Appendix B. Suggested Reading List

A lot of material exists. The blogosphere, vendor (and others) ebooks, and web performance meetup groups (such as the excellent London Web Perf MeetUp) are all good sources for keeping abreast of recent developments. For core reading, the following are a good start:

Title Author Pub Year Technical [1L:5H] Notes
High Performance Websites S. Souders O’Reilly 2008 4 The classic. Good for core principles, but some of the detail now superseded.
Even Faster Websites S. Souders et al. O’Reilly 2009 4 An expanded version of the initial treatment.
High Performance Browser Networking I. Grigorik O’Reilly 2013 5 A comprehensive guide to this important area.
Using WebPagetest R. Viscomi et al. O’Reilly 2016 3 A how-to guide to one of the most popular free test tools.
The Art of Application Performance Testing 2nd Edition 2015 I. Molyneaux O’Reilly 2015/2017 3 Currently being revised and updated prior to release of an ebook edition.
A useful guide to the practice of performance load testing. Includes material relevant to end user monitoring practice (statistical analysis, key performance indicators, etc.
Effective Performance Engineering T. DeCapua & S. Evans O’Reilly 2016 2 A useful high-level treatment.
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