Using FormHandler

In main.js, you need to instantiate a FormHandler instance and pass it the selector for the <form> element: [data-coffee-order="form"]. Create a variable at the top of main.js for this selector so that it can be reused if needed.

(function (window) {
  'use strict';
  var FORM_SELECTOR = '[data-coffee-order="form"]';
  var App = window.App;

Next, create a local variable called FormHandler and assign it to App.FormHandler.

(function (window) {
  'use strict';
  var FORM_SELECTOR = '[data-coffee-order="form"]';
  var App = window.App;
  var Truck = App.Truck;
  var DataStore = App.DataStore;
  var FormHandler = App.FormHandler;
  var myTruck = new Truck('ncc-1701', new DataStore());

At the end of the main.js module, call the FormHandler constructor and pass it the FORM_SELECTOR variable. This will make sure that the instance of FormHandler will work with the DOM element matching that selector. Assign the instance to a new variable called FormHandler.

  var Truck = App.Truck;
  var DataStore = App.DataStore;
  var FormHandler = App.FormHandler;
  var myTruck = new Truck('ncc-1701', new DataStore());
  window.myTruck = myTruck;
  var formHandler = new FormHandler(FORM_SELECTOR);


When you save your code and return to the browser, the console should report Setting submit handler for form, showing that addSubmitHandler was called when the page loaded. However, if you fill out and submit the form, you will get an error (Figure 10.6).

Figure 10.6  Calling addSubmitHandler on page load

Calling addSubmitHandler on page load

This is because you did not pass anything to addSubmitHandler. You will correct that in the next section.

Registering createOrder as a submit handler

You want createOrder to be called each time a submit event occurs. But you cannot just pass a reference to createOrder to formHandler.addSubmitHandler. This is because createOrder’s owner changes when it is invoked inside of the event handling callback. With a different owner, the value of this inside the body of createOrder will not be the Truck instance, thus causing an error when createOrder runs.

Instead, you will pass a bound reference to myTruck.createOrder to formHandler.addSubmitHandler.

Update formhandler.js with this change. Make sure to bind the method reference so that its owner is guaranteed to be myTruck.

  window.myTruck = myTruck;
  var formHandler = new FormHandler(FORM_SELECTOR);


Could you have added bind to the definition of the original prototype method? When defining prototype methods, you have access to the instance, but only inside the method body. bind requires you to have a reference to the intended owner of the invocation – a reference that must be available outside of the method body. As you have no way of referencing the instance from outside the method body, you cannot bind the original prototype method.

Save and fill out your form. After you submit, you should be able to call myTruck.printOrders and see that the data you entered into the form has been added to the list of pending orders, as shown in Figure 10.7.

Figure 10.7  createOrder is called when the form is submitted

createOrder is called when the form is submitted
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