Viewing the Web Page in the Browser

To view your web page, you need to be running the browser-sync tool that you installed in Chapter 1.

Open the terminal and change directory to your ottergram folder. Recall from Chapter 1 that you change directory using the cd command followed by the path of the folder you are moving into. One easy way to get the ottergram path is to Control-click (right-click) the ottergram folder in Atom’s lefthand panel and choose Copy Full Path (Figure 2.12). Then, at the command line, type cd, paste the path, and press Return.

Figure 2.12  Copying the ottergram folder path from Atom

Copying the ottergram folder path from Atom

The path you enter might look something like this:

cd /Users/chrisaquino/Projects/front-end-dev-book/ottergram

Once you are in the ottergram directory, run the following command to open Ottergram in Chrome. (We have broken the command across two lines so that it fits on the page. You should enter it on a single line.)

browser-sync start --server --browser "Google Chrome"
                   --files "stylesheets/*.css, *.html"

If Chrome is your default browser, you can leave out the --browser "Google Chrome" portion of the command:

browser-sync start --server --files "stylesheets/*.css, *.html"

This command starts browser-sync in server mode, allowing it to send responses when a browser sends a request to get a file, such as the index.html file you created.

The command you entered also tells browser-sync to automatically reload the browser if any HTML or CSS files are changed. This makes the development experience much nicer. Before tools like browser-sync, you had to manually reload the page after every change.

Figure 2.13 shows the result of entering this command on a Mac.

Figure 2.13  Starting browser-sync in the OS X Terminal

Starting browser-sync in the OS X Terminal

You should see the same output on Windows (Figure 2.14).

Figure 2.14  Starting browser-sync in the Windows Command Prompt

Starting browser-sync in the Windows Command Prompt

Once the Ottergram page has loaded in Chrome, you should see your page with the “ottergram” heading, “ottergram” as the tab label, and a series of otter photos and names (Figure 2.15).

Figure 2.15  Viewing Ottergram in the browser

Viewing Ottergram in the browser
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