


+= (concatenation operator), Creating DOM elements with jQuery
. (dot operator), Accessing DOM Elements
:focus pseudo-class, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements
:hover pseudo-class, Adding a CSS transition
:invalid pseudo-class, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements
:required pseudo-class, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements
<a> tag, Adding images
<body> tag, Initial HTML
<div> tag

about, Adding the detail image, Creating the Order Form

for styling with Bootstrap, Adding text input fields

<form> tag, Creating the Order Form
<h1> tag, Initial HTML
<head> tag, Initial HTML
<hr> tag, Deleting a Sighting
<img> tag, Adding images
<input> tag

for checkboxes, Creating DOM elements with jQuery

for radio buttons, Offering choices with radio buttons

for range sliders, Adding a range slider

for reset buttons, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

for submit buttons, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

for text input, Adding text input fields

linking to <label> tag, Linking a label and a form element, Offering choices with radio buttons

<label> tag

about, Linking a label and a form element

linking to <input> tag, Linking a label and a form element, Offering choices with radio buttons

<link> tag, Linking a stylesheet
<meta> tag, Initial HTML
<option> tag, Adding a dropdown menu
<script> tag, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty
<section> tag, Creating the Order Form
<select> tag, Adding a dropdown menu
<span> tag, Adding content
<style> tag, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements
<title> tag, Initial HTML
<ul> tag, Adding content
= (assignment operator), Declaring String Variables
== (loose equality operator), Listening for the keypress event
=== (strict equality operator), Listening for the keypress event
@font-face declaration, Adding a Font
@import directive, Configuration
@media declaration, Adding a Media Query
{{#each}} helper, Loops with {{#each}}
{{#if}} helper, Conditionals
{{#link-to}} helper, Links
{{action}} helper, New Sightings
{{if}} helper, Binding element attributes
{{outlet}} helper, ember generate, Nesting Routes
{{x-select}} component, New Sightings
{{yield}} helper, Iterator Items as Components
|| (default/logical or operator), Adding Modules to a Namespace


<a> tag, Adding images
absolute positioning, Absolute and Relative Positioning
{{action}} helper, New Sightings
actual viewport (see layout viewport)
add method, Writing the JavaScript to hide the detail image
addEventListener method, Adding an Event Listener
afterModel method, For the More Curious: setupController and afterModel

about, Ajax

and jQuery, XMLHttpRequest Objects

XMLHttpRequest API, XMLHttpRequest Objects

align-items flexbox property, Centering the detail image
alt attribute, Adding images
anchor tags (see <a> tag)
anonymous functions

about, Adding an Event Listener

vs named functions in callbacks, For the More Curious: Closures

arguments, Accepting arguments by declaring parameters
arrow functions

about, Handling events and sending messages

vs anonymous functions, For the More Curious: Arrow Functions

assignment operator (=), Declaring String Variables
asynchronous communication

about, Ajax

in callbacks, Adding a callback argument


autocompletion with emmet, Initial HTML, Adding content

copying the project path, Viewing the Web Page in the Browser

creating a file, Setting Up Ottergram

creating a folder, Setting Up Ottergram

finding and replacing text, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty

installing, Installing and Configuring Atom

opening a project, Setting Up Ottergram

plug-ins, Atom plug-ins

snippets, Adding a Font

atomic styling

about, Styles

flexbox as an exception to, Ordering, justifying, and aligning flex items

attr method, Model Definitions, Transforms
attribute selectors, Style Inheritance

about, Linking a stylesheet

alt, Adding images

autofocus, Adding autofocus, UI Enhancements

Boolean, Adding autofocus, The required Attribute

checked, Offering choices with radio buttons

class, Preparing the HTML for Styling

data, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty

for, Linking a label and a form element

href, Linking a stylesheet, Adding images

id, Linking a label and a form element

name, Adding text input fields

pattern, Validating with Regular Expressions

placeholder, Showing example input with placeholder text

rel, Linking a stylesheet

required, The required Attribute

src, Adding images

type, Offering choices with radio buttons

autofocus attribute, Adding autofocus, UI Enhancements



about, Tools for Compiling JavaScript

for compiling, Class syntax

installing, Tools for Compiling JavaScript


about, Tools for Compiling JavaScript

installing, Tools for Compiling JavaScript

beforeModel method, beforeModel
belongsTo method, Model Definitions
bind method

about, Setting the value of this with bind, Registering createOrder as a submit handler

vs call, Manipulating this with call

binding to a port, Hello, World
blur event, Listening for the input event
<body> tag, Initial HTML
Boolean attributes, Adding autofocus, The required Attribute
Booleans, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

adding, Adding Bootstrap

btn class, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

btn-default class, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

checkbox class, Creating DOM elements with jQuery

container class, How Bootstrap works

documentation, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

form-control class, Adding text input fields, Adding a dropdown menu

form-group class, Adding text input fields

installing with Bower, External Libraries and Addons

borders, The box model
Bower, installing, Installing Ember
box model, Your First Styling Rule
bracket syntax, Accessing All the Thumbnails
Brackets, For the More Curious: Alternatives to Atom

removing, Locating bugs with the DevTools

restarting paused code, Locating bugs with the DevTools

setting, Locating bugs with the DevTools


installing, Installing Node.js and browser-sync

running, Viewing the Web Page in the Browser


about, Tools for Compiling JavaScript

and JavaScript dependencies, Installing jQuery as a Node Module

installing, Tools for Compiling JavaScript


communication with servers, Setting Up Your First Project

support for JavaScript versions, Using ES6 with Babel

support for web technologies, Documentation and Reference Sources

user agent stylesheet, The box model

bulleted list (see <ul> tag)


call method vs bind, Manipulating this with call

about, Adding an Event Listener

anonymous functions in, Adding an Event Listener

named functions in, Iterating Through the Array of Thumbnails

named vs anonymous functions in, For the More Curious: Closures, Documentation and Reference Sources, Creating a Styling Baseline
change event, Silver Challenge: Showing the Value as the Slider Changes
checkboxes (see <input> tag)
checked attribute, Offering choices with radio buttons
child selectors, Relationship selectors
Chrome (see Google Chrome)
class attribute

(see also individual class names)

about, Preparing the HTML for Styling

adding dynamically, Writing the JavaScript to hide the detail image

as a selector, Your First Styling Rule

removing dynamically, Showing the detail image again

vs data attributes, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty

class selectors, Your First Styling Rule
classes in JavaScript, Class syntax
classList.add method, Writing the JavaScript to hide the detail image
classList.remove method, Showing the detail image again
click event, Adding an Event Listener
close event, Silver Challenge: Closed Connection Alert
closures, For the More Curious: Closures
code comments

CSS, Style Inheritance

HTML, Writing the setDetails Function

JavaScript, Writing the setDetails Function

color formats, Color
color functions, Color
command line (see terminal commands)
compound (or complex) types, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types
concatenation operator (+=), Creating DOM elements with jQuery
connection events, Setting Up WebSockets

about, Working in the Console

entering line breaks, Adding an Event Listener

logging statements, Adding an Event Listener

opening in the drawer, Locating bugs with the DevTools, Inspecting the Ajax request and response

console.log method, Adding an Event Listener
constants, Declaring String Variables, Creating the ChatForm Class
constructor method, Class syntax

about, Constructors, Creating the ChatForm Class

implicit returns, Constructors

naming conventions, Constructors

prototype property, A constructor’s prototype

content delivery networks, Creating a Styling Baseline
controllers in MVC, Introduction to MVC and Ember
create method, New Sightings
createRecord method, createRecord
crypto-js, Using Gravatars

about, Setting Up Ottergram

history, For the More Curious: CSS Versions

properties (see properties)

selectors (see selectors (in CSS))

styling rules, Anatomy of a Style

CSS transitions

creating, State Changes with CSS Transitions

triggering with JavaScript, Triggering transitions with JavaScript

cubic-bezier property, Custom Timing Functions, Custom Timing Functions


data attributes

about, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty

accessing DOM elements with, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty

vs class attributes, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty



(see also breakpoints)

Chrome debugger, Locating bugs with the DevTools

declaration blocks, Anatomy of a Style
default (logical or) operator (||), Adding Modules to a Namespace
Deferred objects

about, Promises and Deferreds

callbacks with then, Registering Callbacks with then, Using Deferreds with Callback-Only APIs

DELETE requests, RESTful Web Services, Deleting Data from the Server, Using jQuery’s $.ajax method
descendent selectors, Relationship selectors
deserialize method, Transforms
destroyRecord method, For the More Curious: Saving and Destroying Data, Documentation and Reference Sources
Developer Tools (see DevTools)

about, The Chrome Developer Tools

adding a pseudo-class to an element, Adding a CSS transition

adding an attribute to an element, Creating styles to hide the detail image

console (see console)

device mode, Resetting the Viewport

Ember Inspector, Installing Ember, Starting up the server, Ember Inspector

opening, The Chrome Developer Tools

viewing Ajax requests, Inspecting the Ajax request and response

display: block property, The box model, Making Images Fit the Window, Flexbox
display: flex property, Creating a flex container
display: inline property, Making Images Fit the Window
display: inline-block property, Horizontal layout for thumbnails, Flexbox
display: none property, Creating styles to hide the detail image
<div> tag

about, Adding the detail image, Creating the Order Form

for styling with Bootstrap, Adding text input fields

doctype, Initial HTML
document object, Accessing DOM Elements
document object model (DOM), Style Inheritance, Accessing DOM Elements
documentation resources, Documentation and Reference Sources, Documentation and Reference Sources

Mozilla Developer Network, Documentation and Reference Sources, Documentation and Reference Sources

dot operator (.), Accessing DOM Elements
dropdown menu form fields (see <select> tag)
DS.attr method, Model Definitions, Transforms
DS.belongsTo method, Model Definitions
DS.hasMany method, Model Definitions
DS.hasOne method, Model Definitions


{{#each}} helper, Loops with {{#each}}
ease-(in/out/in-out) timing functions, Custom Timing Functions
element selectors, Style Inheritance
elements property, UI Enhancements

about, Ember: An MVC Framework

actions property, New Sightings

adapters, Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms

addons, External Libraries and Addons

afterModel method, For the More Curious: setupController and afterModel

ApplicationRoute object, ember generate

attribute binding, Class Name Bindings

beforeModel method, beforeModel

building and running a project, Starting up the server

class name binding, Class Name Bindings

closure actions, Actions Up

components, Components

computed properties, Computed Properties

Content Security Policy, Content Security Policy

controllers, Controllers

create method, New Sightings

createRecord method, createRecord

creating a project, Creating an Ember application

deserialize method, Transforms

destroyRecord method, For the More Curious: Saving and Destroying Data

DS.attr method, Model Definitions, Transforms

DS.belongsTo method, Model Definitions

DS.hasMany method, Model Definitions

DS.hasOne method, Model Definitions

Ember Data, Models and Data Binding, Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms

.extend method, ember generate

findAll method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data

findRecord method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data

generating adapters, Adapters

generating components, Iterator Items as Components

generating controllers, New Sightings

generating custom helpers, Custom Helpers

generating models, Model Definitions

generating routes, ember generate

generating serializers, Serializers

get method, get and set

JSONAPIAdapter object, Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms, Adapters

model method, Assigning Models

models, Models and Data Binding

naming conventions, Routing, Routes, and Models

nesting routes, Nesting Routes

nesting templates, Nesting Routes

peekAll method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data

peekRecord method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data

query method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data

queryRecord method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data

route lifecycle hooks, Routing, Routes, and Models

route method, ember generate, Nesting Routes

Route object, Assigning Models

Router object, Routing, Routes, and Models, ember generate method, ember generate

save method, For the More Curious: Saving and Destroying Data

serialize method, Transforms

serializers, Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms, Serializers, Transforms

set method, get and set

setupController method, Assigning Models, beforeModel, For the More Curious: setupController and afterModel

store object, createRecord

templates, Configuration, Views and Templates

transforms, Data – Adapters, Serializers, and Transforms

transitionToRoute method, New Sightings

URL routing in, ember generate, Nesting Routes

x-select, New Sightings

{{outlet}} helper, ember generate, Nesting Routes

Ember CLI Mirage, For the More Curious: Ember CLI Mirage
Ember CLI, installing, Installing Ember
Ember Inspector

about, Starting up the server, Ember Inspector

installing, Installing Ember

Ember.computed method, Computed Properties
Ember.computed.alias property, Editing a Sighting
Ember.Object class, Models and Data Binding, get and set
enhanced object literals, Connection handling
Error type, Configuring instances of FormHandler with a selector
escaping characters, Declaring String Variables
event delegation, Writing the addClickHandler method
event listeners, Adding an Event Listener, Listening for the keypress event
event objects, Adding an Event Listener

about, Adding an Event Listener

blur, Listening for the input event

change, Silver Challenge: Showing the Value as the Slider Changes

click, Adding an Event Listener

close, Silver Challenge: Closed Connection Alert

connection, Setting Up WebSockets

input, Listening for the input event

keydown, Listening for the keypress event

keypress, Listening for the keypress event

keyup, Listening for the keypress event

message, Setting Up WebSockets

onchange, New Sightings

submit, Adding the submit Handler

export keyword, for named exports, Creating the ChatForm Class
.extend method, ember generate
extends keyword, User Session Storage


favicon.ico, For the More Curious: The favicon.ico
filtering selectors, Writing the addClickHandler method
findAll method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data
findRecord method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data
firebase, For the More Curious: WebSockets as a Service

about, Responsive Layouts with Flexbox

display: flex property, Creating a flex container

flex containers, Creating a flex container, Ordering, justifying, and aligning flex items

flex items, Creating a flex container

flex shorthand property, The flex shorthand property

flex-basis property, The flex shorthand property

flex-direction property, Changing the flex-direction

flex-grow property, The flex shorthand property

flex-shrink property, The flex shorthand property

Flexbugs resource, For the More Curious: Common Solutions (and Bugs) with Flexbox Layouts

main and cross axes, Creating a flex container

order property, Ordering, justifying, and aligning flex items

Solved by Flexbox resource, For the More Curious: Common Solutions (and Bugs) with Flexbox Layouts

flexible box model (see flexbox)
focus method, UI Enhancements
:focus pseudo-class, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements
Font Awesome, Silver Challenge: Adding Font Awesome
@font-face declaration, Adding a Font
fonts, adding, Adding a Font
for attribute, Linking a label and a form element
forEach method, Iterating Through the Array of Thumbnails, For the More Curious: Setting this in forEach’s Callback
<form> tag, Creating the Order Form
function scope, Adding an Event Listener

about, Handling Events with JavaScript, Writing the setDetails Function

anonymous, Adding an Event Listener

anonymous vs named in callbacks, Iterating Through the Array of Thumbnails, For the More Curious: Closures

arguments and parameters, Accepting arguments by declaring parameters

arrow, Handling events and sending messages, For the More Curious: Arrow Functions

as arguments, Returning Values from Functions

as objects, A constructor’s prototype

callbacks, Adding an Event Listener

calling, Writing the setDetails Function

declaring, Writing the setDetails Function

exporting instances to the global namespace, Creating the Truck instance

named, Adding an Event Listener

properties of, A constructor’s prototype

returning a value, Returning Values from Functions


get method, get and set
GET requests, RESTful Web Services, Using jQuery’s $.ajax method
getAttribute method, Returning Values from Functions
global namespace, The module pattern
global scope, Adding an Event Listener
Google Chrome

Developer Tools (see DevTools)

installing, Installing Google Chrome

Gravatars, Using Gravatars


<h1> tag, Initial HTML

about, Handlebars

binding element attributes, Binding element attributes

conditionals, Conditionals

creating custom helpers, Custom Helpers

helpers, Helpers

links, Links

loops, Loops with {{#each}}

hasMany method, Model Definitions
hasOne method, Model Definitions
<head> tag, Initial HTML
Homebrew, installing, Installing Ember
horizontal rule (see <hr> tag)
<hr> tag, Deleting a Sighting
href attribute, Linking a stylesheet, Adding images
HTML, Initial HTML
HTML attributes (see attributes)
HTML elements

accessing in JavaScript, Writing the JavaScript to hide the detail image

list, Initial HTML

replaced, Adding images

HTML tags

<a>, Adding images

<body>, Initial HTML

<div>, Adding the detail image, Creating the Order Form

<form>, Creating the Order Form

<h1>, Initial HTML

<head>, Initial HTML

<hr>, Deleting a Sighting

<img>, Adding images

<input>, Adding text input fields, Offering choices with radio buttons

<label>, Linking a label and a form element

<link>, Linking a stylesheet

<meta>, Initial HTML

<option>, Adding a dropdown menu

<script>, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty

<section>, Creating the Order Form

<select>, Adding a dropdown menu

<span>, Adding content

<style>, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements

<title>, Initial HTML

<ul>, Adding content

about, Initial HTML

list, Initial HTML

self-closing, Adding images, Documentation and Reference Sources
HTMLCollections, For the More Curious: NodeLists and HTMLCollections
HTTP status codes, XMLHttpRequest Objects
HTTP verbs

about, RESTful Web Services

and URL paths, RESTful Web Services


id attribute, Linking a label and a form element
ID selectors, For the More Curious: Specificity! When Selectors Collide…
ideal viewport, Resetting the Viewport
{{if}} helper, Binding element attributes
{{#if}} helper, Conditionals
image tags (see <img> tag)
<img> tag, Adding images
immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs)

about, The module pattern

modifying an object with, Modifying an object with an IIFE

implicit return, Constructors
@import directive, Configuration
import keyword, for named imports, Creating the ChatForm Class
input event, Listening for the input event
<input> tag

for checkboxes, Creating DOM elements with jQuery

for radio buttons, Offering choices with radio buttons

for range sliders, Adding a range slider

for reset buttons, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

for submit buttons, Adding Submit and Reset buttons

for text input, Adding text input fields

linking to <label> tag, Linking a label and a form element, Offering choices with radio buttons

:invalid pseudo-class, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements


<label> tag

about, Linking a label and a form element

linking to <input> tag, Linking a label and a form element, Offering choices with radio buttons

layout viewport, Adaptive Layouts with Media Queries, Resetting the Viewport
linear timing function, Using a timing function, Custom Timing Functions
<link> tag, Linking a stylesheet
{{#link-to}} helper, Links
linting, Atom plug-ins
list-style property, Adjusting the Space Between Items
local scope, Adding an Event Listener
localStorage vs sessionStorage, User Session Storage
logical or (default) operator (||), Adding Modules to a Namespace
loose equality operator (==), Listening for the keypress event


Mac Terminal, opening, Crash Course in the Command Line
margin property, The box model
margins, The box model
MDN (see Mozilla Developer Network)
@media declaration, Adding a Media Query
media queries

about, Adding a Media Query

location in stylesheet, Creating styles to hide the detail image

media types, Adding a Media Query, For the More Curious: MIME Types
message events, Setting Up WebSockets
<meta> tag, Initial HTML

(see also functions)

(see also individual method names)

MIME types, For the More Curious: MIME Types
mobile-first development, Expanding the Interface
model method, Assigning Models
Model-View-Controller (MVC), Introduction to MVC and Ember
models in MVC, Introduction to MVC and Ember

about, Modules

exporting, Using Browserify for Packaging Modules

importing, Using Browserify for Packaging Modules

pattern, The module pattern

moment, Formatting and Updating Message Timestamps
Mozilla Developer Network, Documentation and Reference Sources
MVC (see Model-View-Controller (MVC))


name attribute, Adding text input fields
named exports, Creating the ChatForm Class
named functions

about, Adding an Event Listener

vs anonymous functions in callbacks, Iterating Through the Array of Thumbnails, For the More Curious: Closures

named imports, Creating the ChatForm Class

about, The module pattern

adding modules to, Adding Modules to a Namespace

using objects as, Adding Modules to a Namespace

new keyword, Constructors, A constructor’s prototype

about, Introduction to Node.js

custom modules, Creating a custom module

error handling, Error Handling

fs module, Reading a file with the fs module

fs.readFile method, Reading a file with the fs module

http module, Hello, World

http.createServer function, Hello, World

installing, Installing Node.js and browser-sync

module.exports, Creating a custom module

nodemon module, Adding an npm Script

npm install --save-dev option, Adding an npm Script

npm Module Registry, For the More Curious: npm Module Registry

path module, Using the path module

require function, Hello, World

server.listen function, Hello, World

starting a Node server, Hello, World

ws module, Setting Up WebSockets

NodeLists, Accessing All the Thumbnails, For the More Curious: NodeLists and HTMLCollections
normalize.css, installing, Creating a Styling Baseline
null type, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types
numbers, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types


objects, Accessing DOM Elements
onchange event, New Sightings
<option> tag, Adding a dropdown menu
order flexbox property, Ordering, justifying, and aligning flex items
{{outlet}} helper, ember generate, Nesting Routes
overflow property, Adding a Media Query
overflow-x property, Horizontal layout for thumbnails



about, Node and npm

creating, npm init

padding, The box model
padding property, The box model
parameters (in JavaScript functions), Accepting arguments by declaring parameters
pattern attribute, Validating with Regular Expressions
peekAll method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data
peekRecord method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data
pixels (px), The box model
placeholder attribute, Showing example input with placeholder text
position: absolute property, Absolute and Relative Positioning
position: relative property, Absolute and Relative Positioning
POST requests, RESTful Web Services, Using jQuery’s $.ajax method
Postman, For the More Curious: Postman
preventDefault, Adding the submit Handler
primtive types, Working in the Console, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

about, Promises and Deferreds

creating, Creating and returning Promises

prompt function, Prompting for Username

about, Anatomy of a Style

align-items, Centering the detail image

border, The box model

cubic-bezier, Custom Timing Functions

display: block, The box model, Making Images Fit the Window, Flexbox

display: flex, Creating a flex container

display: inline, Making Images Fit the Window

display: inline-block, Horizontal layout for thumbnails, Flexbox

display: none, Creating styles to hide the detail image

elements, UI Enhancements

flex, The flex shorthand property

flex-basis, The flex shorthand property

flex-direction, Changing the flex-direction

flex-grow, The flex shorthand property

flex-shrink, The flex shorthand property

justify-content, Ordering, justifying, and aligning flex items, Centering the detail image

list-style, Adjusting the Space Between Items

margin, The box model

order, Ordering, justifying, and aligning flex items

overflow, Adding a Media Query

overflow-x: auto, Horizontal layout for thumbnails

padding, The box model

position: absolute, Absolute and Relative Positioning

position: relative, Absolute and Relative Positioning

prototype, A constructor’s prototype

shorthand, The box model

text-align, Centering the detail image

text-decoration, Style Inheritance

text-shadow, Absolute and Relative Positioning

textContent, Writing the setDetails Function

transform, Working with the transform property

white-space, Horizontal layout for thumbnails

width, Making Images Fit the Window

prototype property, A constructor’s prototype

:focus, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements

:hover, Adding a CSS transition

:invalid, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements

:required, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements

about, Adding a CSS transition

testing in DevTools, Adding a CSS transition

push method, Creating the Chat Server Functionality
PUT requests, RESTful Web Services


query method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data
queryRecord method, For the More Curious: Retrieving Data
querySelector method, Accessing DOM Elements
querySelectorAll method, Accessing All the Thumbnails


radio button form fields (see <input> tag)
range slider form fields (see <input> tag)
recency (in CSS), For the More Curious: Specificity! When Selectors Collide…
regular expressions, Validating with Regular Expressions, Constraint Validation API
rel attribute, Linking a stylesheet
relationship selectors, Relationship selectors
remove method, Showing the detail image again
replaced elements, Adding images
required attribute, The required Attribute
:required pseudo-class, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements
reset buttons (see <input> tag)
reset method, UI Enhancements
resource files, Adding images
RESTful web services, RESTful Web Services
return statement, Returning Values from Functions
rgb and rgba, Color
route method, ember generate, Nesting Routes method, ember generate


save method, For the More Curious: Saving and Destroying Data
<script> tag, Preparing the Anchor Tags for Duty
scrolling, Horizontal layout for thumbnails
<section> tag, Creating the Order Form
<select> tag, Adding a dropdown menu
selectors (in CSS)

about, Anatomy of a Style

attribute, Style Inheritance

child, Relationship selectors

class, Your First Styling Rule

descendent, Relationship selectors

element, Style Inheritance

grouping, Creating a flex container

ID, For the More Curious: Specificity! When Selectors Collide…

modifying with pseudo-classes, Adding a CSS transition

relationship, Relationship selectors

sibling, Relationship selectors

specificity, Anatomy of a Style, For the More Curious: Specificity! When Selectors Collide…

specificity vs recency, Creating styles to hide the detail image

self-closing tags, Adding images
serialize method, Transforms
sessionStorage vs localStorage, User Session Storage
set method, get and set
setAttribute method, Accessing DOM Elements
setCustomValidity method, Triggering the validity check
setTimeout method, Triggering transitions with JavaScript
setupController method, Assigning Models, beforeModel, For the More Curious: setupController and afterModel
shorthand properties, The box model
sibling selectors, Relationship selectors
<span> tag, Adding content
specificity calculator, For the More Curious: Specificity! When Selectors Collide…
src attribute, Adding images, Documentation and Reference Sources
strict equality operator (===), Listening for the keypress event
strict mode, For the More Curious: Strict Mode
strings, Declaring String Variables, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types
style inheritance

about, Style Inheritance

overriding, The box model

<style> tag, Styling Valid and Invalid Elements

about, Setting Up Ottergram

linking, Linking a stylesheet

user agent stylesheet, The box model

styling rules (in CSS), Anatomy of a Style
subclasses, User Session Storage
submit buttons (see <input> tag)
submit event, Adding the submit Handler
super method, User Session Storage


template strings, Using Gravatars
terminal commands

about, Crash Course in the Command Line

changing directories, Changing directories

creating a directory, Creating a directory

installing tools with npm, Installing Node.js and browser-sync

listing files, Listing files in a directory

quitting a program, Quitting a program

showing the current directory, Finding out what directory you are in

using administrator privileges, Getting administrator privileges

text input form fields (see <input> tag)
text-align property, Centering the detail image
text-decoration property, Style Inheritance
text-shadow, Absolute and Relative Positioning
textContent property, Writing the setDetails Function
then method, Registering Callbacks with then, Using Deferreds with Callback-Only APIs
this keyword

about, Constructors, A constructor’s prototype

in callbacks, Locating bugs with the DevTools

setting value with bind, Setting the value of this with bind

setting value with call, Manipulating this with call

timing functions

about, Using a timing function, Custom Timing Functions

custom, Custom Timing Functions

ease-(in/out/in-out), Custom Timing Functions

linear, Using a timing function, Custom Timing Functions

<title> tag, Initial HTML
transform property, Working with the transform property
transition declaration, Adding a CSS transition
transitionToRoute method, New Sightings
type attribute, Offering choices with radio buttons
type coercion, Listening for the keypress event, For the More Curious: Rules for Type Coercion

Boolean, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

compound (or complex), For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

null, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

number, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

primitive, Working in the Console, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

string, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types

undefined, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types


<ul> tag, Adding content
Uncaught TypeError, Locating bugs with the DevTools
undefined type, For the More Curious: JavaScript Types
unordered list (see <ul> tag)
URL paths and HTTP verbs, RESTful Web Services
URL routing

about, Routing, Routes, and Models

and Ember routes, ember generate, Nesting Routes

user agent stylesheet, The box model


{{x-select}} component, New Sightings


{{yield}} helper, Iterator Items as Components
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