Appendix G. Abbreviations used in this book

Abbreviations and acronyms figure prominently in computer literature. Rather than define them on first use (and then have difficulty finding a definition again) all those used in this book are defined in Table G.1.

Table G.1. Abbreviations used in this book
ADO .NETActiveX Data Objects .NET
APIApplication Programming Interface
ASPActive Server Pages
BCLBase Class Library
CCWCOM Callable Wrapper
CF(.NET) Compact Framework
CILCommon Intermediate Language
CLICommon Language Infrastructure
CLRCommon Language Runtime
CLSCommon Language Specification
COMComponent Object Model
CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CTSCommon Type System
DCOMDistributed COM
DLLDynamic Link Library
DNADistributed interNetwork Architecture
ECMAEuropean Computer Manufacturer's Association
EJBEnterprise JavaBean
FIFOFirst in, First out
GACGlobal Assembly Cache
GDI+Graphical Device Interface+
GUIGraphical User Interface
IDEIntegrated Development Environment
IDLInterface Definition Language
IIOPInternet Inter-ORB Protocol
IISInternet Information Server
ILIntermediate Language
J2EEJava 2 platform, Enterprise Edition
J2MEJava 2 platform, Micro Edition
JAXPJava API for XML Processing
JCPJava Community Process
JCWJava Callable Wrapper
JDBCJava Database Connectivity
JDKJava Development Kit
JLCAJava Language Conversion Assistant
JMSJava Messaging Service
JNIJava Native Interface
JREJava Runtime Environment
JRMPJava Remote Method Protocol
JSPJavaServer Pages
JUMPJava User Migration Path
JVMJava Virtual Machine
LIFOLast in, First out
MFCMicrosoft Foundation Classes
MSILMicrosoft Intermediate Language
MSMQMicrosoft Message Queue
MTSMicrosoft Transaction Server
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PEPortable Executable
RMIRemote Method Invocation
SDESmart Device Extension
SDKSoftware Development Kit
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SSISingle Sign-In
UCSUniversal Character Set
UDDIUniversal Description, Discovery and Integration
UMLUnified Modeling Language
UNCUniversal Naming Convention
URLUniform Resource Locator
UTFUCS Transformation Format
VB .NETVisual Basic .NET
VB 6Visual Basic 6
VS .NETVisual Studio .NET
WSDLWeb Services Description Language
XMLExtensible Markup Language

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