UI Enhancements

It would be nice if the form were cleared of its old data after it was submitted, so that the user could immediately start entering the next order. Resetting the form is as simple as calling the <form> element’s reset method.

Find the FormHandler.prototype.addSubmitHandler method in formhandler.js. At the end of the this.$formElement.on('submit'...) callback, add a call to the form’s reset method:

  FormHandler.prototype.addSubmitHandler = function (fn) {
    console.log('Setting submit handler for form');
    this.$formElement.on('submit', function (event) {

      var data = {};
      $(this).serializeArray().forEach(function (item) {
        data[item.name] = item.value;
        console.log(item.name + ' is ' + item.value);

Save and enter some data into the form. When you submit the form, you should see that the data is cleared out.

Finally, add one last tweak to the UI. When a form field is ready for input, it has focus, as you saw in the last chapter. To set the focus on a specific form field, you can call its focus method. (The autofocus attribute you added to the coffee order field only takes effect when the page first loads.)

You can conveniently access the individual form fields via the form’s elements property. The elements property is an array of the form’s fields, which you can refer to by their indices, starting with 0.

In formhandler.js, right after the call to this.reset in the submit handler callback, invoke the focus method on the first field.

  FormHandler.prototype.addSubmitHandler = function (fn) {
    console.log('Setting submit handler for form');
    this.$formElement.on('submit', function (event) {

      var data = {};
      $(this).serializeArray().forEach(function (item) {
        data[item.name] = item.value;
        console.log(item.name + ' is ' + item.value);

CoffeeRun is now jQuery-powered and can accept user input! You have bridged the gap between your HTML and your JavaScript modules. In the next chapter, you will complete the picture by creating interactive DOM elements based on the data captured from the form.

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