

Abduction, 1, 4, 6, 161–162
Ace Alarm Company, 112–113
Activity logs, 6
Admission and release forms, 71–72
Affidavits, 46
Alarm systems, 48, 50–51, 54, 110, 113
hold-up, 113
silent, 112–113
testing, 113
Alcoholism, 100
American Avocado Growers, 145–148
American Gas Stations, 134–135
Andrews, Barbara, 11–12, 15–16
Armored cars, 118–119
Arson, 153–154
Asphyxiation, 106
Assault, 34–36, 147
felonious, 148–149
sexual, 7, 75, 77, 80–81, 123, 132, 136–138
Aston, Heidi, 33–36
Attorney fees, 8, 40
Audit trails, 6
Aura of guilt, 174
Awareness, 174


Bad stops, 71
Bank deposit bags, 119
Basketball, 25
Beckman, Clifford, 44, 47–48, 50–53, 55
Benchmarking surveys, 116
Bennington, Robert, 58, 60
Benny’s Place, 112–113
Big Grand Stores, 160–165
Body language, 174
Breaking-glass sensors, 110
Brown, Billy, 119–120
Brown, Hal, 112–113
Brown, Janelle, 121–124
Brown v. Ace Alarm Company, 112–113
Brown v. Elanta Department Stores, 121–124
Buck County League, 141
Burden of proof, 16
Burkhart, Bob, 67–71


Cameras, 65
See also CCTV
low-light, 51–52
low-quality, 94
operator duties, 122
parking lot coverage by, 161
unmanned, 137
Camping, 25
Carlisle, Shawn, 24, 27–28, 30
Cartwright, Jason, 109–112
Case, Tom, 2, 5, 9–10
Casino operations, 25–26
Cassidy, Robert, 58, 60
Castenada, Eduardo, 145–148
Castenada v. American Avocado Growers, 145–148
CCTV, 101, 161
Chatálet, et al. v. FantasyForest, Inc.
assessment of security department and investigation, 46–53
assessment of security strategy, 53–55
events of incidents, 44–46
incidents, 43
parties to lawsuit, 43
persons involved, 44
time of incidents, 44
Chatálet, Marie, 44, 53
Chetikoff, Ben, 141–143
Chetikoff, Edie, 141–143
Chetikoff v. City Bowl, 141–143
Children, 135–138
Citizen arrests, 53
City Bowl, 141–143
City University, 97–98
Civil lawsuits
criminal litigation and, 16
resolution of, 66
as wealth redistribution strategy, 167
The Cleveland Hotel, 158–160
Clouse and Fine’s Department Stores, 104–107
Coal bag, 119–120
Cocaine, 138–139
Confessions, 17
Contributory negligence, 78
Cooper, James, 126–130
Cork, Paul, 44, 50, 52–53
Corley, Robert, 1–6, 8
Corn Huskers, 24
Crane, Danny, 67–68
Crane, Joelle, 67–70
Crane, Tina, 67–68
Crane v. Major Stores, Inc.
assessment and testimony, 72
assessment of security policies and procedures, 71–72
events of incident, 68–71
incident, 67
location of incident, 68
parties to lawsuit, 67
persons involved, 67–68
verdict, 72–73
Crestview Country Club, 124–130
See also specific crimes
areas high in, 64, 133–134
discouraging, reducing, or preventing, 171–174
distribution of, 7
foreseeability of, 62, 64, 79, 132, 163–164
in Holy Spirit Hospital area, 6–7
neighborhood levels of, 64
in parking lots, 133, 140
on Silver Mine Hotel and Casino premises, 28–29
on Sky-High Casino premises, 62–63
stranger-predator, 63
Crime lab analysis, 17
Crime level classifications, 7
Crime statistics, 6–7
Criminal background checks, 50
Criminal litigation, 16, 167
Cross-examination, 22, 41
Cunningham, Eddie, 23, 26–28, 30–31
Cyclone fences, 128–129


Daily activity report (DAR), 154
Daily Logs, 28–31
Dandy Markets, 102–104
Day laborers, 145–146
Demand letters, 165–166
Dementia, 148
Dent, Sidney, 169
Depositions, 21, 40, 54, 72
Destruction of property, 98
Detention policies, 71, 122
Diabetes, 101
Discovery, 21, 28, 46, 128
Distribution of crime, 7
Document review, 168–169
Domestic violence, 16
Dominic’s, 135–136
Door greeters, 88, 93–94
Drug use, 139
Duncan Police Department, 59


Elanta Department Stores, 121–124, 168–169
Electrical outlets, 48
Electronic access cards, 12, 18, 21
Electronic door locks, 14
Employee investigations, 93–94
Employee misconduct, 94
Escalante, Kathryn, 24, 30–31
Excessive use of force, 97, 102–104, 106–107, 166
Exchanges, 88, 90
Expert witnesses
attorneys not happy with, 143
client approaches to, 165
document review by, 168–169
fees charged by, 8, 40
as hired guns, 36
presence in trials, 81
pretrial meetings, 20–22
settlement and, 124, 155
special privilege of, 167–168
trial presentations, 40–41
Extortion, 73


False arrest, 97
False imprisonment, 85, 97
FantasyForest, 43–44, 47
communication equipment room, 47–48, 50–52, 54
human resources, 49
security department and investigation assessment, 46–53
security policies, 46, 53
security strategy assessment, 53–55
FantasyForest Security and Safety Policy and Procedure Manual, 46, 53
Faratoom v. City University, 97–98
Fatau, Sonny, 11–21
Felonious assault, 148–149
Fidelity Security Company, 127–128
Fillmore, Gene, 102–103
Fire watch, 152–153
Fiske, Hank, 23–25, 27–28, 30–31
Fiske v. Silver Mine Hotel and Casino
assessment of history of crime on premises, 28–29
assessment of security program, 29–31
events of incident, 24–28
incident, 23
parties to lawsuit, 23
persons involved, 23–24
results of assessment, 31–32
time of incident, 24
Football, 25
Force excessive use of, 97, 102–104, 106–107, 166
Forcible entry, 21
Foreseeability, 62, 64, 79, 132, 163–164
Franchetti, Tony, 139–140
Franchetti v. Sunset Hotel Casino, 138–141
Fujimoto v. Mid-Pacific Island Princess Hotel, 113–116


Garcia v. Grand Lion Hotel and Casino, 100–101
Gardner, Phil, 153
Gates, 125
Giant Stores, 85, 88
investigation policies, 92
organizational structure, 93
Glassman, Robert, 34, 38–39
Glickman, Harry, 68–69
Gold Shield Security Services, 152–155
Grand Lion Hotel and Casino, 100–101
Greater Legion Hall, 109–112
Greene, Danny, 1–5, 9
Greene, Robert, 86, 89–90, 92
Greene, Vivian, 1–5, 8–9
Greene v. Holy Spirit Hospital
aftermath, 9–10
assessment of crime statistics, 6–7
assessment of security program, 5–6
events of incident, 2–5
incident, 1
parties to lawsuit, 1
persons involved, 1–2
results of assessment, 7–9
time of incident, 2
Greeters, 88, 93–94


Handcuffs, 151–152, 166
Handguns, 57, 59, 64, 112–113, 139–140
Harbor View Condominiums, 15–17
policies and procedures, 18
Harbor View Homeowners’ Association, 11, 17
Hauffman, Harold, 58–61, 64
Hefstedder, Ron, 75, 77
Henderson, Daniel, 24, 30–31
Henderson v. Valley Mall, 155–158
Hernandez, Carlos, 118–121
Hernandez v. June Department Stores, 118–121
Heston, Becky, 160–165
Heston v. Big Grand Stores, 160–165
Hickham v. The Municipal Zoo, 102
Hiding the ball, 92
High-crime areas, 64, 133–134
Highlight Casino and Hotel, 135–138
Hightower, Gretchen, 34, 39
Hinkley, Mary, 86, 89–94
Holdridge, Pam, 86, 89, 92
Hold-up alarms, 113
Holloman v. American Gas Stations, 134–135
Holy Spirit Hospital, 1–2
crime rates, 7
security assessment results, 7–9
security program, 5–6
Homeowners’ associations, 125–126
discouraging, reducing, or preventing, 171–172
Hospital security, 9
Hunt v. J. J. Stores, 148–149
Husk, Bill, 153
Hutchinson, Jim, 57, 60
HVAC air ducts, 47–48


Illegal interception of communications, 53
Insurance adjusters, 160
Internal dishonesty, 93
Invasion of privacy, 51
Investigations, 47
employee, 93–94
failures in, 87
by FantasyForest security department, 46–53
Giant Stores policies, 92
internal, 93
loss prevention, 93
process of, 54–55


J. J. Stores, 148–149
Jackson, “Sonny”, 150–152
Jackson v. National Discounters, 150–152
James v. Quickway Markets, 98–100
James v. Silver Discount Stores, 132–134
Jefferson, John, “JJ,”, 34, 38–39
Jennings, Robert, 34, 39, 41
Johnson v. Dandy Markets, 102–104
Jones, Greta, 135
Jones, Teri, 135–136
Jones, Tommy, 135–136
Jones v. Highlight Casino and Hotel, 135–138
Juarez, Roberto, 33, 35
June Department Store, 118–121


Kelley, Buster, 168
Kenworth, Fern, 116–118
Kenworth v. Patriot’s Plaza, 116–118
Key control systems, 78, 81, 117
K-Mart, 141


L.A. Lakers, 25
Lang, Cindi, 86, 91–92
Laughlin, Robert, 44, 46, 51, 53, 55
Leadership, 55, 124
Lighting, 7, 171
Log sheets, 157
Lombardi, Gus, 45–46
Loss prevention, 67, 70–72, 85–86, 88–89, 104, 106, 133–134, 151, 161, 166
executive administration of, 169
investigations in, 93
Low-light cameras, 51–52
Lying in wait, 21


MacIntosh, Henry “Hank,”, 153–155
Major Stores, Inc., 67–68
security policy and procedure assessment, 71–72
Makin, Fred, 168
Man-traps, 119
Marcello, Cindi, 33–35, 41
Marcello v. Queen of Clubs
assessment of plaintiff’s case, 36–37
assessment of security program, 37–39
deposition for, 40
events of incident, 34–36
incident, 33
parties to lawsuit, 33
persons involved, 33–34
time of incident, 34
trial, 40–41
Marijuana, 3
Mariner’s Club, 13
Master keys, 78–79, 81–82
McCall, Connie, 86, 88–95
McCall, Hildegarde, 86
McCall v. Giant Stores
documentation of incident, 88–92
events of incident, 86–88
incident, 85
parties to lawsuit, 85
persons involved, 86
time of incident, 86
trial, 92–95
McCortney, Carl, 57, 59, 61
McCortney, Dean, 57, 59–60
McCortney, Millie, 59
McCortney v. Sky-High Casino
assessment of plaintiff’s theory of liability, 62–66
events of incident, 58–62
incident, 57
location of incident, 58
parties to lawsuit, 57
persons involved, 57–58
time of incident, 58
McCune, Steve, 168
McDonald, Joseph, 168
McGrath, Mr. and Mrs., 2, 8–9
Medical emergency units, 28
Melberne, Skip, 115
Mental illness, 61
Mid-American Inns, security program assessment, 78–80
Mid-Pacific Island Princess Hotel, 113–116
Miller, Betty, 58–61, 64
Miller, Charlie, 58–61, 64
Miller, Fred, 11, 13–14, 17–19
Miller, Mildred, 109–112
Miller v. Jason Cartwright and Greater Legion Hall, 109–112
Missing person reports, 162
Moonlight guard services, 133
Mullins v. City Library, 131–132
Murder, See Homicide
Murder Book, 18, 21


National Daily Reporter, 25
National Discounters, 150–152
Nawa, Sahi, 33, 37–39, 41
in Brown v. Ace Alarm Company, 113
in Brown v. Elanta Department Stores, 123–124
in Chatálet, et al. v. FantasyForest, Inc., 43, 55
contributory, 78
in Fiske v. Silver Mine Hotel and Casino, 33
in Fujimoto v. Mid-Pacific Island Princess Hotel, 115
in Greene v. Holy Spirit Hospital, 1
in Hernandez v. June Department Stores, 120
in Marcello v. Queen of Clubs, 33, 36
in McCall v. Giant Stores, 85, 87, 92
in McCortney v. Sky-High Casino, 57, 62
in Miller v. Jason Cartwright and Greater Legion Hall, 111–112
in Washington v. Crestview Country Club, 128–129
in White v. Mid-American Inns, 75, 78, 81
in Yamamoto v. Harbor View Homeowners’ Association, 11, 16, 18–19
Northern Mills, 152–154


Ochoa, Mr. and Mrs., 58–61, 64
Off-duty police officers, 5–6, 8, 121, 133, 148
O’Hare, James, 44–53, 55
Old Lace Antique Jewelry, 109
Olea, Jorge, 158–160
Olea, Maria, 158–160
Olea v. The Cleveland Hotel, 158–160
On-the-job training, 167
Oosten, Lyle, 129–130
Organizational design, 5, 124
Ownership changes, 160
Oxygen equipment, 28


Paddy hustle, 139
Paramedics, 101, 106
Parking citations, 98
Parking lots, 28–29, 31, 33
cameras covering, 161
crimes in, 133, 140
employee use of, 160
fighting in, 38, 40
hot surfaces in, 151
security coverage of, 140–141
Patriot’s Plaza, 116–118
Patrol routes, 6, 30
Patrol vehicles, 6, 27–28, 157–158, 161
Payout window, 26
Payroll, 6
Perimeter patrol, 30
Peters, Jason, 122–123, 168
Police beats, 7
Polygraphs, 115
Poole, Barney, 44–45
Post orders, 30
Premises liability, 16, 23, 28
Pretrial discovery, 21, 28, 46, 128
Pretrial meetings, 20–22
The Process of Investigation (Sennewald), 54–55
Public drunkenness, 34
Punitive damages, 87–88
Purse snatching, 141, 159


Queen of Clubs, 33–34, 39
license rescinded, 38
patrons, 38
reporting policy, 39
security program assessment, 37–39
Quickway Markets, 98–100


Rankowski, Betty, 1–5, 9
Rankowski, Jo, 1, 3–4, 9
Rape, 1, 4, 6, 123, 131, 133, 136, 136, 161–162, 168–169
discouraging, reducing, or preventing, 172–173
Rape kits, 133
Recording others without knowledge, 53
Recovery amounts, 91
Refunds, 88
Rekeying, 78, 133
Reporting districts, 7
Resident directories, 12, 18
Rhino Boot, 97–98
discouraging, reducing, or preventing, 173–174
Robledo, Phillip, 34, 38–39
Roemheld, Clint, 168


Sanborne, Sandy, 86, 91
Schmidt, Barbara, 86, 88–90, 92
Schmidt, Becky, 105–106
Scratch sheet, 25
Security, 1
activity logs, 6
adequate levels of, 63, 78
antique shows, 110
assessment of conduct, 18–20
cameras, 51–52, 65, 94, 122, 137, 161
for children, 137–138
daily logs, 28–31
department budgets, 5, 10
deployment of, 158–159
duty to provide, 32
electronic access program and, 18
at Holy Spirit Hospital, 5–9
hospital, 9
inadequate, 159–160
internal investigations, 93
investigation failures, 87
investigation policies, 92
leadership in, 55, 124
log sheets, 157
management structures, 5
negligence by, 1, 16, 36, 43, 57, 62, 75, 111
organizational structure, 93, 124
parking area coverage, 140–141
performance evaluations, 89–90
policies and procedures, 28, 40
post changes, 14
post orders, 30, 137, 163–165
professionalism of, 39
reporting policies, 39, 131–132
resource allocation, 29
restroom inspections by, 118
schedules, 142–143
securing and transporting money, 120–121
service contracts, 154, 163
Silver Mine Hotel and Casino program for, 29–31
staffing levels, 57, 63
strategies, 37–38, 64, 143
supervision of, 124, 154–155
supervisor failures in, 31
training, 40, 138, 167
videotape of posts, 138
visibility of, 6
Self-defense, 174
Senior citizens, 165–166
Settlement, 66
expert opinions and, 124, 155
Sexual assault, 7, 75, 77, 80–81, 123, 132, 136–138
Shoplifters vs. Retailers (Sennewald), 88
Shoplifting, 71–72, 89–90, 103, 122, 148–149, 165
by children, 107
citation for, 149
conditions for arrest, 99, 104, 150
recovery amounts in, 91
training for handling, 149
Silent alarms, 112–113
Silver Discount Stores, 132–134
Silver Mine Hotel and Casino, 23, 25–26, 31
crime history on premises, 28–29
daily logs, 28–31
parking lots, 28–29
security department program, 29–31
security policies, 28
Simpson, O. J., 16
Simpson, Ted, 44–46, 49–51
Sims, Anthony, 161–165
Site inspection, 79
Sky-High Casino, 57–58, 62
crime on premises, 62–63
weapons policies, 64–65
weapons-related calls from, 63
Smith, Harry, 129–130
Sobinsky, Hugh, 20–21
Solicitation, 139
Sonderman, Bobby, 75, 78–79, 81–83
Sports book, 24–26
Stanley (Officer), 164–165
Station hits, 153
Stevenson, Wayne, 44–45, 49–53
Stoops, Catherine, 168
Store detectives, 167
body language read by, 174
Stoyanov, Simeon, 33, 38–39, 41
Stranger-predator crime, 63
Sunset Hotel Casino, 138–141
Supervisorial tools, 31, 153–154


Tailgating, 18
Takeshima, John, 115
Theft, 67, 70–71, 85–87, 103, 107
See also Shoplifting
Theft detection, 134
Time clocks, 153–155
Torts, 16
Traficanto, Don, 24
Trenton, James, 2, 9
Trespassing, 146
Trials, 20–22
expert witness presence at, 81
expert witness presentations in, 40–41
TropiGal Club, 13–14, 17


Undocumented immigrants, 145–146
Universal Insurance Co., 152–155
Universal Insurance Co. v. Gold Shield Security Services, 152–155
University of Nebraska, 24


Valley Mall, 155–158
Vandalism, 7, 98
Vice officers, 139
Victims’ stories, 36
Videotape, 87
date and time generator, 58
quality of evidence, 91
reexamination of, 87
reviewing, 89–90, 137, 163–164
security posts on, 138
spliced, 87, 91–92
Voorhees, Greta, 68, 70–71
Voyeurism, 49–50, 53–55


Washington, Cherese, 124–125, 127
Washington, Hank, 124–130
Washington, Kenesha, 124–127
Washington, Millie, 124–130
Washington, Sonjia, 104–107
Washington v. Clouse and Fine’s Department Stores, 104–107
Washington v. Crestview Country Club, 124–130
The Wave, 17
Weapons, 63
White, Mary, 75–77, 79–80, 82
White v. Mid-American Inns
assessment of event, 80–83
assessment of security program, 78–80
events of incident, 76–78
incident, 75
parties to lawsuit, 75
persons involved, 75
time of incident, 75
Withers (police officer), 86, 91
Witnesses, impeaching, 41
Wong, Charlie, 11, 14–15, 17–20, 169
Wright, Larry, 58
Written policies, 93–94
Wrongful termination, 85


Yamamoto, Annie, 11–15, 19–21
Yamamoto v. Harbor View Homeowners’ Association
aftermath, 22
assessment of plaintiff’s theory, 16–18
assessment of security officers’ conduct, 18–20
events of incident, 12–16
incident, 11
parties to lawsuit, 11
persons involved, 11–12
pretrial meeting and trial, 20–22
time of incident, 12


Zimmerman, Pam, 169
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