The Mixing Rate of Different Crossover Operators

Adam Prügel-Bennetf [email protected]    Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems Research Group Department of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom


In order to understand the mixing effect of crossover a simple shuffling problem is considered. The time taken for the strings in a population to become mixed is calculated for different crossover procedures. Uniform crossover is found to mix the population fastest, while single-point crossover causes very slow mixing. Two-point crossover extrapolates between these two limiting cases.


One of the benefits of using an evolutionary algorithm is that it opens up the possibility of using a crossover operator. In early Genetic Algorithms single-point or two-point crossover were used to recombine pairs of strings [1-3]. Later multi-point crossover [4] and uniform crossover [5-7] were studied. A short controversy raged over which of these operators was best. Of course, this will depend on the problem being treated. Indeed, for many problems it is necessary to design a problem specific crossover operator [8]. Nevertheless, an important practical issue is to identify characteristics of crossover which allow for a more rational choice of crossover operator.

In this paper we study one such aspect of crossover, namely how efficiently it mixes the solutions. This is a problem independent aspect of crossover, which tells us about how quickly the population will explore the space of solutions. To study this we consider a problem which can be viewed as generalized card shuffle. We start with a pack of cards consisting of N suits with L cards in each suit. The pack is divided into N hands sorted according to their suit. The hands are then shuffled by pairing them and swapping cards using a uniform, single-point or multi-point crossover strategy. We study how the hands become shuffled over time. In the language of Genetic Algorithms the hands correspond to strings or chromosomes, the cards to genes, while the suits correspond to different alleles.

We define an order parameter to measure the degree of mixing within the population. As the strings become mixed the order parameter decays to the value of a totally mixed population. We define the mixing rate to be the asymptotic rate at which the order parameter decays. The mixing rates for single-point, two-point and uniform crossover are calculated analytically. As one might expect, uniform crossover mixes faster than multipoint crossover which mixes faster than single-point crossover, however, the difference in the rate between uniform and single-point crossover, is more dramatic than one might naively expect. This does not, of course, imply that uniform crossover is always best. Another important factor in choosing a crossover operator is its average cost due to the disruption it causes. A measure of this cost might be the average loss in fitness caused by crossover (this ‘interface energy’ was computed, for example, in [9], 10] for one particular problem). For problems where the spatial position of the loci have a meaning, uniform crossover may be too disruptive, whereas single-point crossover may produce only a small change in the fitness. However, this cost will depend on the problem being considered. In contrast, mixing of the allele between strings is problem independent.

On completing this paper, a different approach to the same problem was brought to my attention. This approach by Rabani, Rabinovich and Sinclair [11] considered crossover to be a special case of a quadratic dynamical system (QDS)—a generalization of a Markov chain to a process depending on combining two members of a population. In contrast to Markov chains there is no known procedure for solving a QDS. The authors, however, develop tight bounds on the convergence times for the probability distribution of a subclass of QDS to its equilibrium distribution. They use this result to obtain mixing rates for different crossover operators. Rabani et al.s approach is extremely powerful, but has a different character to the approach taken here. In this paper, we consider the evolution of a single statistical property of the population, namely a measure of the degree of shuffling. By concentrating on this simple quantity the problem simplifies considerably. For example, we can quite easily obtain an exact expression for the evolution of this quantity for uniform crossover in a finite population at each generation. This is a more detailed, although less general result than that obtained by Rabani et al. The two approaches have different strengths. Rabani et al. approach gives a rigorous mathematical framework. Obtaining useful results from such a framework is notoriously hard. The fact that they succeed in finding such a result is very impressive. The tack taken in this paper, which I would not pretend to be of comparable significance to Rabani et al.s general result, is to find a statistical quantity for which we can compute the dynamics. This approach, though often only approximate, allows complex systems to be modelled which are beyond the scope of a rigorous framework—modelling of more complex systems is discussed in the final section of this paper.



We briefly introduce the shuffling problem together with the notation we shall be using. To denote the individual strings (hands) we use the vector



where the superscript μ = 1,…, N, denotes the different strings and Siμ(t) denotes the alleles (suits) at position i and generation t. We assume that there are L cards in each hand and that the order is always maintained (i.e. at every time step each hand contains cards 1 to L). We denote the allele types (suits) by a Greek letter. Initially Sμi(0)=μsi2_e, that is, the genes (cards) of the μ th member of the population are initially in allele state μ —the alleles carry information about the ancestors. To form the next generation the strings are paired at random. Each pair, (Sμ(t), Sv(t)), is shuffled to form a new pair (Sμ(t+1),Sv(t+1))si3_e according to


si4_e  (1)

where χi ∈ {0, 1} depends on the type of crossover operator. The χi’s are independently chosen for different pairs.

We consider the following types of crossover.

Uniform Crossover. The alleles are chosen randomly from either of the parents,


si5_e  (2)

The parameter a defines the degree of bias. In the unbiased case a = 1/2.

Single-Point Crossover. A locus.A (1 ≤ A ≤ L) is chosen on the string and all alleles up to and including A are taken from one string while all the other alleles are taken from the second string,


si6_e  (3)

Two-Point Crossover. The strings are treated as loops, along which we choose two crossing points, A and B. The strings are swapped between these two points,


si7_e  (4)

Note that we can either choose A and B independently or we can choose A at random and choose B to be a fixed distance from A. In particular we can choose 0 < A ≤ N/2 and B = A + N/2 to ensure that a maximum number of alleles are swapped at each ‘generation’.


We need to define a measure of shuffling. To do so we first define the ‘overlaps’, between the strings at time t and the initial strings, to be the number of alleles of type α in (t) — that is, the number of alleles that originated in string Sα(0)


si8_e  (5)

where we have used the notational convention for the indicator function


si9_e  (6)

Since every allele ancestor remains in the population and every allele must come from somewhere


si10_e  (7)

We are now ready to define an order parameter, Q(t), measuring the degree of mixing


si11_e  (8)

Although this measure is ad hoc, it is one of the simplest measures—it depends only on a count of the cards in each hand; a linear measure will not work because of equation (7). Initially mμα(0)=[α=μ]si12_e (the expression in squared brackets is just the Kronecker delta) so Q(0) = 1. When the population is totally mixed the order parameter falls to


si13_e  (9)

(the derivation of this is given in an appendix). We define the mixing rate as the (asymptotic) reduction towards the mixed state produced by a shuffle





We can compute the change in the order parameter and consequently the mixing rate exactly for uniform crossover. From equation (1) it follows that


si15_e  (10)

Since the χi’s axe chosen independently we can average over them. From equation (2) we see that χi=a,si16_e where si17_e denotes the expectation value. To calculate the change in the order parameter we consider



where we have separated out the i = j term and used the property of indicator functions []2=[]si19_e. We can now substituting in equation (10) to obtain an expression in terms of variables at time t. Averaging out the χi ’s we obtain after a little algebra



This gives the square of the overlaps at time t + 1 in terms of the overlaps at time t. Putting this into equation (8) we obtain an equation for Q(t + 1) in terms of the overlaps at time t. But, using equations (7) and (8) we can simplify this to


si21_e  (11)




and Q(∞) is given in equation (9). equation (11) is a linear recursion relation which has the well known solution


si23_e  (12)

Starting from an ordered state we have Q (0) = 1. The characteristic mixing time is given by


si24_e  (13)

The optimal shuffling is achieved when a = 1/2 in which case τ1/log(2)1.44si25_e. Every.τ generations the distance Q(t) − Q(∞) is decreased by 1/e — for a = 2 this distance is halved each generation.


Single-point crossover is more complicated than uniform crossover because the loci are no longer independent of each other—nearby loci are more likely to come from the same ancestor than distant loci. To calculate the effect of single-point crossover we adopt a new approach. We consider the strings to be made up from regions or blocks of genes where the regions are bounded by the points where crossover has occurred. We denote the number of regions in a string Sμ(tby Rμ(t). We consider, below, how the number of regions grow over time.

We can express the overlaps in terms of block variables. We denote the size of the nth block of Sμ(tby xnμ(t) and the allele type of the nth block by βnμ(t). Then the overlap can be written as


si26_e  (14)

From equation (8) we find the order parameter is given by


si27_e  (15)

where we have used the identities






The first term in equation (15) gives the contribution to the order parameter coming from the single blocks while the second term gives the contribution coming from different blocks which, by chance, come from the same ancestors. We do not know the block sizes, xnμ. However, as the crossing points are randomly chosen the block sizes will be random except for the constraint



Given (t) blocks then on average


si31_e  (16)

The calculation of these average values are given in a separate appendix. We are left having to calculate the average number of blocks that come from the same ancestor



If each block could come from any ancestor then the probability of two blocks being the same is 1/N. However, at the first generation the two blocks are guaranteed to come from separate ancestors. To incorporate this fact we assume that the probability of two blocks coming from the same ancestor is (1 – 1/t)/N. Using this we find


si33_e  (17)

Putting equations (16) and (17) into equation (15) we obtain


si34_e  (18)

where R(t) is the average number of regions per string.

We now consider how the number of regions grow over time. Crossover will produce a new region provided that the cutting point occurs within a block rather than at one of the ends. Since there are L − 1 possible cutting points and (t) − 1 region boundaries, there will be a probability of (LRμ(t))/(L1)si35_e that the cutting site occurring within a block. Thus, if at time t there are R(t) regions then the expected number of regions at the next shuffle will be


si36_e  (19)

This is again a linear recursion, with solution


si37_e  (20)

The derivation of 〈Q(t)〉 is not exact. In particular, we have ignored fluctuations in the number of blocks (equation (18) is not linear in R(t), so fluctuations in R(t) will give rise to systematic corrections). Nevertheless, the corrections are so small that equations (18) and (20) are in almost perfect agreement with simulation results.

The asymptotic behaviour of Q(t) is dominated by the rate of production of new regions. From equation (20) we see that the number of regions increases towards its maximum L at a rate 1 − 1/(L − 1). As a consequence the characteristic mixing time is – l/ log(l − 1/(L − 1)) ≈ L − 1.


We consider the case when we choose a crossing point A uniformly between 1 and L/2 and set the second crossing point B to be at A + L/2. This ensures that exactly half the genes are swapped at each generation. As a consequence at the first generation Q(1) = 1/2. Thereafter each half of the string can be treated as a single string (of length L/2) which behaves as though they were experiencing single-point crossover. Thus for t ≥ 2 starting from R(t) regions in each half of the string the expected number after shuffling grows as


si38_e  (21)

Using the boundary condition R(1) = 1 we find


si39_e  (22)

Following a similar calculation to that for equation (18) we find


si40_e  (23)

Again the asymptotic decay of Q(t) is dominated by the speed at which new regions are produced. From equation (22) this gives a characteristic shuffling time of − l/log(l − 2/L)) ≈ L/2.

An alternative method for performing two-point crossover would be to choose the two crossing points independently. This complicates the calculations and we have performed simulations only. Figure 1 shows simulation results. Fixing the distance between crossing points to L/2 speeds up the initial shuffling. However, the asymptotic mixing rate is the same for both types of crossover.

Figure 1 The evolution of the order parameter is shown for two different types of two- point crossover. The solid line shows the case where the separation between the crossing points is set to L/2, while the dashed line shows the case when the crossing points are chosen independently. A population size of 100 and string length of 100 was used. The simulations where averaged over 1000 runs. The errors in the mean are less than the width of the line.


We have obtained analytic expressions for the mixing rate for uniform, single-point and two-point crossover. In figure 2 the analytic expressions are plotted for a population size and string length of 100. The curve for uniform crossover is exact. Those for singlepoint and two-point crossover are approximate, but for these parameters the theory and simulations differ by less than 5 × 10− 4.

Figure 2 The evolution of the order parameter is shown for uniform, single-point and two-point crossover. In all three cases the population size and string length was set to 100.

Although at the first step, the crossover strategies appear comparable for single-point, two-point and uniform crossover with a = 1/2, the shuffling rate continues to reduce rapidly for uniform crossover, but slows down very considerably for single-point and two-point crossover. Two-point crossover shuffles at twice the rate of single-point crossover. In fact, if we rescaled the time so that one generation of two-point crossover equals two generations of single-point crossover the two curves for Q(t) lie almost on top of each other. Multi-point crossover, in which n-points are chosen at random and where every other region is taken from the second parent, will extrapolate between the two-point and uniform crossover curves.

For uniform crossover the mixing rate is 1 – 2a (l − a) (ignoring finite population corrections). This is maximized when the bias, a, is set to 1/2. For a 1less 1/2 the mixing rate will be much reduced and the initially reduction in the order parameter will be much slower than that for single-point or two-point crossover. However, provided a greater 1/L the asymptotic mixing rate will be much faster for the biased uniform crossover than single or two-point crossover. Thus after a long enough period biased uniform crossover will achieve a better mixing than its rivals. This is illustrated in figure 2 where we have also plotted Q(t) for uniform crossover with a = 1/10.

One referee of this paper asked the pertinent question, so what? The answer to this is that modelling has both short and long term objectives. The short term objective is to find an accurate description of the system being studied. The much bolder long term objective is to obtain an understanding of the important features that determine the efficiency of the search performed by a Genetic Algorithm, with the hope of creating a principled approach to designing GAs. This is an accumulative process which can be achieved by understanding the detailed behaviour of simple systems. In this paper we identified a measure of the degree of mixing which allowed us to compute the mixing rates. The result that uniform crossover is faster than two-point crossover which in turn is faster than single-point crossover is, of course, not surprising. A result which was more unexpected (at least, for the author) was that uniform crossover even with a very strong bias towards one parent still has a much faster asymptotic mixing rate than single-point crossover. The mixing rates are important as they provide a measure for how fast crossover causes the population to decorrelate from its initial state. The shorter the decorrelation time the faster the exploration of the search space. Asymptotically single-point crossover is no faster than a mutation of one allele per generation (they both require touching each loci, which takes of order L log(L) trials), while uniform crossover is dramatically faster, taking Osi41_e(Iog(L)) steps. These results agree with Rabani et al., although we have also calculated how the degree of mixing changes for intermediate times.

To understand what crossover does in a GA, however, necessitates the modelling of the interaction of crossover with the other operators such as selection and mutation. This is part of the long term objective of modelling, of which this paper is only a small contribution. A statistical mechanics analysis of GAs has been carried out for various simple problems (e.g. [9, 10, 12-21]), which use statistical properties of the population to model the system dynamics. However, these studied did not treat the problem of spatial correlations that arise when using single or multi-point crossover. Recently the author has completed a paper treating the dynamics of a GA with two-point crossover [22]. The additional spatial correlations considerably complicate the analysis—not because of the difficulty of modelling crossover (which can be done exactly), but because of the difficulty in estimating the effect of selection on the spatial correlations produced by crossover. This paper uncovers a small part of the story of crossover. It shows how the amount of mixing caused by crossover evolves over generations. How important this is to the larger picture only time will tell.


The overlap parameters Mμα(t)=Lmμα(t)si42_e define a partitioning of the L alleles in string μ amongst the N initial strings. Total mixing corresponds to a random partitioning so that the probability of the overlaps being (M1μM2μ, …, MNμ) is given by the multinomial distribution



To find averages over a multinomial probability distribution we note that the multinomial coefficients appear in the following expansion


si44_e  (24)

where the sum is over all integer values of the Mα’s. We can use equation (24) to compute averages over the multinomial distribution using the observation






From the definition (8) and assuming totally shuffling




We need to calculate 〈(xnμ(t))2〉 and 〈xnμ(txmμ(t)〉. We first abstract this problem. We consider a string with L sites which is split into R regions where the position of each region boundary is independently chosen. We then ask what is the probability distribution for the sizes of the regions? For this calculation we can drop the superscript μ and the time index as these are irrelevant. Thus the length of a region we denote by xn. Our single constraint is



We can write the probability of a partitioning x = (x1, x2,…, xR) as



where we have used the shorthand



(p(x) is not a multinomial distribution as there are no combinatorial factors preferring equi-paxtitioning.) In the definition of p(x) we have included the term



which is a constant in light of the Kronecker delta, however, it will act as a regularization term in what follows.

Our aim is to find



We can replace the Kronecker delta with its integral representation






We can perform the sums (notice the regularization term ensures that sums converge) to give



where Dλ=/λsi56_e. We can integrate by parts so that the remaining integral cancels with the normalization factor Z. We thus obtain



We can calculate (xn xm) in a similar way. However it is easier to observe that







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