Double‐Integrator Model

In this chapter, we re‐discuss the class of formation controllers presented in Chapter 2 in the context of a slightly more refined model, viz., the double‐integrator model. We will follow the same format as the previous chapter for ease of correlation.

The double‐integrator model accounts for the agent acceleration by treating the agent as a point mass. Therefore, it can be considered a very simple dynamic model for omnidirectional robots. Given a system of images agents, the equations of motion for the double‐integrator model are


where images represents the velocity of the imagesth agent with respect to an Earth‐fixed coordinate frame, images is the acceleration‐level control input, and images is defined as in (2.1). Since the agent velocity is now a system state rather than the control input, the formation control laws in this chapter will be a function of the agent velocities in addition to the positions.

Note that the system transfer function matrix is now images, which gives rise to the model name. Since the only difference between this transfer function and (2.2) is an additional integrator, the extension of the single‐integrator‐based control laws to (3.1) is rather seamless if one exploits the integrator backstepping methodology (see Appendix C.6).

As in Section 2.1, we begin by deriving the distance error dynamics. To this end, we use (2.6) and (3.1a) to obtain


Differentiating (2.10) along 3.2 gives


where images.

Given that images in 3.3 cannot be directly prescribed since it is a system state, we follow the backstepping technique and introduce the following variable


where images denotes the fictitious (or desired) velocity input, which will be specified later. The variable images quantifies the error between the actual agent velocity and the desired velocity‐level input. The design of images will be problem‐specific, and will come from the velocity‐level control laws of Chapter 2. That is, generally speaking, images where the superscript images stands for one of the control input designs for the single‐integrator model. The block diagrams in Figure 3.1 illustrate the relationship between the control designs for the single‐ and double‐integrator models. As one can see, the velocity‐level, position control algorithms from Chapter 2 will be embedded in the acceleration‐level, velocity control loop to be designed in this chapter.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.1Relationship between the (a) single‐ and (b) double‐integrator control designs.

Due to the new error variable 3.4, we introduce the augmented Lyapunov function candidate


where images was defined in (2.10). Notice that images is a potential energy‐like term since it is only position dependent, whereas images is a kinetic energy‐like term due to its dependence on velocity. Therefore, images captures the total energy of the double‐integrator model formation.

After taking the time derivative of 3.5, we obtain


where 3.3, (3.1b), and 3.4 were used. Equation 3.6 is the analogue of (2.12) since it will be the starting point for all double‐integrator control designs as (2.12) was for the single‐integrator designs.

3.1 Cross‐Edge Energy

Before presenting the formation controllers, we need to discuss a complication in the stability analysis of the closed‐loop system that arises from the double‐integrator model. Specifically, this complication is related to the avoidance of flip ambiguities.

Recall that for the single‐integrator model, the position of the initial formation needs to be restricted to prevent convergence to a flip ambiguity since the velocity‐level control input is designed to promote convergence to Isoimages or Ambimages, whichever is closer at images. Unfortunately, this condition is not sufficient for the double‐integrator model. In this case, the agents' velocity will also affect the convergence since it is a system state. This idea is conceptually illustrated by Figure 3.2. Note that even if the formation position is closer to Isoimages, the formation will overcome the energy barrier and converge to Ambimages if its velocity is large enough. In other words, the total formation energy is now affected by the combination of potential energy and kinetic energy. The implication of this for stability is that a restriction also needs to be imposed on the initial velocity of the formation, which means that we need to limit the initial total energy of the formation.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.2Energy landscape where the formation is at position images with velocity images.

While the need for an upper bound on the initial energy of the formation is evident, its precise value is difficult to calculate in general. For simple formations, one may be able to calculate a conservative value for the energy upper bound as illustrated next. Consider the desired triangular formation in Figure 3.3 along with one of its flipped versions. Note that a flip may occur whenever an agent has enough energy to cross the edge connecting the two other agents, e.g., agent 1 crossing edge images. Once the agent crosses the edge, it is closer to Ambimages and may be attracted to this undesired equilibrium. The question is then: What is the minimum energy needed for this to happen? Hereafter, we refer to this minimum energy as the cross‐edge energy, images.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.3Desired formation (solid line) and a flip ambiguity (dashed line).

A conservative estimate for the cross‐edge energy can be made by using the following observations: (i) the cross‐edge energy is related to the energy that drives the agents to a collinear formation and (ii) the minimum collinearity energy is given by the agent with the smallest distance to its cross‐edge, e.g., the dotted line in Figure 3.3. These rules facilitate the cross‐edge energy estimation because they are only position dependent. Furthermore, we have from 3.5 and (2.10) that images, which is also only position dependent. That is, a sufficient condition for images can be determined by calculating the minimum value of images when the three agents are collinear. For example, let images and images. When agent 1 is collinear with agents 2 and 3, we have that images. For notational convenience, we use images where images to denote that the agents are collinear. Therefore,


It can be found that the above function reaches a minimum at images and images. This means that if images, the agents will not converge to the flip ambiguity.

Notice that the condition images imposes a trade‐off between the initial distance error and the initial velocity error. The larger the initial distance error, the smaller the initial velocity error needs to be, and vice versa. Based on 3.4, a small images implies that the agents' velocities are close to images, which is the desired velocity that ensures convergence to Isoimages.

For formations with images, one may apply the above estimation method by triangulating the framework and comparing the cross‐edge energy of each triangle to estimate images. For example, consider the infinitesimally rigid framework in Figure 3.4. The agents most likely to flip are agents 2 and 6 about cross‐edges images and images, respectively, since they only have two edges (constraints) each. Thus, images where images denotes the cross‐edge energy of agent images. Note that higher order flips are also possible, but they would require more energy than aforementioned single‐agent flips. For example, agents images or images could simultaneously also flip about cross‐edge images, or agents images could simultaneously flip about agent 1, leading to a full reflection of the formation.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.4Triangulated hexagon framework.

3.2 Formation Acquisition

The formation acquisition controller for (3.1) will have the general form images, images and images where images was defined in (1.2). Based on 3.6, the following theorem introduces the control law that solves the formation acquisition problem.

The expression for images in 3.8 is given by


where from (1.15)


images, images, and from 3.3


The control 3.83.9 can be written element‐wise as


for images and


This control is decentralized in the sense of Definition 1.1 since its implementation only requires each agent to measure its own velocity and the relative position and relative velocity to neighboring agents. The agent's velocity can be measured using onboard sensors such as an odometer and a compass.

3.3 Formation Maneuvering

The formation maneuvering control law for the double‐integrator model (3.1a)(3.1b) is simply a combination of the designs in Sections 2.2 and 3.2. Specifically, images is given by 3.8 with


where the formation maneuvering velocity images was specified in (2.24). Note that 3.17 is exactly the right‐hand side of (2.23).

We will not present the formal statement and proof of this result, but only discuss the aspects in which it differs from the proofs of Theorems 2.2 and 3.1. This is namely the proof that (1.28) holds. First, after substituting 3.17 into 3.6, the proofs of the exponentially stability of images and (1.26) are straightforward given that images (see (1.20) and (2.24)). Now, since images as images, we know from (2.9) that images as images. Since images is bounded, then images as images from (2.15). Therefore, we have that images as images from 3.17. Since we know images as images, it follows from 3.4 that images images as images. Therefore, images as images, images, which is the same as (1.28) due to (3.1a).

The term images in 3.8 will contain additional terms from the derivative of images. Specifically, from (2.24), we have that


where images denotes the desired translational acceleration and images is the desired angular acceleration for the virtual rigid body. Therefore, for the double‐integrator model, images and images need to be continuously differentiable functions of time with bounded first derivative for the control input to be continuous and bounded. Note that element‐wise the formation maneuvering control law is simply made up of the sum of the right‐hand sides of 3.15 and 3.18. Like images and images, the signals images and images can be stored on each agent's onboard computer since they are typically known a priori.

3.4 Target Interception with Unknown Target Acceleration

Solving the target interception problem for the double‐integrator model requires a more elaborate solution than the one presented in Section 2.4 for the single‐integrator model. Here, we consider that the target position images is twice continuously differentiable and images. We also assume the signals images, images, images, and images are known and can be broadcast from the leader to the followers; however, the signal images is unknown. A variable structure‐type control term will be used to compensate for the unknown target acceleration. As a result, the right‐hand side of the resulting error system dynamics will be discontinuous, requiring us to apply some ideas from Lyapunov stability of nonsmooth systems. As in Section 2.4, we let images to simplify the notation.

A few observations are in order concerning the structure of 3.193.21. First, images is not included in 3.19 as it is in 3.8 because the derivative of 3.20 is a function of the unknown signal images. Hence, only the measurable terms of images appear in 3.19. Since images cannot be directly cancelled by the control, it is instead dominated by the variable structure term imagessgnimages as shown in 3.23. Second, comparing (2.54) and 3.21, notice the absence of the term images in the latter. Unlike the control in Theorem 2.4, the presence of this term in 3.21 is not necessary for proving the converge of images to zero. If images was included 3.21, the above stability analysis would still hold with the exception that the auxiliary variable images in 3.25 would become simply images.

When expressed element‐wise, the control 3.193.21 takes the form


As one can see, the imagesth agent's control input is dependent on its own velocity and the relative position/velocity to neighboring agents, images, images, and images.

3.5 Dynamic Formation Acquisition

When solving the dynamic formation acquisition problem (see Problem 4 in Section 2.5) for the double‐integrator model, we require that the time‐varying distance images be twice continuously differentiable and images images for the control law to be continuous and bounded.

Similar to the formation maneuvering control law of this chapter, the dynamic formation acquisition control input will take the form of 3.8 but with the problem‐specific design for images. That is, images is set to the right‐hand side of (2.71) for dynamic formation acquisition.

The term images in 3.8 can be explicitly calculated from (2.71) as follows


where images was defined in (2.70), images


and images was defined in 3.13. It is not difficult to see that 3.26 is a function of images, images, images, images, and images for images. This control also suffers from the coupling issue discussed in Section 2.5 due to the presence of the pseudoinverse matrix images in (2.71) and 3.26.

The proof of stability uses the same Lyapunov function candidate 3.5 and combines the arguments from the proofs of Theorems 2.5 and 3.1. A sketch of the proof is as follows. Substituting 3.8 and (2.71) into 3.6 yields


for images from which we conclude that images is exponentially stable for images in the same vein of Theorem 3.1. The proof of (2.66) for images proceeds as in Theorem 3.1.

As in the single‐integrator case, formation maneuvering can be performed concurrently with dynamic formation acquisition by setting images to the right‐hand side of (2.73). The derivative of images will then be given by 3.26 plus images as defined in 3.18.

3.6 Simulation Results

The MATLAB simulations in this chapter will show the agents performing formations in 3D based on the model in (3.1).

3.6.1 Formation Acquisition

An eight‐agent simulation was conducted to demonstrate the performance of control law 3.8. The desired formation images was the cube with edge length of 2 shown in Figure 3.5 where images, images, and so on. The desired framework was made minimally rigid and infinitesimally rigid by introducing 18 (images) edges with edge set


That is, each face of the cube was “triangulated” by adding a diagonal edge. The desired distances for images were given by images and images.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.5Formation acquisition: desired formation images.

The initial conditions of the agents were randomly selected by


where the function images generates a random images vector whose elements are uniformly distributed on the interval images. Both control gains images and images were set to 1.

The agent trajectories in space as they converge to the desired cube formation are shown in Figure 3.6. All 28 inter‐agent distance errors images, images are depicted in Figure 3.7, confirming the acquisition of the desired formation. In Figure 3.8 we plot the images‐, images‐, and images‐direction components of the velocity‐related error variable images defined in 3.4, which according to Theorem 3.1 should converge to zero. Finally, Figure 3.9 shows the components of the acceleration‐level control inputs.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.6Formation acquisition: agent trajectories images, images.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.7Formation acquisition: distance errors images, images.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 3.8Formation acquisition: velocity errors images, images.

Three graphs with time on the horizontal axis, uiy, uix, and uiz on the vertical axis, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for Formation acquisition: control inputs ui(t), i = 1,..., 8.

Figure 3.9Formation acquisition: control inputs images, images.

3.6.2 Dynamic Formation Acquisition with Maneuvering

This simulation combines formation maneuvering with dynamic formation acquisition as discussed at the end of Section 3.5. For this case, the desired dynamic formation images was set to a cube that expanded and contracted uniformly over time. The desired formation was initialized as the cube with edge length of 2 shown in Figure 3.5. The eight vertices of the cube represented the followers while agent 9 at the geometric center of the cube was the leader through which the rotation axis passed. We ensured the desired framework was minimally rigid and infinitesimally rigid by imposing 21 (images) edges with all followers connected to the leader. The edge set was selected as


The desired formation was made dynamic by setting the vertex coordinates to images where images was defined in (2.81). The maneuvering velocity images in (2.24) was set to have the following translational and rotational components


which results in a screw‐like motion for the formation. Control gains images and images were again set to 1, while initial conditions were chosen according to 3.28.

Snapshots in time of the actual formation are shown in Figure 3.10, where the dotted line marks the trajectory of the leader. The 36 inter‐agent distance errors are given in Figure 3.11, while the velocity errors are shown in Figure 3.12. In Figure 3.13, the control inputs are depicted.

Three-dimensional graph with three axes marked x, y, z, initial position and final position plotted as squares and circles for t = 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30.

Figure 3.10Dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: snapshots of images at different instants of time.

Two graphs with time on the horizontal axis, eij on the vertical axis, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: distance errors eij(t).

Figure 3.11Dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: distance errors images, images.

Three graphs with time on the horizontal axis, siy, six, and siz on the vertical axis, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for Dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: velocity errors si(t), i = 1,..., 9.

Figure 3.12Dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: velocity errors images, images.

Three graphs with time on the horizontal axis, uiy, uix, and uiz on the vertical axis, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for Dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: control inputs ui(t), i = 1,..., 9.

Figure 3.13Dynamic formation acquisition with maneuvering: control inputs images, images.

3.6.3 Target Interception

In this simulation, the desired formation images was set to the framework in Figure 3.5 with edge set 3.29. The leader, who is responsible for tracking the target, was agent 9. The velocity of the moving target was chosen as


with initial position images. The initial conditions of the agents were chosen according to 3.28, while the control gains in 3.193.21 were set to images, images, images, and images.

Figure 3.14 shows the leader intercepting the target while the followers simultaneously surround it with the cube formation. All 36 inter‐agent distance errors are given in Figure 3.15 with the left (resp., right) plots showing the transient (resp., steady‐state) behavior. The directional components of the velocity errors and control inputs of each agent are shown in Figures 3.16 and 3.17, respectively. Note that the chattering‐like appearance of the control inputs stems from the discontinuous term sgnimages in 3.19.

Three-dimensional graph with three axes marked x, y, z, follower initial position and final position plotted as squares and circles with target and leader for t = 0, 4.5, 10.

Figure 3.14Target interception: snapshots of images at different instants of time along with target motion.

Four graphs with time on the horizontal axis, eij on the vertical axis for Transient and Steady state, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for target interception: distance errors eij(t), i.

Figure 3.15Target interception: distance errors images, images.

Three graphs with time on the horizontal axis, siy, six, and siz on the vertical axis, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for target interception: velocity errors si(t), i = 1,..., 9.

Figure 3.16Target interception: velocity errors images, images.

Three graphs with time on the horizontal axis, uiy, uix, and uiz on the vertical axis, and multiple curves plotted originating from the vertical axis for Target interception: control inputs ui(t), i = 1,..., 9.

Figure 3.17Figure 3.17Target interception: control inputs images, images.

3.7 Notes and References

Formation controllers based on the double‐integrator model are not as prevalent as single‐integrator‐based ones, especially within the realm of inter‐agent distance control. As in Chapter 2, the discussion below is mostly focused on results that explicitly or implicitly address the formation control problem.

In 34,48, the double‐integrator, inter‐agent distance dynamics for formation acquisition were described as a Hamiltonian system and the local asymptotic stability of undirected formations was achieved under a gradient‐like control law. In 46, the gradient formation acquisition law was extended to the double‐integrator model for tree formation graphs. Formation acquisition and flocking control systems were studied in 78 where the invariant properties between single‐ and double‐integrator formation systems were established by employing a parameterized Hamiltonian system.

A dynamic formation maneuvering control law was presented in 79 that decouples formation acquisition from maneuvering using virtual bodies and artificial repel‐attract potentials. Decoupling was achieved by parameterizing the virtual body motion by the scalar variable whose speed and direction can be prescribed. Recall that the general idea of decoupling formation acquisition and maneuvering was also used in the control designs of Sections 2.2 and 3.3 by exploiting the structure of the rigidity matrix (see (1.20)).

In 80, the time‐varying formation problem, which includes formation maneuvering and dynamic formation, was transformed into a consensus problem with respect to a formation center function. A 2D formation maneuvering controller was proposed in 81 where the group leader, who has inertial frame information, passes the information to other agents through a directed path in the graph. A limitation of this control is that it becomes unbounded if the desired formation maneuvering velocity is zero. A synchronization strategy was applied to the formation maneuvering problem in 82 where agents track their individual desired trajectory while synchronizing their relative motions to maintain the desired formation. A consensus scheme was presented in 83 using both the single‐ and double‐integrator models where the formation translation velocity is constant and known to only two leader agents. In 84, existing gradient controllers were modified to ensure finite time formation acquisition and flocking. A similar problem was addressed in 85 but with asymptotic formation acquisition and velocity consensus.

The consensus‐type algorithms for formation control proposed in 39 were extended by the authors to the double‐integrator dynamics. Several problems were discussed, including consensus conditions for fixed and switching interaction graphs, bounded control effort, and elimination of agent velocity measurements.

The interesting problem of containment control was studied in 86, where the followers move in the convex hull spanned by multiple leaders while the leaders perform formation maneuvers. Experiments using wheeled mobile robots were provided to validate the containment algorithms.

The first use of backstepping to deal with the double‐integrator model appeared in 87. The goal of this work was to extend the single‐integrator result of 65 (formation acquisition for three agents with directed graphs) to the double‐integrator case with formation translation. Comprehensive coverage of the integrator backstepping control technique can be found in 9.

The work in 88 considered the problem of dynamic formation acquisition with scaling of the formation size, where only a subset of agents know the desired scaling size but all agents know the desired formation shape. Recently, 89 analyzed the influence of mismatches on the measured distances of neighboring agents on the standard gradient‐based rigid formation control for double‐integrator agents. It was shown that, like the single‐integrator case discussed in 58, these mismatches introduce a distorted final shape and a steady‐state motion of the formation.

The material in this chapter is based on the work in 74, 75, 90, 91.

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