Appendix E. C# command line tools

Table E.1. C# command line tools
adepends.exeAssembly dependency list
al.exeAssembly linking utility
cordbg.exeRuntime debugger
csc.exeC# compiler
dbgurt.exeGUI debugger
gacutil.exeGlobal assembly cache utility
ilasm.exeMSIL assembler
ildasm.exeMSIL disassembler
instalutil.exeInstaller utility
nmake.exeMake utility
peverify.exePortable executable verifier
regasm.exeRegistry assembly tool
regsvcs.exeRegister services utility
sn.exeShared name utility
soapsuds.exeSoapSuds utility
tlbexp.exeType library exporter
tlbimp.exeType library importer
webserviceutil.exeWeb service utility
wincv.exeWindows class viewer
windes.exeWindows designer
xsd.exeXML schema definition tool

There are several useful command line tools which come as part of .NET SDK. They are listed in Table E.1 together with a brief description of what they are used for. You can execute them from the special VS .NET command prompt (not the usual cmd or command shell) accessible via STARTProgramMicrosoft Visual Studio .NETVisual Studio .NET ToolsVisual Studio .NET Command Prompt.

For detailed information, including command switches, execute the tool with the /? switch (for example, to find out more about ildasm, type ildasm/? at the command line.)

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