Setting Up CoffeeRun

Enough theory – let’s get to work. Because this is a new project, start by creating a new directory. Open Atom and choose FileAdd Project Folder.... Select your front-end-dev-book directory and click New Folder. Name the new folder coffeerun and click Open.

Next, Control-click (right-click) your new coffeerun folder in Atom’s navigation panel. Choose New File and enter index.html for the filename. Control-click (right-click) on coffeerun again and choose New Folder. Name the folder scripts.

In your front-end-dev-book folder, you should now have a folder for each of your projects, ottergram and coffeerun, with similar file structures (Figure 8.5).

Figure 8.5  Creating files and folders for CoffeeRun

Creating files and folders for CoffeeRun

If you already have a terminal session open and running browser-sync, close browser-sync using Control-C. If you do not, open a new terminal window. Either way, change to your new coffeerun directory (refer to the commands in Chapter 1 if you are not sure about how to do this) and start browser-sync again. As a reminder, the command to start it is browser-sync start --server --files "stylesheets/*.css, scripts/*.js, *.html".

In index.html add the basic skeleton of your document. (Remember, Atom’s autocomplete will do most of this for you; just start typing “html.”)

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">


You are now ready to create your first module!

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