and performance and multivendor management for airlines' IT solutions testing. Managed Testing Services comprises consulting services for outsourcing, transition from incumbent vendors/captive organization, end‐to‐end testing from functional to acceptance test, and assured output/outcome model for delivery. NFR Testing services consist of performance benchmarking and capacity planning, SMAC, usability, security, performance covered, projects supported with dedicated lab facility and compliance, industry standards and frameworks in mobility and multitenancy/cloud [40].

ETSI worked in collaboration with Telecom Italia, ERTICO, the regional government, local highway authorities and port authority to launch the ITS test bed in Livorno. The test bed contains traffic lights, IoT sensors, cameras, variable message signs, and connectivity with a highway control center. RSUs and on‐board units within vehicles can be tested effectively by deploying it in the road sideways. Other ITS testing activities such as traffic sign violation, road hazards, intersections and collision warnings, and loading zones can also be carried out successfully [41].

Woo et al. [42] have designed a test bed to handle testing on various ITS and advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) technologies, such as adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane departure warning system (LDWS), cooperative intersection warning system, as well as rollover stability control (RSC) and electronic stability control (ESC). The test bed has been devised to meet the requirements of ISO/TC204 standards. The test bed for ITS encompass three tracks named as ITS high‐speed track, Cooperative vehicle‐infra test intersections, and Special test track. The main purpose of ITS high‐speed track is to test performance of ACC, LDWS, LKAS, etc. It has three lanes of high‐speed track of length equal to 1,360 m with maximum allowable speed of 204 km/h. The total length of Cooperative vehicle‐infra test intersections is 1,200 m and there are three intersections. The main objective is to test pedestrian protection and intersection safety. Special test track comprises of four lanes of test road with the total area of 490 × 35 m. It includes Belgian road, washboard road, cobblestone road, water splash shower tunnel, for example. Durability and reliability test are carried out it these tracks.

The government of Estonia plans to restructure its public transportation system by adopting autonomous vehicles and thus legalized testing of autonomous vehicles on national and local roads of the country. Rigorous efforts are put into developing a cyber‐risk management framework for autonomous vehicles in regular road and traffic conditions. The government has planned to create a fleet management system and integration of vehicles into the public transport system and the implementation of call‐to‐order bus stops [44].

Transit Windsor provides the development as well as testing services for intelligent transportation systems. The company has produced 10 buses furnished with an efficient, safer, and more user‐friendly system. It provides onboard voice and visual announcements on the display boards for the upcoming bus stop messages. It also stipulates real‐time Transit Windsor bus arrival information as well as route for the bus progress via the Internet [45].

Siphen has achieved an intelligent transportation system (ITS) product compliance with UBS II and ARAI testing. It is known for its rigorous testing procedure. It is working with the government of India to equip the country with ITS by providing 24 × 7 bus operation service with the features such as automatic vehicle location, vehicle health monitoring, and diagnostics. In addition, it is carrying out end‐to‐end testing as well as a certification process according to the timelines given by government authorities [46].

Anritsu provides ITS solutions for V2X, testing, and manufacturing in a very efficient manner with reduced test time and test cycles. Testing solutions are provided with the help of four components: MD8475A Signalling Tester, MS2830A Spectrum Analyzer, MS269xA series, and V2X 802.11p Message Evaluation Software. MD8475A Signalling Tester is similar in that it supports cellular as well as M2M standards. The services supported are eCall, IMS, VoLTE, WLAN off‐load tests, and call‐processing tests for vehicles. The testing tasks are easy, fast, and reliable due to GUI‐based SmartStudio software and supplied test sequences for automatic remote control of the GUI. Multimode terminals and all cellular standards, such as LTE (2×2 MIMO) and LTE‐Advanced (Carrier Aggregation) are well supported. SmartStudio GUI provisions easy setup of test environments and functional tests. It also carries out automated mobile terminal verification testing with the available test sequences. MS2830A Spectrum Analyzer is used for testing of 2G, 3G, LTE, and LTE‐Advanced signals on a vehicle‐to‐vehicle or vehicle‐to‐x test environment. To improve the product quality, capture and replay functions are compared with the real‐world effects with simulated designs and performance. The supported frequency range is 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz/43. MS269xA series units contain swept spectrum analysis, FFT signal analysis, and a precision digitizer function and are the latest high‐performance signal analyzers for next‐generation communication applications. It has One‐Box Tester with the addition of the signal generator option. Due to the support of batch capture measurements, analysis time gets faster [47].

Penta Security Systems has launched secured smart transportation with the secure data solution AutoCrypt, implemented on the connected vehicles in the three cities of South Korea. It has also established the second‐largest test bed named as K‐City to test and certify autonomous cars. Public key infrastructure and V2X security system has been implemented to ensure secure and encrypted communication between vehicle‐to‐vehicle and vehicle‐to‐infrastructure, as well as the security and encryption of roadside units [43].

Simulation‐based test bed has been developed at Georgia Institute of Technology by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which can be used for fast assessment and incorporation of sensor and actuator systems in ITS. The test can also be used to study and examine various data networks architectural possibilities to support ITS applications. The test bed supports integrated parallel simulation ability and also involves interoperable simulations of transportation infrastructures, wired and wireless communication networks, and distributed computing applications. In addition, it possesses emulation ability that allows conducting live experiments with prototype hardware and software embedded into virtual transportation systems. The test bed incorporates data generated from sensors embedded in the vehicles (such as location, velocity, and acceleration etc.) functioning in the Atlanta metropolitan area. This data are also used for modeling and scenario development as well as validation of simulations [37]. The above stated work is summarized in Table 15.3.

Table 15.3 Outline of the work done to test smart transport.

Authors/Company Objective Approach Outcome
  • Development of vehicle‐based technologies to avoid road accidents
  • In‐vehicle driver‐assistance
  • Safety systems
  • Collision avoidance algorithm
  • Integrated technologies between the vehicle and the infrastructure
Vehicle safety
US DOT Connected Vehicle Test Bed [39]
  • To test devices such as vehicle awareness devices (VADs), aftermarket safety devices (ASDs), in‐vehicle safety devices (ISDs), radios and roadside equipment (RSEs)
  • Development and testing of DSRC standards
  • Establishment of connected vehicle security certificate credential management
  • Development and testing of applications using SPaT and Geometric Intersection Description (GID) data
The Test Bed operates as per the guidelines of latest IEEE 1609/802 and SAE J2735 standards
    • Support regular updates.
    • Implements latest new security features as well as latest hardware and software applications
  • Systems can be tested for ability to receive and process SPaT data in a real‐world environment
  • Increase in confidence for system before launching in real roads due to Security Certificate Management System (SCMS) or by using the SCMS emulator
  • Reduction in cost for testing and validation of the system due to infrastructure provided by test bed
  • More decentralized, simplified, and open structure
  • Dynamic and evolving environment
IBS Lab [40]
    • End‐to‐end software testing
      • • Provides four types of testing services, which includes Enterprise QA Automation Services, Product Acceptance Test Services, Managed Testing Services, and NFR Testing Services
  • Requirements development
  • Test planning and Execution
  • Project coordination
  • Discrepancy resolution results reporting
Emphasis on the quality deliverables
  • Continuous improvement in the efficiency and efficacy of testing mechanism
  • Incorporation of new and innovative methodologies and practices
ETSI Test Bed [41] Testing activities such as traffic sign violation, road hazards, intersections and collision warnings, and loading zones
  • The infrastructure of test bed comprises of traffic lights, IoT sensors, cameras, variable message signs and connectivity with a highway control center
  • IoT test bed for large‐scale distributed sensing and actuation.
Compliance with ETSI's ITS Release 1 standard and interoperability with radio equipment
JW Woo et al. [42]
  • Performance testing of adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane departure warning system (LDWS), rollover stability control (RSC), and electronic stability control (ESC)
  • Testing of pedestrian protection and intersection safety
  • Durability and reliability testing
  • The test bed for ITS encompass three tracks named as ITS high‐speed track, Cooperative vehicle‐infra test intersections, and Special test track
  • Simulators: KATECH Advanced Automotive Simulator, CarSim on dSPACE system, 3D virtual test track
As per the requirements of ISO/TC204 standards
E‐Estonia [44] To restructure the public transportation system using autonomous vehicles
  • Testing of autonomous vehicles on national and local roads of the country
  • Cyber‐risk management framework for autonomous vehicles
Provision of legal and cyber‐risk management framework for testing fully autonomous vehicles in regular road and traffic conditions
Transit Windsor Testing Solutions
  • To improve the functionality of transportation services
Vocal announcements are in synchronization with the messages displayed on the display signs inside the bus.
  • Cost‐effective, secure and user‐friendly system.
  • Launched 10 buses equipped with a system that provides automated stop announcements as well as preboarding external audible announcements to commuters waiting at bus stops
Siphen [46]
  • Testing as per the rigorous compliances of UBS II and ARAI testing
  • To provide end‐to‐end testing as well as to certify the system's process
  • Integration of updated circuit board in accordance with the higher technical specifications
  • New devices manufactured that are compatible with the Indian transportation infrastructure and operating conditions
  • Accomplishment of testing and certification process well in time as per the deadlines fixed the government authorities
  • Customized solution for 24×7 functioning in Indian operating conditions.
  • Reduction in response time to emergencies
  • Automatic vehicle location
  • Automatic vehicle health monitoring and diagnostics
  • Assurance of high‐quality standards and
    implementation of the latest technologies
Anritsu Test Bed
Functional testing;
mobile terminal verification testing;
testing of 2G, 3G, LTE, and LTE‐advanced signals on a vehicle‐to‐vehicle or vehicle‐to‐x test environment
Four components:MD8475A Signalling Tester, MS2830A Spectrum Analyzer, MS269xA series and V2X 802.11p Message Evaluation Software;
GUI‐based SmartStudio software
Helped in making testing of ITS systems convenient, reliable, and efficient
Penta Security Systems
K‐City Testbed
To carry out testing and certification of autonomous cars AutoCrypt; Public key infrastructure and V2X security system Reliable and secure system of ITS
Georgia Institute of Technology [37] Prompt assessment and assimilation of sensor and actuator systems in ITS
  • Transportation infrastructures, wired and wireless communication networks, and distributed computing applications are interoperable simulated
  • Virtual transportation systems are embedded with prototype hardware and software in order to carry out live experiments
  • Model, scenario developments, and validation of simulations are facilitated by using the live data received from road sensors in the Atlanta area
Framework can be used for investigation and assessment of new mechanisms under virtual operating conditions before actual deployment in real environment of intelligent transportation systems (ITS)

15.4 Future Research Directions

This section discusses the open issues and research directions from the perspectives of testing and future enhancements for smart technologies viz. smart home, smart health, and smart transport. Certain evaluation criteria have also been presented for the assessment of existing work and to ascertain limitations and research directions.

15.4.1 Smart Homes

We have proposed the following set of criteria to evaluate the existing work in smart home test beds. The pertinence of these criteria is described in this section:

  • Energy efficiency testing. The testing is used to verify reduction in energy consumption in the smart homes.
  • Reliability testing. It ensures the stability of the system under various specific tests, which include stress testing, network testing, along with functional testing.
  • Functionality testing. It is required for verification of each function of the software application in conformance with the requirement specification. It encompasses all the scenarios related to failure paths and boundary cases.
  • Interoperability testing. Interoperability determines how devices communicate with each other and, upon receiving information, how processing is done and corresponding actions are generated. If a device can't receive information, process it, and act upon that information, it won't function as consumers hope. Without full functionality, the product may not provide value. Real‐world test labs are the best way to solve interoperability issues, as they depict actual scenarios of the problem.
  • Performance testing. It is required to ensure software applications will perform well under their expected workload. It determines responsiveness and stability of a system under various workloads and measures the quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability, and resource usage.
  • Usability testing. Usability testing measures the convenient level for learning of the system by end users, which include parameters such as level of skill required to understand the system, time requirement to attain familiarity, and user's productivity.
  • Security testing. Security testing is a testing technique to determine whether the application or the product is secured. It aims at verifying basic principles such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, availability and nonrepudiation.

Based on the evaluation criteria already described, limitations and research directions as well as suggestions for the future work have been elucidated here and portrayed in Table 15.4. The first hindrance in acceptance of the smart home technology is that smart homes are vulnerable to hacking. Hence, a test bed should be established that takes into account cyber‐security measures to protect the smart home. The second hindrance is the high cost; measures should be taken to develop a technology that can be made available to users at a lower cost. Combinatorial testing strategy can be used to ensure the low price suggested by the pricing model that supports the pooling of distributed, dispersed resources in fog computing and the IoT. The third hindrance is the learning curve for non‐tech‐savvy people with smart home. Hence, usability testing should also be given topmost priority. Another most important factor that hinders the acceptance is lack of industry standardization, as use of proprietary technology can cause problems smart home users. Hence, conformance testing should also be given priority. Dependency on Internet connection should also be tackled, and reliability testing methodology specifically designed to suit the environment of the smart system need to be addressed.

Table 15.4 Summary of limitations and research directions for smart home.

Criteria Research direction Work Limitations Suggestions
Energy efficiency testing Verify reduction in energy consumption in the smart homes. [3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17]
  1. High cost
  2. Reliability
  3. Security and privacy
  4. User‐friendliness
  5. Lack of standardization
  6. Dependency on Internet connection
  7. Vulnerable to hacking
  8. Learning curve
Test beds are required to be established for the following objectives:
  1. Explore cyber‐security mechanisms to protect smart home.
  2. Availability of smart home technology at lower price.
  3. Usability testing should be practiced.
  4. Conformance testing.
  5. Reliability testing strategies need to develop specifically for smart home.
Reliability testing Ensure the stability of the system under various specific tests. [3]
Functionality testing Verify each function of the software application in conformance with the requirement specification. [3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]
Interoperability testing Ensure interoperability among devices. [3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 7]
Performance testing Ensure software applications will perform well under their expected workload. [5, 6]
Usability testing Evaluate a product or service by testing it with representative users. [6, 8]
Security testing Check whether the application or the product is secured. [8, 9]

15.4.2 Smart Health

To assess the existing smart health test beds, the following set of criteria have been suggested:

  • Conformance testing. Conformance testing is performed to ensure adherence to the standards such as Sarbanes‐Oxley, HIPAA, FDA etc.
  • Platform testing. It ensures applications executes well across different platforms, which includes operating systems, different browsers, and multiple devices.
  • Interoperability testing. Interoperability testing assesses whether connected devices and EHR systems communicate with one another effectively and correctly. It also ensures seamless operations between HL7 and DICOM transactions.
  • Functionality testing. This is required for verification of each function of the software application in conformance with the requirement specification. It encompasses all the scenarios related to failure paths and boundary cases.
  • Enterprise workflow testing. It checks whether the expected activities are executed and workflow data properties have correct values.
  • Performance testing. It is required to ensure software applications will perform well under their expected workload. It determines responsiveness and stability of a system under various workloads and measures the quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability, and resource usage.
  • Usability testing. Usability testing measures the convenient level for learning of the system by end users, which include parameters such as level of skill required to understand the system, time requirement to attain familiarity, and user's productivity.
  • Security testing. Security testing is a testing technique to determine whether the application or the product is secured. It aims at verifying basic principles such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, availability and nonrepudiation.
  • Mobile app testing. Mobile application testing is a procedure by which application software developed for handheld mobile devices is tested for its functionality, usability, and consistency.

Evaluation criteria described above helped in deducing the limitations and research directions in the existing smart health testing solutions. The same have been illustrated in this section and depicted in Table 15.5, along with research suggestions for the future work.

Table 15.5 Summary of limitations and research directions for smart health.

Criteria Research directions Work Limitations Suggestions
Conformance testing Ensure adherence to the standards. [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35]
  1. No systematic way to manage the data collected from various wearable devices.
  2. Smart healthcare is not well adopted and market growth is restrained.
  3. Lack of interoperability of connected devices with EHR systems.
Test beds need to be developed to carry out research in the following areas:
  1. Exploration of big‐data, machine learning, and AI to manage and utilize huge amount of data received from wearable devices
  2. To address the limitations associated with smart glasses
  3. To build strong and reliable data privacy and security mechanisms
  4. Cost reduction of the associated IoT infrastructure
  5. Exploration of 5G applications
  6. Test beds for genomics to recover from diseases like central nervous system and infectious diseases
  7. Blockchai‐based test beds to solve the problems of large‐scale data sharing, data privacy, and security and transparency between patient and doctors and between various healthcare providers
  8. Virtual reality for rehabilitation in orthopedics
  9. To explore augmented reality for its use as a visualization tool during surgeries
Platform Testing Ensure application runs across all platforms. [19, 25, 26]
Interoperability testing Assess whether applications (or software systems) can communicate with one another effectively and correctly. [19, 21, 23, 24, 27, 30]
Functionality testing Verify each function of the software application in conformance with the requirement specification. [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]
Enterprise workflow testing Check whether the expected activities are executed and workflow data properties have correct value. [18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32]
Performance testing Ensure software applications will perform well under their expected workload. [18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]
Usability testing Evaluate a product or service by testing it with representative users. [18, 19, 23, 26, 27, 36]
Security testing Check whether the application or the product is secured. [19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31]
Mobile app testing Ensure applications worked well for handheld devices. [21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]

It has been implied that there is a lack of effective methodology that provides a systematic way to manage the data collected from various wearable devices. To combat this challenge, big‐data, machine learning, and AI can be used. To ensure the attainment of the mentioned functionality, a test bed is required that executes blockchain‐based repeatable tests with massive data received from wearable devices such as smart watches, eyeglass displays, and electroluminescent clothing, for example.

Further, it has been found that despite the various benefits of smart healthcare, it is not well adopted and market growth is restrained. It may be due to the high cost of IoT infrastructure and data privacy and security apprehensions. This can be resolved by building confidence among various stakeholders, which can be brought into practice by executing security tests specifically designed to examine the cybersecurity measures taken up to address the above‐mentioned issue.

Another challenge is the management of connected devices and a lack of interoperability with EHR systems. This can be ensured by executing context‐aware testing techniques. Thus, context‐aware test case generation methodologies need to be worked out for smart health systems. To address the limitations associated with smart glasses (i.e. short battery life and inability to understand the medical terms of doctors by voice‐control system), context‐aware test data generation must be applied to ensure that the system will work. Blockchain technology should be reconnoitered to solve the problems of large‐scale data sharing, ensuring data privacy and security and transparency between patient and doctors and between various healthcare providers. In this case, blockchain‐based repeatable regression tests can be employed for assurance of the privacy and security of data shared between doctors and patients.

Genomics is a field that deals with genes editing and genomic sequencing in which robotics plays a major role. Such test beds that ensure the proper functioning of genomics would help patients to recover from diseases like central nervous system and infectious diseases. Thus, for this purpose an efficient testing strategy must be identified. Prospects of the utilization of virtual reality for rehabilitation in orthopedics need more exploration. Context‐aware test case design would strengthen confidence in the system.

Augmented reality should also be surveyed broadly so that it can be used effectively for gathering 3D data sets of a patient in real time using sensors like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging, or CT scans. It should also be investigated for its use as a visualization tool during surgeries. Appropriate testing mechanisms need to be identified that work well in this direction. In addition, exploration of 5G applications for its use in the smart devices (such as wearable sensors) to monitor the health condition of patients is the need of the hour. To ensure the attainment of desired functionality, a comprehensive and customized testing strategy need to be devised. Also, a transparent pricing model is required to be implemented that ensures cost reduction of the associated IoT infrastructure by promoting the pooling of distributed, dispersed resources in fog computing and the Internet of Things. This also demands the establishment of test beds that make use of customized testing strategies to ensure the attainment of desired functionality of the ubiquitous system (such as smart home, smart health, and smart transport). Such test beds should be freely available to the research community to carry out extensive studies in this area.

Table 15.6 Summary of limitations and research directions for smart transport.

Criteria Research Direction Work Limitations Suggestions
Privacy testing Ensure privacy and security of transport devices and the associated data. [37, 39, 43, 44]
  1. Inadequate work has been done in academia.
  2. No work has been found describing the testing methodology that verifies security of transport vehicle.
  3. No test bed has been found that quantitatively measures the extent to what level air pollution reduces and travel experience gets enriched.
  4. No case study has been discussed that empirically proves the benefits of the technology.
  5. Very few test beds have been developed that actively carry out testing of autonomous vehicles.
  6. No work has been found that tests user friendliness of transportation systems.
  7. No test bed has been suggested for pollution monitoring devices.
  8. Not sufficient work has been done on reliability testing.
  1. Test bed should be designed to be portable so that it can be freely used by research community.
  2. The test bed should also be made available to the students.
  3. Novel testing methodologies should be proposed for the comprehensive testing of collision avoidance algorithms.
  4. Test bed based on the blockchain technology to carry out regression testing of smart transportation system.
  5. Context‐aware testing methodology may be used.
  6. Development of new efficient simulator for preliminary evaluation of proposed smart transport systems is required, as real‐world test beds are prone to life risks.
Energy efficiency testing Maintain fuel efficiency of vehicles. [37, 38, 47]
Collision avoidance testing Ensure the effectiveness of collision avoidance algorithm. [38, 41]
Autonomous vehicle testing Validate self‐steering vehicle in real environment. [38, 43, 44]
Traffic congestion management Test bed to assess traffic congestion management strategy. [38, 41, 42, 44, 47]
Connected vehicle technology Validate connected vehicle technology. [38, 39, 37, 44, 47]
Compliance with standards Comply with standards. [39, 41, 42, 46]
Reliability testing Ensure robustness and resiliency of transport devices. [38]
Performance testing Ensure performance of the devices. [37, 42]
Usability testing Ensure user‐friendliness of mobile apps. [37]
Pollution Control testing Verify functionality of roadside pollution monitoring equipment.
Interopera‐bility testing Ensure interoperability among devices and roadside infrastructure. [41, 44, 43]

15.4.3 Smart Transport

The existing work toward the implementation of test beds for smart transport system has been evaluated as per the following set of verification criteria and the associated research directions along with limitation are provided in Table 15.6:

  • Privacy testing. There is the need to ensure the privacy and security of transport devices, encryption of the data communicated between vehicles, and the roadside infrastructures for privacy and security. This can be accomplished by the establishment of dedicated transportation cybersecurity test labs for intrusion detection/prevention systems, sensor spoofing/manipulation, secure controller area network, secure software updates, resiliency and recovery, sensor spoofing/manipulation, etc.
  • Energy efficiency testing. ITS systems need to be tested for fuel consumption. The lesser the fuel consumed by the transport vehicle to travel per unit distance, the more will be the efficiency and lower will be cost. This can be achieved by avoiding vehicles standing idle in traffic jams or circling around looking for parking spaces. The better alternative would be to design vehicles based on sustainable resources such as electric and solar vehicles. Such engines must be tested comprehensively before making them fully functional in a real‐world environment.
  • Collision avoidance testing. Collision avoidance algorithms employed to prevent road accidents need to be tested to validate the ITS effectiveness.
  • Autonomous vehicle testing. The autonomous vehicle operates without hands on the wheel, and the safety of such vehicle is of utmost importance, as failure causes life hazards and hence must be verified comprehensively.
  • Traffic congestion management. Traffic congestion is one of the biggest challenges faced by commuters, as it leads to the wastage of time, fuel, and money. Unnecessary burning of fuel also increases the level of carbon emissions, which causes air pollution. This issue can be addressed by installing fog nodes in vehicles and roadside to send and receive information related to traffic jams and accidents. The generated information can thus be used to trigger certain actions such as activation of automatic brakes or issue of warning messages to slow down speed or to avoid specific lanes and intersection points. The test bed should be equipped to monitor and evaluate this mechanism.
  • Connected vehicle technology. Connected vehicle technology utilizes wireless communication to transfer information regarding road accidents, jams etc. by one vehicle to another vehicle and to the road‐side infrastructures. This helps in preventing road accidents and avoids unnecessarily getting stuck in traffic jams. The test bed should incorporate such facilities where new hardware and software could be tested before putting vehicles into real operating conditions.
  • Compliance with standards. Test beds should comply with the standards of transport so that they provide the real picture of the working system before actual launch on the road and streets among public.
  • Reliability testing. Transport system should be robust and resilient in case of any device failure or lost Internet connectivity. There should be strong mechanism to verify the reliability of the transportation system.
  • Performance and usability testing. The testing must ensure that the devices perform well and the mobile apps are user‐friendly.
  • Pollution control testing. Carbon emissions should be reduced and proper checks need to be maintained to control air pollution. Roadside monitoring units installed to monitor and measure emission gases (such as carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen oxide (NO)) are required to be testing for its effectiveness. It can be controlled by using sustainable vehicles such electric cars.
  • Interoperability testing. Poor interoperability is one of the largest barriers to smart transport implementation. Interoperability determines how devices communicate with each other and, upon receiving information, how processing is done and corresponding actions are generated. If a device can't receive information, process it, and act upon that information, it won't function as consumers hope. Without full functionality, the product may not provide value. Real‐world test labs are the best way to solve interoperability issues, as they depict actual scenarios of the problem.

Although many corporate provides the testing solution for smart transport, inadequate work has been done in academia, and this requires special attention of researchers. In addition, several works discusses the importance of cyber‐physical systems in transportation, but no work has been found describing the novel testing methodology that verifies the security of smart transport vehicle. Similarly, numerous works have been found that discuss the importance of connected vehicle technology in reducing air pollution and improve efficiency but no test bed has been found that quantitatively measures the percentage level of air pollution reduction and up to what percentage travel experience gets enriched. Further, no case study has been discussed that empirically proves the benefits of the technology. Also, very few test beds have been developed that actively carry out testing of autonomous vehicles, and no work has been found that tests user friendliness of transportation systems. Test‐bed executing of the repeatable regression tests based on blockchain technology must be studied to address quality assurance issues of the smart transportation system.

Pollution‐monitoring devices are also required to be verified for effectiveness. No test bed has been suggested that works in this direction. Reliability is one of the most crucial feature that should be possessed by transport devices and related infrastructure; hence, there should be appropriate methodology that verifies the cybersecurity measures to ensure the resilience and robustness of the system. Only one research work has been found that works in this direction. Novel testing methodologies should be proposed for the comprehensive testing of collision avoidance algorithms, and the test bed should be designed to be portable so that it can be freely used by the research community.

15.5 Conclusions

Fog computing is a paradigm that can be successfully utilized to implement smart applications, as it overcomes the disadvantages associated with edge and cloud computing. The assurance of quality and reliability of fog‐based IOT application is very important before their release to the market as poor design may hamper the working of the application and affects the end‐user experience.

This chapter has surveyed testing perspectives of three cases studies (viz. smart home, smart health and smart transport), along with the elucidation of their objectives, approaches, and the achieved outcomes.

Software testing in the area of fog‐based IoT applications has great potential in future research toward verification and validation of reliability, better security from hacking, Internet connection independency, user‐friendliness, cost cutting, and industry standardization. Practitioners can create prototype ubiquitous testing environment for fog‐based smart applications using advanced testing strategies such as context‐aware test case generation, combinatorial testing and blockchain‐based regression testing to address the issues of quality assurance.

This area commemorates a great deal of success and recognition in the seeable future. However, as we have explained in this chapter, industry and academia need to jump on and grab the compelling challenges and risks associated with it. It will ensure favorable outcome for fog computing in smart technology in distant future. The apparent trends in this sphere include the materialization of standards, the inception of enhanced testing services by boosting and merging current compute, storage and network services, utilization of fog computing along with cloud to provide acceptable QoS and governance; the possibility of exponential growth in smart technology developers and operators, thus widening the horse race and innovation. The researchers and practitioners would find endless opportunities to invent solutions to address hindrances in smart technologies using fog computing.


  1. 1 Internet of Things spending forecast. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170104005270/en/Internet‐Spending‐Forecast‐Grow‐17.9‐2016‐Led. Accessed January 4, 2018.
  2. 2 Gartner says 8.4 billion connected Things. https://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3598917. Accessed January 4, 2018.
  3. 3 National Technical Systems (NTS). Completes ZigBee Smart Energy Certification Testing for SimpleHomeNet Appliance, https://www.nts.com/ntsblog/national‐technical‐systems‐nts‐completes‐zigbee‐smart‐energy‐certification‐testing‐for‐simplehomenet‐appliance/. Accessed January 3, 2018.
  4. 4 NTS Selected by PG&E as first provider of ZigBee HAN device validation testing. https://www.nts.com/ntsblog/nts_pge_selection/. Accessed January 3, 2018.
  5. 5 Smart home testing: Allion creates a new smart home test environment that simulates real life to provide innovative test services. http://www.technical‐direct.com/en/smart‐home‐testing‐allion‐creates‐a‐new‐smart‐home‐test environment‐to‐simulate‐real‐life‐to‐provide‐innovative‐test‐services/. Accessed January 3, 2018.
  6. 6 Performance testing for smart home app. https://www.einfochips.com/resources/success‐stories/performance‐testing‐for‐smart‐home‐app/#wpcf7‐f4285‐p12635‐o1. Accessed January 3, 2018.
  7. 7 Living Lab. https://www.ul.com/media‐day/living‐lab/. Accessed 4 January 2018.
  8. 8 Smart home testing and certification. https://www.tuv.com/world/en/smart‐home‐testing‐and‐certification.html. Accessed January 3, 2018.
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