Abacus, 34

ABC Computer, 8

absolute referencing, 280

access data types, 359360

accuracy, 2

active matrix, 36

actuator, 41

address bar and status bar, 163

admission scheduler, 118

Advanced Research Projects Agency

Network (ARPANET), 456

algorithm, 9091

defined, 90

properties, 90

alignment tab, 269

American National Standard

Institute (ANSI), 91

American Standard Code for

Information Interchange (ASCII), 6567

amplitude, 421

amplitude modulation, 427

analog and digital data transmission, 424221

analog signals, 421

digital signals, 422

analog computers, 14

analog signals, 421

analytical engine, 6

appearance tab, 161

application generators, 107

application layer, 447

application software, 7983

database management systems, 8182

desktop publishing software, 8283

image editors, 81

presentation applications, 82

spreadsheets, 8081

word processor, 80

arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), 1920

arithmetic unit, 19

logic unit, 20

artificial intelligence, 1213

aspect ratio, 33

assembler, 78, 103

assembly language, 101

advantages of, 104

disadvantages of, 104105

asynchronous transmission, 431

audio display, 472

audio system, 472

AutoContent Wizard, 317

autoformat, usage of, 270

AutoRecover feature, 324

autoshapes, 225228

auxiliary memory. See secondary memory


backlight, 36

backup, 78

backup of data, 126

bandwidth, 422

bar code data, 2

bar code reader, 2829

batch processing operating system, 114

binary addition, 5859

binary arithmetic, 5861

binary addition, 5859

binary subtraction, 5961

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), 6465

binary number system, 5253

binary subtraction, 5961

borders and patterns tab, 269

bound medium, 423

bridge, 448449

Broadband, 423, 463464

browser, 458

buffer, 126

bus topology, 441

advantages of, 441

disadvantages, 441

business graphics. See

presentation graphics


cable modem, 463

calculator, 180181

calendar, 398400

making an appointment, 399400

scheduling activities, 398399

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), 3536

cells, 259

Center for Development of

Advanced Computer (C-DAC), central processing unit, 18, 19

chart wizard, 283

charts, 283

changing chart type and, 287

creating of, 283285

resizing and moving, 285

saving a chart, 287288

types of, 283

using chart toolbar, 286

chat rooms, 471

circuit switching, 433434

circular wait, 120

cladding, 425

client/server network, 436437

clip art, 223224

coaxial cable, 424425

coding, 89

coding schemes, 6369

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 6567

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), 6465

Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), 6769

Colossus, 8

columns, 259

command line interface (CLI), 112, 128

common medium, 429

common task area, 164

communication system, 419

compiler, 77, 106

compression, 473

computer, 12

applications of, 4345

characteristics of, 23

classification of, 1318

development of, 37

generation, 913

limitations of, 3

computer languages, 100101

assembly language, 101

generation of, 100107

high-level languages (HLL), 101

machine language, 100, 101

computer monitor, 3339

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), 3536

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), 3637

computer program, 87

development of, 8890

program development cycle, 8889

computer protocol, 444

computer software, 7374

application software, 7983

categories of, 7483

system software, 7579

contacts, 385391

creating of, 385387

filtering of, 390

finding of, 387388

sorting of, 388390

control panel, 179180

control unit, 20

conversion between number bases, 5458

converting among binary, octal, and hexadecimal, 5658

converting binary, octal, and hexadecimal to decimal, 5556

converting decimal to binary, octal, and hexadecimal, 5455

core, 425

crosstalk, 424


data communication

analog and digital data

transmission and, 424221

components of, 418419

data transmission modes and, 420421

measurement and, 423424

modulation and, 427429

multiplexing and, 429432

transmission media and, 423427

data link layer, 446

data recovery, 78

data tables, 303304

one variable data table. 303

two variable data table. 303

data transmission modes, 420421

full-duplex, 421

half-duplex, 421

simplex, 421

data. See records


closing of, 353

creating of, 352

objects and, 355

opening of, 353

saving of, 352

database management systems, 8182

database objects, 355

database windows, 355

date and time functions, 279

deadlock, 119120

deadlock avoidance, 120

deadlock prevention, 120

deadlock avoidance, 120

deadlock prevention, 120

decimal number system, 52

demultiplexer (DEMUX), 429

Department of Defense (DOD), 456

desktop, 155161

customising and, 159161

icons and, 158159

taskbar, 156

desktop computer, 15

desktop folder, 155

desktop icons, 158159

organizing and, 159

desktop publishing software, 8283

details view, 164

device drivers, 7677, 126

device management, 76, 125126

spooling and, 126

Dialler software, 464

Dial-up, 463

difference engine, 6

differential analyzer, 7

digital computers, 14

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 16

digital scanner, 24

digital signals, 422

diode, 7

directory path, 125

directory, 125, 130

disk cleanup, 79, 178

disk defragmenter, 178

disk management, 79

document view, 193

document map, 194

normal view, 193

outline view, 194

print layout view, 194

reading layout view, 194

thumbnails, 194

web layout view, 193

documentation, 89

dot pitch, 34

download and upload, 461

DSL, 463


earth stations, 427

Eckert-Mauchly Corporation, 9

e-commerce, 473

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 473

Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), 89

Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC), 8

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), 473

Electronic mail, 468, 476483

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator, (ENIAC), 8

embedded operating system, 115

Excel workbooks, 259261

closing of, 261

creation of, 260

opening of, 260

saving of, 261

working with, 259261

Excel worksheets, 261275

advanced features, 302309

do and undo, 275

editing of, 264270

entering data in cells, 262263

finding and replacing cells, 273274

formulas and functions, 275282

importing data, 293295

inserting a linked object in, 292

inserting an embedded object in, 289291

inserting charts, 282288

inserting pivottable, 295298

naming of a range of cells, 263264

navigating through cells, 263

printing in, 299302

sorting, 288289

using Autosum and, 279

using cut, copy and paste, 271273

what-if analysis, 302

working with data form, 307307

working with filters, 307309

working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, 303303

expert system, 12

Extended Binary Coded Decimal

Interchange Code (EBCDIC), 6769

external commands, 138

external modem, 463

external MS-DOS commands, 138145


fifth generation of computers, 1213

filament, 35

File Allocation Table (FAT), 145

file management, 76, 78, 125

file manager, 125

file naming conventions, 129

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 462, 469

file, 129, 164

creation of, 165

moving and copying of, 166167

renaming of, 167

deleting of, 167

firewall, 79

first generation vacuum tubes, 910

characteristics of, 910

First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), 119

flat-bed plotter, 33

flat-bed scanners, 2526

Floating Point Operation Per Second (FLOPS), 17

floppy disk, 3940

read and write operation of, 3940

floppy disk drive (FDD), 39

flowcharts, 91100

defined, 91

guidelines for preparing, 9395

importance of, 91

limitations of, 100

repetition flowchart, 9697

selection flowchart, 9596

sequence flowchart, 95

symbols used, 9293

folders, 165

creation of, 165

deleting of, 167

moving and copying of, 166167

renaming of, 167

font tab, 269

formatting, 334

formatting cells, 267268

forms, 355, 370372

formula bar, 258

formulas, 279282

editing and deleting of, 281

error values, 282

handling operators in, 281282


fourth generation microprocessors, 1112

characteristics of, 12

fourth generation languages (4GLs), 106

advantages of, 107

disadvantages, 107

fragmentation, 122

frames, 468

frequency, 421

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM), 430

frequency modulation, 427428

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), 428

full-duplex, 421

functions, 275279

date and time, 279

logical, 277278

math and trig, 277

statistical, 278

text, 278


gateway, 450

general-purpose computer, 14

GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out), 2

Google Search, 486

graphical user interface (GUI), 112, 128

graphics, 222230

adding to document, 222230

drawing of, 225230

inserting picture from a file, 222224

using autoshapes, 335337

WordArt, 337338

ground frequency propagation, 425

guided media, 423425

coaxial cable, 424425

optical fibre, 425

twisted pair, 423424


half-duplex, 421

hand-held computers, 1516

hand-held scanner, 2526

handout master, 330

hard disk, 4041

read and write operation of, 4041

header/footer tab, 299

hexadecimal arithmetic, 6263

hexadecimal addition, 6263

hexadecimal subtraction, 6263

hexadecimal number system, 5354

high-level languages (HLL), 101

advantages of, 105106

disadvantages of, 106

high-level programming languages, 77

Hollerith's Tabulator, 7

hub, 448

hybrid computer, 1415

Hypertext, 460


icon view, 164

image editors, 81

input devices, 2129

bar code reader, 2829

digital scanner, 24

joystick, 24

keyboard, 2122

light pen, 24

magnetic ink character reader (MICR), 28

mouse, 23

optical character recognition (OCR), 2627

optical mark reader. (OMR), 27

pointing device, 2223

scanners, 24

touch screen, 25

trackball, 23

input unit, 18, 19

inserting pivottable, 295298

instant messaging, 471

integrated circuits, 11

integrated circuit (IC) technology, 11

characteristics of, 10

inter-block gap (IBG), 43

internal modem, 463

internal MS-DOS commands, 129138

Internet, 455

anatomy of, 457

evolution of, 456457

getting connected to, 462464

owner of, 457

protocols of, 462

terminology of, 458461

uses of, 464476

Internet Architecture Board (IAB), 457

Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), 457

Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), 457

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 457

Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC), 457

Internet protocol, 462

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 462

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 462

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), 462

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 462

Transmission Control


Protocol (TCP/IP), 462

Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 471

Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), 457

Internet Service Provider (ISP), 460

Internet Society (ISOC), 457

Internet telephony, 471

Internet terminology, 458461

browser, 458

download and upload, 461

home page, 458

Hypertext, 460

Internet Service Provider (ISP), 460

online and offline, 461

Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 459460

web page, 458

web server 461

website, 458

interpreter, 77

inter-record gap (IRG), 43

ionospheric propagation, 426

ISDN, 463


jacket, 424

journal, 406412

joystick, 24


keyboard, 2122

keyboard shortcuts, 249250, 309310, 413

Microsoft Excel and, 309310

Microsoft Outlook and, 413

Microsoft Word and, 249250


language translators, 7778

assembler, 78

compiler, 77

high-level programming languages, 77

interpreter, 77

machine language, 77

laptop, 15

Large Scale Integration (LSI), 11

lease line, 463

letter quality printers. See daisy

wheel printers

light pen, 24

light-weight process, 115116

line of sight propagation, 426

microwave, 426

satellite, 426

linker, 78

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), 3637

list view, 164

listserver, 476

loader, 78

Local Area Network (LAN), 439

logic unit, 20

logical address, 123

logical address space, 123

logical functions, 277278

long-term scheduler, 117


machine language, 77

advantages, 101102

disadvantages, 102

macros, 355

magnetic ink character reader (MICR), 28

magnetic tape, 4142

organization of, 4243

supply reel, 42

take-up reel, 42

magnifier, 175

mail merge, 231238

components of, 231232

steps for, 232238

mailing list, 4775

mails, 391397

adding an e-mail account, 391393

creating a new mail message, 393395

sending and receiving of, 396

viewing, replying to and forwarding of, 396397

mainframe computers, 1617

margins tab, 299

MARK-I Computer, 8

math and trig, 277

M-commerce, 474

Media Access Control (MAC), 447

medium 420

medium-term scheduler, 118

Mega Chips, 13

memory, 3743

primary memory, 3739

secondary memory, 3943

memory allocation, 121122

best fit, 122

first fit, 122

worst fit, 122

memory management, 120125

concept of virtual memory, 124

memory allocation and, 121122

page faults and, 125

paging and, 122123

protection and sharing and, 121

memory manager, 120

memory unit, 18

menu bar, 162, 192, 315, 354

mesh topology, 444

advantages of, 444

disadvantages, 444

message switching, 435

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), 439440

micro computer, 1516

laptop, 15

hand-held computers, 1516

microprocessors, 1112

Microsoft Office Access 2003, 350376

start up process, 351

using SQL and, 368370

working with access data base, 351353

working with table, 355364

Microsoft Office Excel 2003, 256310

start up process, 256259

Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, 379414

exiting from, 413

start up process, 379384

working with, 385412

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, 314345

adding multimedia and, 339340

closing a presentation, 324

creating a new presentation, 317323

designing presentation, 327343

features of, 315

opening a presentation, 322323

printing in, 343345

running slides and, 340342

saving a presentation, 323324

start up process, 314317

working with graphics, 335339

working with slides, 331332

working with, 317324

Microsoft Office Word 2003, 190252

advanced features of, 240250

document view and, 193

start up process, 191194

using index and tables, 240243

using index, 243244

using macros, 246249

using templates, 243246

work area and, 193

working with, 195197

closing a document, 197

creating a new document, 195

opening an existing document, 196

saving a document, 196197

microwave, 426

mid-range computer. See mini


Millions of Floating Point Operation Per Second, (MFLOPS), 17

mini computers, 16

miniscule chip, 11

mixed referencing 280

modem, 462463

modulation, 427429

amplitude modulation, 427

frequency modulation, 427428

phase modulation, 428

modules, 355

mouse, 23

MS-DOS commands, 129145

external MS-DOS commands, 138145

internal MS-DOS commands, 129138

multiplexer (MUX), 429

synchronous and asynchronous transmission, 431432

multiplexing, 429432

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM), 430

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), 430431

multi-processor operating system, 114115

multiprogramming, 117

multi-tasking operating system, 114

multithreading, 117

multi-user operating system, 114

My Computer, 161164

address bar and status bar, 163

menu bar, 162

title bar, 162

tool bar, 162

windows pane area, 164

working with views, 164


name box, 258

Napier bones, 4

narrator, 174175

narrowband, 422

National Science Foundation (NSF), 456

natural language processing (NLP), 13

navigation, 380

navigation button, 364

navigation pane, 382

netiquette, 483

network devices, 446450

bridge, 448449

gateway, 450

hub, 448

Network interface card (NIC), 447

repeater, 447448

router, 449

switch, 449

network interface card (NIC), 447

network layer, 446

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), 462

network topologies, 440444

bus topology, 441

mesh topology, 444

ring topology, 441442

star topology, 442

tree topology, 443444

networked environment, 437

networking, 437

new blank document, 195

new presentation, 317323

by AutoContent Wizard, 317

by using design template, 320321

using blank presentation, 321322

non preemptive scheduling, 119

non-positional number system, 51

notepad, 181182

notes, 403406

creation of, 403404

setting note options and, 405406

notes master, 330

notes pane, 317

notification area, 157

number system, 5057

binary number system, 5253

conversion between number bases, 5458

decimal number system, 52

hexadecimal number system, 5354

non-positional number system, 51

octal number system, 53

positional number system, 51

types of, 5154

number tab, 268269


object code, 103

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), 289293

octal arithmetic, 6162

octal addition, 61

octal subtraction, 62

octal number system, 53

one variable data table. 303

making of, 303304

online and offline, 461

onscreen keyboard, 176

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 445

operating system, 76

batch processing operating system, 114

defined, 113

device management and, 125126

embedded operating system, 115

evolution of, 113114

file management and, 125

functions of, 115129

memory management and, 120125

multi-processor operating system, 114115

multi-tasking operating system, 114

multi-user operating system, 114

process management and, 115120

real-time operating system (RTOS), 114

security management and, 126

types of, 114115

user interface and, 127129

Windows 2000, 145146

Windows Vista, 146147

optical fibre, 425

outline tab, 325

outline/slides tabs, 317

output devices computer monitor, 3339

plotters, 3233

printer, 2930

output unit, 18, 2021


Package for CD, 343343

packet switching, 434435

page faults, 125

page frames, 122

page margins, 238239

setting of, 238239

page tab, 298

page-in, 124

pages table, 123

pages, 123, 355

paging, 122123

paint, 182184

palmtop computers, 16

parallel processing, 13, 115

Pascaline, 5

passive matrix, 36

pathname, 129

peer-to-peer network, 437439

persistence, 35

personal computer (PC), 12

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), 15

personal folders, 380

phase modulation, 428

Phase Shift Keying (PSK), 428

physical address space, 123

physical address, 123

physical layer, 446

picture, 222224

inserting from a file, 222224

editing of, 224225

picture elements, 34

PivotTable, 295

pixels, 34

plotters, 3233

drum plotter, 3233

flat-bed plotter, 33

pointing device, 2223

mouse, 23

trackball, 23

point-to-point connection, 432

port, 126

positional number system, 51

PowerPoint views, 325327

normal view, 325

slide show view, 326327

slide sorter view, 325

preemptive scheduling, 119

presentation applications, 82

presentation graphics, 314

presentation layer, 446

primary key, 358

primary memory, 3739

random access memory (ROM), 3839

read only memory (RAM), 3738

print preview, 239, 300301

printer, 2930

Daisy wheel printer, 3031

Dot matrix printer, 230

drum printer, 31

impact printers, 230

ink-jet printer, 3132

laser printer, 32

non-impact printers, 230

printing handouts, 345

process, 115116

life cycle of, 115116

light-weight process and, 115116

process scheduling and, 117

process loading, 121

process management, 76, 115120

process scheduling, 117

First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), 119

non preemptive scheduling, 119

preemptive scheduling, 119

Round Robin, 119

process table, 115

program development cycle, 8889

coding, 89

documentation, 89

implementation, 89

maintenance and enhancement, 90

semantic errors and, 89

syntax errors and, 89

task analysis, 88

programs, 73

protection tab, 270

protocol, 420

punch card machine, 56


queries, 355, 364370

query languages, 107

quick launch toolbar, 157


radio frequency propagation, 425427

ground frequency propagation, 425

ionospheric propagation, 426

line of sight propagation, 426

reading pane, 380, 382383

real-time operating system (RTOS), 114

receiver, 420

recording density, 42

records, 43, 356

adding, modifying and deleting of, 362363

recycle bin, 168169

emptying of, 168169

refresh CRT, 35

refresh rate, 34

registers, 20

relative referencing, 280

relocation, 121

remote assistance feature, 172

remote login, 469

repeater, 447448

report generators, 107

reports, 355, 373376

resolution, 34

resource sharing, 2

restoring items, 168

ring topology, 441442

advantages of, 442

disadvantages, 442

router, 449

rows, 259

ruler, 192

running slides, 340342


sand tables, 3

satellite, 426

scanners, 24

flat-bed scanners, 2526

hand-held scanner, 2526

scheduler, 117

long-term scheduler, 117

medium-term scheduler, 118

short-term scheduler, 117

screen saver, 161

screen size, 33

screen tips, 195

screen views, 317

search engines, 474476

second generation (1956–63), transistors, 10

characteristics of, 10

secondary memory, 3943

floppy disk, 3940

hard disk, 4041

magnetic tape, 4142

security management, 126

backup of data and, 126

user authentication and, 126

security management, 76

semantic errors, 89

sender, 419

sensor, 29

serial processing, 13

session layer, 446

settings tab, 161

sheet tab, 300

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP), 423

short-term scheduler, 117

simplex, 421

slide master, 328329

slide rule, 45

slide size, 343

slides, 331332

changing background of, 332

duplicating, 331

inserting and deleting of, 331

navigating between, 331

numbering, 332

working with text, 332334

slides pane, 317

slides tab, 325

software package, 74

software, 73

sorting, 288289

source code, 103

specific-purpose computers, 14

speed, 2

spelling and grammar, checking of, 219222

using auto correct options, 221

using auto spell and grammar features, 220

using spelling and grammar dialog box, 220221

using synonyms and Thesaurus, 222

spooling, 126

spreadsheets, 8081

stand-alone environment, 437

star topology, 442

advantages of, 442

disadvantages, 442

start menu, 156

statistical functions, 278

status bar, 193, 259, 355

stepped reckoner, 5

storage capability, 2

storage unit, 18, 21

primary, 21

secondary, 21

sub-directories, 125

subfolders, 165

supply reel, 42

swapping, 118, 121

switch, 449

switching, 432435

circuit switching, 433434

message switching, 435

packet switching, 434435

synchronous transmission, 431432

syntax errors, 89

system boot program, 39

system restore, 176

system software, 7579

device drivers, 7677

language translators, 7778

operating system, 76

system utility, 7879

system utilities in Windows XP, 174178

creating a restore point, 177

disk cleanup, 178

disk defragmenter, 178

magnifier, 175

narrator, 174175

onscreen keyboard, 176

system restore, 176

undo the last restoration, 177

using a restore point, 177

system utility, 7879

backup, 78

data recovery, 78

disk cleanup, 79

disk management, 79

file management, 78

firewall, 79

virus protection, 78


tab scrolling button, 259

tables, 211219, 355

adding and deleting rows and columns in, 218

borders toolbar and, 213

converting text to, 218

creating in design view, 356360

creating using a wizard, 360362

formatting text in, 215

moving and resizing of, 215

navigating and, 363364

properties of, 214

selecting parts of, 214

working with, 211214

take-up reel, 42

task, 400403

changing view of, 402

creation of, 400402

task analysis, 88

taskbar, 156

customising and, 157158

notification area, 157

quick launch toolbar, 157

start menu, 156

Telnet, 469470

templates, 246249, 327

text, 198211

adding graphics, 222230

aligning and indenting of, 203205

bullets and numbering and, 209210

finding and replacing of, 207208

format painter and, 206207

formatting of, 200203

formatting style of, 205206

header and footer, 210211

inserting of, 198199

printing of document, 238240

selecting of, 199200

undo and redo, 208209

using cut, copy and paste in, 207

text functions, 278

themes, 160

third generation computers, 11

third generation programming languages (3GL), 105

threads, 116117

thumbnails view, 164

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), 430431

time slicing, 119

title bar, 162, 192, 315, 354

title view, 164

tool bar, 162163, 192, 354

touch screen, 25

trackball, 23

transistors, 10

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 462

transmission media, 423427

guided media, 423425

unguided media, 425427

transport layer, 446

tree topology, 443444

advantages of, 444

disadvantages, 444

twisted pair, 423424

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP), 423

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), 423

two variable data table. 303

creation of, 304305


ultra-large scale integration (ULSI), 12

undo the last restoration, 177

unguided media, 425427

radio frequency propagation, 425427

Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 459460

uniprogramming, 117

Universal Automatic Computer, (UNIVAC), 9

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), 423

Usenet newsgroups, 456, 475476

user authentication, 126

user interface, 76

command line interface (CLI), 112, 128

graphical user interface (GUI), 112, 128


vacuum tube, 7, 910

Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology, 11

very-high level languages, 107

video conferencing, 472

virtual memory, 124

concept of, 124

virus protection, 78


wavelength, 421

Web browser, 464468

features of, 464

Web camera, 472

web page, 458

web server 461

website, 458

home page, 458

what-if analysis, 302

Wide Area Network (WAN), 440

wideband, 423

wild card characters, 130

Windows 2000, 145146

Windows Explorer, 168170

Windows Help and Support Center, 171172

Windows pane area, 164

Windows Vista, 146147

features of, 147

Windows XP, 153185

accessories and, 180185

advanced search in, 173174

desktop of, 155161

features of, 154

searching in, 172174

start up process, 154155

system utilities in, 174179

Windows XP Home Edition, 153

Windows XP Professional, 153

word base, 51

word processor, 80

WordArt, 228230

work area, 193

working with views, 164

details view, 164

icon view, 164

list view, 164

thumbnails view, 164

title view, 164

worksheets tab, 259

World Wide Web (WWW), 456

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 457

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