
As the initial hurdles of unmanned robotic platform development have been passed, focus is now being placed on advancing the behavior of these platforms so they perform coordinated operations in groups with and without human supervision. Over the past several years, a considerable amount of work has been conducted in this area under various names: multi‐agent systems, networked systems, cooperative control, and swarming. Research has evolved from fundamental studies of biological swarms in nature to the development and application of systems theoretical tools for modeling such behaviors to, more recently, the synthesis and experimental validation of engineered multi‐agent systems.

The premise behind engineering multi‐agent systems is that cooperation among group members can lead to the execution of complex functions that are otherwise not possible. Engineering multi‐agent systems have the potential to impact a variety of military, civilian, and commercial applications that involve some of form situational awareness. Examples include patrolling, monitoring, surveying, scouting, and element tracking over large geographical areas with unmanned robotic vehicles or mobile sensor networks.

Decentralization is a key characteristic of biological and engineered multi‐agent systems since it provides adaptability and robustness to the system operation. Several coordination‐type problems have been studied within the robotics, systems, and control research communities that involve some level of distributed operation. Graph theory plays an important role in modeling the decentralization and interaction among the multiple agents needed to achieve the common goal. Our interest in this book is in the class of coordination problems known as formation control and in the use of rigid graph theory as a solution tool. Specifically, the goal of the book is to provide the first comprehensive and unified treatment of the subject of graph rigidity‐based formation control of multi‐agent systems. The presentation is mostly based on the authors' own work and perspectives.

The book begins with an introduction to rigid graph theory for readers not familiar with the subject. The heart of the book is divided into three parts according to the model of the agents' equations of motion: the single‐integrator model, the double‐integrator model, and the robotic vehicle model. For each model, three types of formation problems are studied: formation acquisition, formation maneuvering, and target interception. All formation control results in the book are supported by computer simulations, while most are demonstrated experimentally using unmanned ground vehicles. The book is organized such that the material is presented in ascending level of difficulty, building upon previous sections and chapters.

The book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the areas of robotics, systems, and control who are interested in the topic of multi‐agent systems. We assume readers have a graduate‐level knowledge of linear algebra, matrix theory, control systems, and nonlinear systems, especially Lyapunov stability theory.

We would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude to Pengpeng Zhang and Milad Khaledyan for their assistance with some of the theoretical results and computer simulations presented in the book, and to Dr. Bingqing Wu for her assistance with the creation of Figures 1.3 and 1.5. We would also like to thank Eric Willner and Jemima Kingsly at Wiley for giving us the opportunity to publish this work and for their patience while we completed it.

Finally, we acknowledge the following entities for allowing us to reproduce their pictures:

  • Weaver ants making an emergency bridge between two plants by Rose Thumboor (see Figure 1.1). Retrieved from wiki/File:Weaver_Ants_‐_Oecophylla_smaragdina.jpg. Used under Creative Commons Attribution‐Share Alike 4.0 International license (creative‐sa/4.0/deed.en).
  • School of convict surgeonfish (Acanthurus triostegus) by Thomas Shahan (see Figure 1.1). Retrieved from @N02/14280168344/. Used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license (
  • xBee module (see Figure 5.3). Retrieved from Used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license (

March 2018

Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Marcio de Queiroz

Exton, PA, USA

Xiaoyu Cai

Annapolis, MD, USA

Matthew Feemster

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