Appendix C
Systems Theory

C.1 Linear Systems

The following material can be found in 129, 130. Given a real function of time images satisfying the condition


for some finite real images, its Laplace transform is defined as


where images (complex number) is called the Laplace variable.

Two important properties of the Laplace transform are


Roughly speaking, the above properties indicate that multiplication by images in the Laplace domain is equivalent to the differential operator in the time domain (images). Likewise, division by images in the Laplace domain is equivalent to the integral operator in the time domain (images).

Consider the single‐input/single‐output (SISO), linear time‐invariant (LTI) system


with initial conditions images, where images and images are real constants, images is the scalar output, and images is the scalar input. The transfer function of the system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output over the Laplace transform of the input, with all initial conditions assumed to be zero. That is,


In general, if an LTI system has images inputs and images outputs, the transfer function between the imagesth input and the imagesth output is defined as


with images, images, images (i.e., all inputs other than the imagesth are set to zero). In matrix‐vector form, we then have that


where images, images, and


is the images transfer function matrix.

The following theorem is a valuable result for input‐output stability.

  • If images, then images, images, images is continuous, and images as images.
  • If images, then images, images, and images is uniformly continuous. If, in addition, images as images, then images as images.

C.2 Nonlinear Systems

The following material can be found in 8,9,131. Consider the nonautonomous (time‐varying) system


where images is locally Lipschitz in images and piecewise continuous in images on images. Since images is in general a nonlinear function of images and images, we seek to qualify the stability properties of C.1.

The first step in this analysis is to determine the equilibrium points of the system. A point images is an equilibrium point of C.1 at images if it has the property that whenever the system state starts at the equilibrium, it remains at the equilibrium for all images. Mathematically, this means that equilibrium points can be found by solving the algebraic equation


A nonlinear system may have a unique equilibrium point, a finite number of equilibrium points, or an infinite number of equilibrium points. In the case of multiple equilibrium points, each one could have a different stability property. The issue of stability deals with the behavior of the solutions of C.1 for initial conditions away from an equilibrium point (i.e., images). That is, does an equilibrium point attract the solution, repel the solution, or neither (e.g., a periodic solution). It is standard practice in stability analysis to shift a nonzero equilibrium point of interest to the origin through the variable transformation


such that C.1 with equilibrium point images is equivalent to images with equilibrium point images. Henceforth, we will assume 0 is an equilibrium point of C.1.

Let the set


represent the “ball” of radius images centered at images. Stability properties of the equilibrium point of C.1 are said to hold:

  • locally if they are true for all images
  • globally if they are true for all images1
  • semi‐globally if they are true for all images with arbitrary images
  • uniformly if they are true for all initial times images.

The stability properties of the controllers developed in this book are true only locally.

The equilibrium point images of C.1 is said to be:

  • uniformly stable if, given any images, there exists images (independent of images) such that
  • unstable if it is not stable
  • uniformly convergent if there exists images such that
  • uniformly asymptotically stable if it is both uniformly stable and uniformly convergent
  • exponentially stable if there exist images such that

Autonomous (time‐invariant) systems are a special case of C.1 where the right‐hand side of the differential equation is not explicitly dependent on time, i.e., images. Therefore, equilibrium points of autonomous systems are always constant (time independent). Since the solution of an autonomous system depends only on images, the stability properties of its equilibrium points are always uniform and images can be taken as zero without loss of generality. For similar reasons, the qualifier “uniform” is not necessary when referring to the exponential stability of nonautonomous systems (notice that images appears in C.3).

C.3 Lyapunov Stability

The following material can be found in 8,9,131,132. Lyapunov theory enables one to qualitatively assess the stability properties of an equilibrium point of interest without having to explicitly solve the nonlinear differential equation C.1. Specifically, the so‐called Lyapunov's second (or direct) method is based on the following, fundamental physical observation 132: If a system's total energy is continuously dissipated, then the system must eventually settle down to an equilibrium point. That is, equilibrium points are zero‐energy points. Since energy is a scalar quantity, we can study the stability of a system by examining the time variation of a single scalar function that captures the total energy of the system. In the case of mechanical systems (which multi‐agent systems fall under), this function should be related to the potential energy (position dependent) and kinetic energy (velocity dependent). This energy‐like function is known as the Lyapunov function candidate.

The notion of positive definite functions (and its variants) plays an important role in Lyapunov's second method. A function images where images is said to be:

  • positive definite in images if images for all images and images
  • positive semi‐definite in images if images for all images and images
  • negative definite in images if images is positive definite
  • negative semi‐definite in images if images is positive semi‐definite.

The simplest and most important type of positive definite function is the so‐called quadratic function:


where images is symmetric. In the case of quadratic functions, checking the sign definiteness of images is quite easy. Specifically, images (or matrix images) is:

  • positive definite if all eigenvalues of images are positive
  • positive semi‐definite if all eigenvalues of images are nonnegative
  • negative definite if all eigenvalues of images are negative
  • negative semi‐definite if all eigenvalues of images are nonpositive
  • indefinite if some eigenvalues of images are positive and some are negative.

We are now ready to state some Lyapunov stability results. These results are based on the simple mathematical fact that if a scalar function is both bounded from below and decreasing, the function has a limit as time approaches infinity. In the following, we assume images is an equilibrium point for C.1 and images is a set containing images.

The following theorem is a corollary to Barbalat's Lemma.

C.4 Input‐to‐State Stability

The following material can be found in 133,134. Input‐to‐state stability bridges the gap between the notions of Lyapunov stability and input–output stability by quantifying the effects of both initial conditions and external (control or disturbance) inputs on the system state.

Consider the system


where images is locally Lipschitz in images and images. The input images is a piecewise continuous, bounded function for all images. System C.4 is said to be input‐to‐state stable if there exist a class images function images and a class images function images such that, for any images and any images, the solution images exists for all images and satisfies


The above inequality has several implications.

  • For any bounded input, the state is bounded.
  • As images, the state is ultimately bounded by function images.
  • If images as images, so does images.

C.5 Nonsmooth Systems

The following material can be found in 38, 42, 135, 136. Consider system


where images is discontinuous in images and piecewise continuous in images on images. Unfortunately, classical analysis methods are not applicable to differential equations with discontinuous right‐hand side (a.k.a. nonsmooth systems) since they require images to be at least Lipschitz in images. For such differential equations, even the notion of existence of solutions has to be redefined. A key contribution to this problem was made by Filippov, who developed a solution concept that only requires images to be Lebesgue measurable with respect to images and images. This solution is usually called a generalized or Filippov solution. The discontinuities that appear in images in this book are of the type images which admit a Filippov solution.

A Filippov solution is found by embedding images into a set‐valued map images, and then investigating the existence of a solution to the so‐called differential inclusion


A natural choice for this set‐valued map is the closed convex hull of images. If for any images, images, then images is an equilibrium point of C.7.

In order to conduct a Lyapunov analysis of equilibria of a differential inclusion, we can invoke the following result from 42.

C.6 Integrator Backstepping

The following material can be found in 8,9,131. Integrator backstepping is a recursive control design methodology for systems in so‐called strict‐feedback form 9. It provides a systematic way of designing Lyapunov functions and nonlinear controllers for systems of any order. Unlike the feedback linearization method, backstepping can accommodate model uncertainties and avoid the unnecessary cancellation of “useful” (stabilizing) nonlinearities.

Since the dynamic model of the individual agents in this book have at most order two, we illustrate the backstepping technique by considering the system


where images is the system state, images images is the control input, and images is continuously differentiable with images. Say that our control objective is to stabilize the system at the equilibrium point images for any initial conditions.

Notice that the above system is a cascaded connection of subsystems C.8 and C.9. The idea behind backstepping is to first consider images as a control input for subsystem C.8. Under this assumption, we could design images to obtain the exponentially stable closed‐loop system images. Since in reality images is a system state and thus cannot be directly manipulated, we use the trick of adding and subtracting a fictitious control input images to the right‐hand side of C.8 and introducing the variable transformation


As a result, our system becomes


Now, if we design




we get the closed‐loop system


whose unique equilibrium point is images.

Using the Lyapunov function candidate


and taking its time derivative along C.11 yields


From Corollary C.1, we can conclude that images is exponentially stable. Since images, we know that images is an exponentially stable equilibrium point for C.8 and C.9 in closed‐loop with C.10.


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