
To my wife, sons, and entire family, whom I promised I would not get involved in another book after recently completing three others, yet who continue to support me even after learning I secretly agreed to be involved with the writing of this book.

To all my friends and colleagues who continue to support me and my endeavors both within and beyond the fields of fraud and forensic accounting.

To my growing list of loyal readers and raving fans, especially the ones that have reached out to me to discuss my writings.

To all the folks at Wiley who have been both supportive and a pleasure to work with throughout the writing of all my books.

To Frank Rudewicz, who agreed to formally enter the world of writing and contribute his deep depth of knowledge and experience to this book.

To the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and everyone who is associated with the ACFE, who continue to be the worldwide leaders in anti-fraud training, and who deliver by far the best annual conference and exhibition of any organization.

And to my friend and mentor Jean Conover, CPA, who introduced me to public accounting at the start of my professional career, and who has remained a trusted advisor and friend since then. Her knowledge of accounting, combined with her ability and willingness to explain and teach often difficult concepts to less experienced individuals like myself, has been a continuing inspiration for my writing, teaching, and public speaking.

—Steve Pedneault

To my wife, Mary, and children Craig, Kathleen, Patrick and Ryan who have continually supported my career endeavors.

To my friend Stephen Pedneault, who has graciously included me in his newest publication.

And lastly, to all of the criminals and fraudsters near and far, without whom I would be unemployed.

—Frank Rudewicz

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