
When data comes in and goes out, the JSON structure is serialized and deserialized. The adapter uses the serializer to get the data in and out of the store to build and resolve request/response data.

You can create a serializer with ember g serializer [application or model name], which will create a serializer file with boilerplate code, like this:

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({

The serializer is an object assigned to the serializer property in the adapter. Without a specific serializer file in your application, Ember will use a default adapter and serializer, the JSONAPIAdapter and JSONAPISerializer.

When you include a new serializer for the application, that serializer will be used as the defaultSerializer for the corresponding app/adapters/application.js file. Using the model’s name as the command option in ember g serializer allows you customize serialization of data for a specific model.

As with the JSONAPIAdapter, the configuration should only be changed if your API does not conform to the JSONAPI specification or if you have strange edge cases. If, in your own project, you were to need changes to request or response data, here are some methods to investigate in the Ember Data documentation: keyForAttribute, keyForRelationship, modelNameFromPayloadKey, and serialize.

keyForAttribute is a method to transform attribute names from the model to a keyname sent in the request. This method expects three arguments: key, typeClass, and method. For the JSONAPISerializer, this method returns the key dasherized, meaning that any underscores or camelcasing in the keyname will be converted to dashes. For example, if a model has a property first_name, the request object will have a key of first-name. If your API expects first_name, you will need to make a change to your the keyForAttribute method to resolve the naming issue.

keyForRelationship follows the same process, only for relationship keys. If your model names contain underscores you will need to edit this method for JSONAPISerializer when you have linked models with belongsTo or hasMany relationships. Some APIs expect relationships to add a suffix of _id or _ids for these relationships. This is the method to make that change.

The bnr-tracker-api you are using for Tracker uses the appropriate JSONAPI key names with dashes, such as cryptid-type. You will not need to add a serializer in your app. However, for illustration, here is an example of using the Ember utility method Ember.String.underscore to change the attribute keys of the incoming and outgoing JSON data.

import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
var underscore = Ember.String.underscore;
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
  keyForAttribute(attr) {
    return underscore(attr);
  keyForRelationship(rawKey) {
    return underscore(rawKey);

Ember provides a number of string manipulation methods on the Ember.String object. Ember.String.underscore converts a string with dashes or camelcase to use an underscore to separate words.

The serializer methods are called during the lifecycle of a request for data, such as'witness'). One way to examine the callback flow of a data request would be to add a debugger statement in this code to see what comes in and what goes out of the method.

Here is an example:

import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';

var underscore = Ember.String.underscore;

export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
  keyForAttribute(attr) {
    let returnValue = underscore(rawKey);
    return returnValue;
    return underscore(rawKey);
  keyForRelationship(rawKey) {
    return underscore(rawKey);

When working with a new API, this style of debugging comes in handy. You have access to the Ember.String object for when you need to manipulate the attr argument to serialize your key names. Thankfully, Ember and the Ember community build adapters and serializers for numerous API patterns.

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