29.14. A further example

To finish this chapter, here is another example of how you can access beyond the boundaries of an array [19] in unsafe codes. Study this program carefully – it should be self-explanatory.

[19] This is impossible in Java or safe C# codes, but could be done easily in C and C++ where array boundaries are not checked for the developer.

 1: using System;
 3: class TestClass{
 5:   static string name = "c sharp";
 7:   unsafe static void PerformOp(char* p) {
 8:     int i;
10:     // will print out 'c sharp' (7 characters)
11:     for (i=0; p[i]!=''; i++)
12:       Console.Write(p[i]);
14:     // will print out 13 more characters which
15:     // are beyond the array boundaries.
16:     for (int j=i; j<20; j++)
17:       Console.Write(p[j]);
18:   }
20:   unsafe static void Main() {
21:     fixed (char* p = name)
22:       PerformOp(p);
23:  }
24: }

Output: [20]

[20] Output may differ depending on what is stored beyond your array's allocated space.

c sharp  ??   A

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